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Caesar > Jesus
Pompey > John (the Baptist)
Antonius > Simon
Lepidus > Peter
(Decimus) Junius (Brutus) > Judas
(Marcus Junius) Brutus > Barabbas
Octavianus (Augustus) > John (the disciple)
Nicomedes of Bithynia > Nicodemus of Bethania
Cleopatra > (Mary) Magdalene
Julia (widow of Marius) > Mary
The Senate > The Sanhedrin
Gaul > Galilee
Rubicon > Jordan
Corfinium > Cafarnaum
Rome > Jerusalem

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The article isnt self consistent ,

It says that A, the iconography of Caesar doesnt fit our preception of him ,( whose life is well documented )

which conflicts with the story -of Jesus being actually the story of Ceasar with a new name on the protagonist ...

Because,... if the false persona was that of Jesus , the icons of Ceasar would still be accurate to the real guy, Caesar.


Besides , they had rather different 'causes". (apart from a thousand other reasons)

Edited by Stosh

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Plato's tripartite theory that life has three parts is IMO irrelevant for any spiritual understanding,....





'Life' and many processes in nature work on a 'tripartite' arrangement .... 3 morphing into or containing 4 . Without that realisation any 'spiritual understanding' will suffer accordingly.

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The article isnt self consistent ,

It says that A, the iconography of Caesar doesnt fit our preception of him ,( whose life is well documented )

which conflicts with the story -of Jesus being actually the story of Ceasar with a new name on the protagonist ...

Because,... if the false persona was that of Jesus , the icons of Ceasar would still be accurate to the real guy, Caesar.


Besides , they had rather different 'causes". (apart from a thousand other reasons)


I thought it was interesting, not that I agree 100%


There are so many theories who can say

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'Life' and many processes in nature work on a 'tripartite' arrangement .... 3 morphing into or containing 4 . Without that realisation any 'spiritual understanding' will suffer accordingly.


Yes,...I fully agree with the Law of Three in nature,...duality could not be duality without it,...the Law is Three is completely fundamental to the nature of light, and how light condenses into form, and unwinds back to emptiness, within duality. It is why 3 divide 7 = 0. 428571428571….or 142857 × 3 = 428571, is essential to the matrix of duality.


First, for discussion, understand that nothing is outside the cube. There is no thinking out the box. A single cube is part of an interconnected matrix that includes all space–time. As spectra or donuts of divided light (particle-wave duality) condense into form through a multiplication-division process, space is simultaneously extended to accommodate time. There is neither space without time, nor time without space. All phenomena, both emptiness and form, are within the cube.


A cube is bounded by six square sides, which in this presentation will be called six convex optic planes. These convex planes facilitate the flow of divided light along ninety-degree arch-angles. This flow of pressure follows the recursive pattern of 142857. That is to say, from plane one, the flow of pressure goes ninety degrees to plane four, then from plane four, ninety degrees to plane two, etc. As you can see on the enneagram, the numbers 142857 are not directly connected with numbers 9, 3, and 6. The numbers 142857 can be likened to the singularly aspected Mayan gods one through six in the Popol Vuh. Thus, the dynamics of interrelationship between the six convex boundary optic planes and the three inner, or zero, optic planes are how all emptiness and form come in and out of being.


The law of three is like “god seven” in the Popol Vuh text, an account of Maya cosmology. The Popol Vuh speaks of seven gods whose individual urge is to create progeny through the heart of the galactic center, yet their efforts were barren of form, and they remained alone. God seven, who has three aspects, then directed them to undertake the urge together, and form was manifested.


God Seven exemplifies the three centering optic planes within a cube, which divide the cube into eight parts or optical chambers. Keep in mind that the universe is an optical universe. Everything in duality and beyond duality is light. Impermanence is divided light, whereas permanence is undivided light. (Undivided Light is not outside the cube, but can be accessed at the center-point of the cube). Once light is divided and enters space–time, it cannot return to source (Undivided Light), just as the light projected on a theater’s screen does not return to the bulb, which is “still” in the projector.


In sacred geometry, the optical cube upon which light is projected is called Metatron’s cube. In this holographic theater, all phenomena are unmanifest or manifest. The cube contains all emptiness and form. Diagrams of the Metatron matrix often show extended layers of the process, that is, how the cube extends or duplicates into other cubes, forming simple structures.

Duality is a manifestation of divided light. The divided light of duality is both emptiness and form. Undivided light is nonduality. Nonduality contains neither emptiness nor form. Our authentic consciousness is not dual, although it records its thoughts within the dualistic structure, which is to say that form is a record of thought. The phenomenal personal consciousness of third-density thought is as evanescent as a dream, whereas authentic consciousness is permanent. Unlike the dream state in which you don’t know you’re dreaming while dreaming, an uncovered authentic consciousness is cognizant that life is a dream and as such can play in it without attachment to hope or fear.


