Edward M

Is this possible?

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Is it possible for something to be stuck in someones central channel?  it's as if a sword of dense energy has been thrust down through the crown......


Any idea's? 


Thanks in advance to anyone with any input :)



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Thanks Michael! 


Are you just stating the a logical fact, or can you feel it?   its got something to do with awareness of the skull, the more complete the awareness, the less dense it feels, almost as if its going to release and disappear... 


Cheers mate!

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What has been helpful for me:  Walking in freshly mowed grass barefoot.  Learn to be more sensitive to your inner guide. Zen Master Hakuin's introspective meditation (oil melt).

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3 hours ago, Edward M said:

Is it possible for something to be stuck in someones central channel?  it's as if a sword of dense energy has been thrust down through the crown......


Any idea's? 


Thanks in advance to anyone with any input :)





Many things are possible.  However it is best to realize sooner rather than later that the free flow of energies in the subtle system is rarely a commonplace occurrence without a good deal of conscious, active work at that level.  In other words there is a definite amount of dedicated, living engagement which is required to engender the full depth of total harmony in terms of energy systems.  Keep in mind that harmony is a function of cooperation, interplay, and resonance between various vibrations.  Its a bit like sailing a boat.  Its not necessarily like building a house - but sometimes you do have to build the boat first.  Sometimes you can use what you already have on hand.  Sometimes you can find one laying around, etc.  Again, many things are possible.  Just dont forget about the ocean, the wind, and the stars.


Certainly some people are born with energetic facility to different degrees, but extreme examples tend to be rare - and most importantly the healthy exchange or free flow of such energies in the greater system of cosmic correspondence is not guaranteed as an automatic ongoing process.  In fact the automation of processes is the central hub of the issue regarding energy exchange to begin with - so it must be personally dealt with regardless of whatever natural facility is provided by the various bodily configurations which arise at birth.  Many have gone astray, many have remained true.  Its just the same as those without such natural born configurations.  The point is that when it comes to the actual work of internal alchemy (or conscious evolution), its pretty much an even field at the end of the day.


In this regard, the conditioning process which people go through as they develop into "responsible adults" within our society has numerous implications in terms of the subtle energetic system - but to make a long story short - modern western society in general certainly doesnt support or encourage a healthy one.  Along the way of fitting into this society, most people develop various kinds of unhealthy crystalizations of various energetic processes.  Crystallization of energy is not an inherently non-functional state and in fact is required at certain stages, but when this occurs according to the dictates of a system which is itself inherently lifeless and degenerative, that very same systematic dictate plays out at the personal level and those internal structures themselves degrade automatically.  At a certain point, the atrophy of these energetic structures becomes effectively permanent, and in a sense that part of a person literally dies - sometimes well before the rest of their physical body passes away.  The proper crystallization of energies according to the dictates of a living evolutionary process is another story entirely - and that is the purview of internal alchemy.


When you embark on a path of self-cultivation and begin your own practice, you will almost certainly have to deal with these kinds of issues at some point.  It may take a while to uncover, it may not.  As long as you are engaged in a practice, the chances are you will eventually come point where regeneration is required.  It may be at such a deep level you never conceived of to begin with - or it may be right on the surface level... or it may be both.  Typically there tend to be cycles and waves of digging deep into resistance, then stabilizing your freedom to move, then going deeper into other forms of resistance, then stabilizing again, etc.  Over and over.  Again and again.  Growth and evolution are not an overnight process, although there are certainly many "tipping points" along the way.  And eventually you will be dealing with things much larger and more involved than just your own life, at this time, in this place.


The internal free flow of energetic process is a function of life and death and generative awareness, and in time this internal process itself may be able to eventually decouple from the earthly biological system in a productive way.  However, there is an essential period of incubation and growth which must occur within this Womb of Gaia before such freedom becomes possible (not to mention functional).  The natural order is supportive of this kind of evolution - in fact it is specifically designed for it - but in general our modern society is not supportive of this and for the most part is entirely unaware of the possibility to begin with.  


The most fascinating thing about all of this is that the very resistance provided by the aberrant social aspect of humanity can provide yet another fuel for this endeavor.  Its just another kind of resistance training.  Its almost like lifting weights.  Its not the only way to do it - but its certainly possible to get the job done with such methods.

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4 hours ago, Edward M said:

Thanks Michael! 


Are you just stating the a logical fact, or can you feel it?   its got something to do with awareness of the skull, the more complete the awareness, the less dense it feels, almost as if its going to release and disappear... 


Cheers mate!


I stated it as a logical fact, but since you asked, I did check it out. It felt like an accumulation of heat inside your head. This has to do with suppressed thoughts/impulses.


The Bach Flower remedy Cherry Plum could help you relax and allow the free flow of energy in your head chakras. It would best be used together with other Bach Flower remedies to address your psychological and energetic condition holistically.


Based on what I know about you overall, I would highly recommend trying this particular method.

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Thanks again Michael!  


Sounds about right, i'll pm you about the bach remedies, thanks again for your help/input :) 

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