
What hands-on healing systems are you familiar with?

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Other than reiki and spring forest qigong what other legitimate hands on healing systems are out there? 


Are there any simple, powerful systems that also include distant healing and the healing of plants and animals? 


I'm getting back into healing tao and Lee Holden is the guy I've been looking for all this time. He has tons of qigong for health but I don't think he's got anything that teaches hands-on healing for yourself and others. 

Edited by Oneironaut

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Other than reiki and spring forest qigong what other legitimate hands on healing systems are out there?


Chinese Internal Martial Arts, especially Xingyi and Bagua done in the park (or anywhere outdoors).

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Bowen therapy works really well on people and animals. Can even do newborn babies. Also commonly used on dogs and horses. Not plants though :P


It uses fascia, muscles tendons and nerves. Soft tissues. Ive saved several people from having to have an operation, and even seemingly fixed people whome operations didn't fix. Often 3 sessions sees long term relief. Developed in my home town now it is all around the world in only a few short years. Google it :)

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Are there any simple, powerful systems that also include distant healing and the healing of plants and animals? 


This sounds as if you are describing Stillness-Movement Qigong. I was at a weekend workshop and attended the clinical application day only because I thought: "...well, since I'm already traveling all the way to the US..." And I'm very happy I did, because the healing abilities that are lying withing the system are very potent. It doesn't mean that you won't need to put in much time and effort to "unfold" them (like at any other healing art IMHO) but the results speak for themselves as I now for myself and from many practitioners that have fantastic results already very early. My first positive healing results occured already at the workshop and since then it kept on working. I can only recomment this system. But not only for healing others, but as well for healing yourself and for personal growth.


Here's some more information and through the search function you can find tons of information on Stillness Movement, if you are interested.

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Healing plants? Can anyone suggest something that will cure my nectarine tree of curley leaf? Other than copper spray which i've already tried :P

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All traditional qigong system is self-healing, but there must be a store of qi first before healing can take place. When the practitioner is adapt and proficient in the qigong system, emission of qi must be learnt and practised in depth. It is only when one has mastered the qi-emission that healing of other people can proceed. Yes, all traditional qigong systems have it.

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