Wun Yuen Gong

Daoist Nutrition Programs (homestudy)

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Hi All,


Im looking into doing some Nutrition type courses and was looking into 5 element type methods or a daoist way of health.

Does anyone know of any home study programs or courses, books online that one can learn?


I have a book called Healing with whole foods which is used in TCM and other courses but im looking into a full course or program hoping to do it from home as i have no time to go to Uni or Tafe.


Any help would be appreciated!!



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As a Taoist initiate of the Wudang Sect, I too have ask some of the Masters at Wudang as well as my own who is a Wudang Priest and the answer to the Taoist diet is just as simple and as complicated as the question "What is Tao?"


Taoist nutrition is based on simplicity and balance. You should stay middle of the road in flavor and spice. Don't eat anything to pungent and stay away from as many preservatives as you can.


When eating, eat to your 75% capacity of fullness so your qi can help you digest the food without leaking the qi. You should pick as many locally grown things as possible and in season. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and smaller portions of meat. Don't eat raw vegetable or overcooked. Make sure that you have a balance of flavor in your meal and eat plenty of herbal supplemented soups.


This will be in accordance to the Wuxing (5-Element) Theory.


Hope this helps.




Hi All,


Im looking into doing some Nutrition type courses and was looking into 5 element type methods or a daoist way of health.

Does anyone know of any home study programs or courses, books online that one can learn?


I have a book called Healing with whole foods which is used in TCM and other courses but im looking into a full course or program hoping to do it from home as i have no time to go to Uni or Tafe.


Any help would be appreciated!!



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Hi Wudang,


Thanks for your reply, im wondering why raw vegies would be bad i mean they are in a natural state? I know some are harder to digest but i think some of it must be ok!!


There is TCM Dietary courses that tell you the foods for 5 elements what im looking for as well i guess if i have deficiencies in certain organs i can heal them with certain foods as well look into using it for weightloss.


I think what you said would be much easier and less complicated to be honest.


kind regards


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I have studied chinese nutrition theory for years. I still use a good bit of what I learned, but I focus more on traditional tribes' dietary wisdom. Most of these groups ate lots of seafood, especially shellfish and fish eggs, some organ meats and fatty body parts, and mostly raw/unprocessed. They all had excellent health eating this way. Here's a couple of links:


Book on diet


Another link


the Weston Price foundation


I used to be raw vegan, but found that eating some raw animal products really has helped my health. Humans don't usually do as well being vegan, in my experience. Raw veggies can be hard to digest, I recommend fermenting them or lightly steaming them to make them more digestible. Animal foods can mostly be eaten raw. Coconut oil works very well for many people. Mostly low-carb is also very important. I can provide more links.

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I just read this and don't know too much about it but I do know that coconut oil is loaded with saturated fats. Not sure if you want to put that into your body




Thanks mate, did you read the weight loss using coconut oil?




kind regards


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I read somewhere that if you was stuck on an island that you could live off just coconuts, i dont know how good it would be for you eventually but just them alone can be healthy enough.


Coconuts or Macdonalds?? hmmm :blink:

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I would be extremely careful in regard to eating seafood on a regular basis.The mercury levels in most seafood is enough to trigger a immune reaction to those who have trouble dealing with heavy metals.The continous build up of mercury from seafood can effect us in a number of different ways. Memory problems,emotinal problems,allergic reactions,problems with internal organs-liver,kidney,intestines.Pellagic fish are the biggest culprits as mercury compounds the further up the food chain goes


If you are truly intrested in diet and what is right for YOU it is highly advisable to have a Queens multi panel blood test.This is a truly remarkable blood test that is very comphrensive and most importantly very individualised.


For example a strict vegeterian diet may be most beneficial for some individuals,but for others is nothing but a death sentence.


Diet is not a case of one size fits all it is advisable to understand your current state of health and your genetic makeup before inbarking on any particular dietary regime.


The Queens test will accuartely point out disease likelyhoods for you and the best way to protect yourself.The Queens test will inform you of your heavy metal load and the best method to detox.


Every single human who presently walks the earth needs to detox at least once a year. The amount of chemical exposure our bodys are subject too is enmorous. A staggering 750,000 thousand new chemicals have been introduced to the enviroment since WWII.

Toxic build up is the single biggest cause for most modern diseases cancers,auto immune diseases,allergies,autism etc.


Detox much like diet must be tailored to the individual.Some means of detox i.e. DMPS can be quite beneficial for some but deterious for others again professional consultation is required. If your not having two good shits a day your body will be under toxic stress.


Much of the information we are fed is wrong and is simply propaganda to feed the coffers of big business.


Butter is bad for you eat margarine instead.

Butter is a excellent food for those who can handle it.The saturated fats in butter like coconut oil is in a form your body can reconise and is quite beneficial in protecting people from heart disease and butaic acid in butter is great for protection against cancer.

Margarine is death.Our bodies cannot reconize the fats in margarine because of the processing it under goes

therefore our bodies cannot break it down.So what happens?It sits in our arteries clogging them up along with the free calcium that has been let loose because margarine makes are bodies highly acid.


I guess what I'am trying to stress here, is that we are- individuals- uniquely made up from ancestors to be who we our. What may be good for you may mean death for someone else.


Unless we are talking about coke or Mcdonalds which is death for everybody. :)

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You do make some good points about mercury in seafood. There are 5 things to remember about that:


1. Use your common sense. Please.


2. You should choose your seafoods to maximize nutrition and minimize mercury. Fish eggs are a perfect example of that. They are very high in nutrition, and relatively low in mercury. You should probably avoid regularly eating filter feeders like oysters. They accumulate metals of all kinds, including mercury. Avoiding the organs of bigger fish, particularly predatory fish, is also good. Mercury appears to concentrate in organs, and it is not well-excreted, which means that predatory fish that eat other predatory fish will have very high amounts of it. Particularly shark, tilefish, tuna, and king mackerel appear to have very high levels. Shrimp/lobsters/crabs are a pretty good option as well, they aren't filter feeders, and they are very high in nutrition.


It's not about eating huge amounts of seafood, it's about picking the right types, and eating in moderation. Use your common sense. Please.


3. It is quite possible to detox mercury.


a. Drink at least a quart of water daily. This is very effective at flushing mercury from the kidneys.

b. Take 15 to 25 drops of food grade 35% hydrogen peroxide in plenty of water, at least a quart, daily. Work up to this, start out with 1 to 2 drops daily. I know a man who, on this regimen, reduced his heavy metal load in a few months by 50%.

c. Take healing clays like Terramin, pascalite, etc. They are pretty good as well.

d. Eating pectin fruits also is very good for getting rid of minerals/metals of all types. Do this in moderation, you can deplete your body's stores of good minerals as well.



4. Some people are a LOT more sensitive to mercury than others. According to muscle-testing, I'm very insensitive. It's probably a good idea to have someone with lots of medical muscle-testing experience to do a double-blind muscle test for you to check this. Experienced NAET practitioners are usually very good at this. Google NAET, you may find an experienced practitioner in your area.


5. Use your common sense. Extremes are not recommended in diet, long-term. Completely avoiding seafoods is not particularly wise, nor is over-indulging.

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