
Osho Rocks!

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Osho's take on sex


is that you keep a mindset of mindfulness and reverence. If you are simply horny, just meditate until the horniness transforms to devotion and then you can be reverently sexual. Move slowly. Don't shoot yer wad. You should slowly become more romantic and devoted until just a look or a touch is an erotic thrill and then the desire for ejaculative love naturally disapears. It's a good policy to always meditate before having sex to get into the right mindset.



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Only a foolish man would disagree w/ the Buddha's Suttra's, and I am that man! I'm thinking of Harry Pains Buddhist advice of using images of bodies decaying as an antidote to sexual desire.


To me it seems like overkill. If success meant having a mental image of gross decay everytime you saw an attractive woman, it would be loss of beauty to ones life. Beauty should be a source of pleasure, energy and contemplation.


Kudos for Osho's method, sit with it, see its roots, transform it. :)





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he also discusses revulsion practices, esp the ones where a man or a woman tries to only have eyes for their spouse--sort of the Christian monogamous variation of Buddhist revulsion practices. Osho says that even that level of revulsion training will backfire on you and on your spouse.



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Have read many of Osho's books and "Book of Secrets" is definitely the best, most inspired work and very practice based. The emphasis on darkness, exhalation, and letting go really filled out my understanding of "know the light, but stick to the dark" Taoist adage. Also, what he says about the hara was very interesting--that enlightenment is always experienced in the ltt, but is often expressed in the language of the head or of the heart--so that throws off many seekers by inspiring them to look for the answer too high up on the ladder. Plus the many new meditations have really made this book a flagship for me.


The tone is so much like Trungpa, it's bizarre. You can read their commentaries on Atisha's Tonglen slogans side by side on the internet, btw. Their respective energies seem so calm in writing yet freaked out in life. The devotion-based explanation is that they were so open to the crazy energies of their followers that they took on themselves. More likely, they were just having a good time. When you have thousands of adoring followers, it's fun to speak ex cathedra 24/7.



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