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    Affection, simplicity and humility

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  1. Haiku Chain

    electricity powers dianshi big lies truth veiled trickery
  2. Haiku Chain

    Halagrian world emotions and shadows play no radio here
  3. Haiku Chain

    nature's softest cue every moment is art forgive yourself now!
  4. Haiku Chain

    Clouds whisper, who knew their secrets drift to dawning nature's softest cue
  5. Haiku Chain

    way up in the blue it is one hell of a view Clouds whisper, who knew
  6. Haiku Chain

    Soon I will be soaked I'm coming unglued in mist it must be the beer
  7. Haiku Chain

    Nice trick to match that, Mojave's old rocks respond Solitude embraced.
  8. Haiku Chain

    still, a sight to see I got tired of myself maybe more later
  9. Haiku Chain

    Lakes in the desert, Mirage whispers of cool blue, Deceptive relief
  10. Haiku Chain

    Basho waking up. Dawn whispers secrets of life Ink blooms on paper.
  11. Haiku Chain

    Look! Ryokan’s window Silent snowflakes whisper truth Stoic pines do endure
  12. Locking threads, discuss it here

    That is funny, good try though. Golden Elixir is the combination of saliva, hormonal fluids, and external essences that when mixed together become the Elixir. Saliva has long been considered by Taoists as a key component of the elixir. Some Taoist texts recommend swallowing the saliva up to 1,000 times a day to promote physical healing. Many hundreds of years ago Taoists became aware of changes in consistency of saliva that accompanied certain meditative practices. They learned that by combining saliva with the hormonal fluids and essences released during non-ejaculative intercourse a powerful elixir is formed. Taoists believe that this Golden Elixir is not only a physical healing agent, but also is a major transformative agent in preparing for higher spiritual work. But, again, we are just touching the surface here. Please tell me more than just using arbitrary terms pulled out of a book or some hearsay. Please teach me how you opened your shit up?
  13. Locking threads, discuss it here

    I love it! Quoting Wuzhen Pian to me, wow! Please tell me what it means. But, please no surface stuff going on here. After you have opened the channels necessary, tell me how long you need to hold the essence before you permeate your saliva with it and how long you need to hold that saliva, before you swallow it, oh and by the way, please tell how you need to direct it and over how many years( on average) Heres' a hint--- many thousands of times and you have to have the proper focus and attention to certain details. or---- Of course you know all of that or you would not have given me that quote, so, please I am your student, please instruct.
  14. Locking threads, discuss it here

    Okay, got to play fetch with my dog. I use a headlamp in the dark, my dog "Apollo" loves it. His eyes glow in the dark like a cats'. He still manages to track the ball better, boy, is it fun! Be back, whenever.
  15. Locking threads, discuss it here

    Stop pattiing yourself on the back, you haven't figure anything out. Though, you are trying to, and I give kudos for that! No one is talking about one-sided, that is a projection of linear thinkers. Figured many of us out here, hey! I bet you heard that one before in the bad old days! Eh!