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Earth is far from hell

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we hear some people and even some with psychic abilities say earth is hell...(or that there is no hell) which to me is about as foolish or inexperienced as anyone can get although if one is in a terrible war zone and suffering then it understandable how they might say that.... but for anyone with some experience of the hell realms and its human related or non-human beings they know better the hard way or through divine protections to see same.   I'd say lets remember the teaching in the T.T.C.  where it says, "Earth follows the way of Heaven".  Granted the Earth is often used as a battleground where the of forces for good and evil take place,  but Earth herself is beautiful and in harmony, a very great magnitude of soul and weaver of life, a different order of being than mankind and mother like to all her charges.   Something as simple as walking on a sunny field of grass is divine and splendid.

Edited by old3bob

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Right now, for me,

everything is just fine.

when past & future creep in

then maybe not so much.



aw shit, news saying Irans just launched multiple missiles sonof f(k}{PK+_()**^!

Oahumnnnn.. life is also change.

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‘Here is the message of HaKadosh, the True One, the one who has the key of David, who, if he opens something, no one else can shut it, and if he closes something, no one else can open it.

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