Undivided light is like the still light within a projector. Emptiness is as the flow between the film stock and the screen. The form with which we interact is as the image on the screen, a nine-optical-planed multidimensional holographic matrix. The form got on the screen through simulated light, not real light. Emptiness and form are impermanent simulations. The still light from which the simulation effects motion is in the center of the screen, that is, in the center of the cube.


Our duality reality of divided, projected, simulated light is 299,792 kilometers per second slower than the stillness of what mahamudra calls the clear light of Vajra. When you realize that, you begin to gnow who you are because you have had a taste of when you are. In duality, everything is in the past. . All divided light is in the past. It makes no difference how fast energy equal mass square divided light (E=mc²) is moving, for even at 299,791 kilometers per second, undivided light is perceived as moving 299,792 kilometers per second faster. That’s why Einstein called it relativity.


Everything in duality is sexual.


V Marco



Edited by Vmarco

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One source of observation could be ( a while back, before quantum physics) that 3 (and 3 being one) , 4 and the resultant 12 base system (all through astrology for example ; the self's 'unity' ) is an internal or 'based on the self' system (observe one finger and the make up of all of them - 'joint counting', the thumbs are the counters - base 12 ) and externally on observations of the 7 visible 'wandering' celestial bodies.


" Finger-counting systems in use in many regions of Asia allow the counting to 12 by using a single hand. The thumb acts as a pointer touching the three finger bones of each finger in turn, starting with the outermost bone of the little finger. One hand is used to count numbers up to 12. The other hand is used to display the number of completed base-12s. This continues until twelve dozen is reached, therefore 144 is counted. "

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Playing with some more 3s (which morph into 4)



There are 3 ‘primary’ colours; red, blue, yellow. There are 4 ‘natural’ colours; red, blue, yellow green : fire, water, air, earth.

We have 3 sets of colour receptors; black and white, blue and yellow and red and green. These three combine to give hundreds of possible hues like purple and magenta.


Within the eye the retina has two types of light sensitive cells called rods and cones. Cones absorb red blue and yellow but do not work well in detecting colour in low light. Rods have ‘sacrificed’ colour reception to work as ‘night vision’ and detect black and white.


Signals travel from the retina along the optic nerves to the visual cortex for sorting and sending to the three relevant parts of the brain to analyse the signals in respect to three qualities; movement, colour, distance. These three parts of the brain send their processed information back to the visual cortex where it integrates the information.


Light – singularity, passes through two types of receptors to make three dimensions of colour, in a duality (or polarity) black / white, blue / yellow, red green, to process through the visual cortex to three parts of the brain and back again to make it possible to observe the four ‘natural colours’ and their combinations.


The four psychological truths.

1. Stick to reality – Review the internal map. We all make our own internal map of how we make sense of the external environment. The external environment can change, sometimes greatly or very fast. We need to review our maps to make sure they serve us with the outside reality or we follow an old or irrelevant system to what we need to know, do or should be learning. (Fire. This is a form of projection as in extend Ki {see below}, but one has to make sure their projected reality, or understanding of reality is in tune with outward reality.)

2. Delay gratification. Sublimation of desire (water - feelings). Hold off a bit, instant gratification sets up an unhealthy programme that can lead to addictive behaviours. In experiments children were given a choice; have all the sweets on that plate soon or have the one sweet on that other plate now. The children that could not wait exhibited more psychological dysfunction than the others.

3. Withholding truth. (Air, mind, communication.) Modification of our own truth in communication to the level that the other is able to handle. Not to do this can cause trouble with the self and socially. (E.g. It might not be appropriate, YET, to tell little Johnny that there is no Santa, even though it is a ‘truth’.)

4. Combine and balance the above.

The 3 Gunas.


This Vedic principle is an example of the primary triangle. In Samkhya philosophy, there are three major Gunas that serve as the fundamental operating principles or 'tendencies' of prakṛti (universal nature) which are called: sattva guṇa, rajas guṇa, and tamas guṇa. The three primary Gunas are generally accepted to be associated with creation (rajas), preservation (sattva), and destruction (tamas).


Beyond these forces or their influence or balanced within them lies a ‘supernal consciousness, depending on the tradition; Brahma, Krishna, etc. “The World deluded by these Three Gunas does not know Me: Who is beyond these Gunas and imperishable.” Who is this ‘Me’?


Here we have another three implying a fourth, this time , ‘above’ (as opposed to ‘below’, a pendant or result, i.e. 4, balance all three above or bring into manifestation, bring together back to a unity that has grown from the process of splitting the one into two / three).


A good example is the dialogue from the first part of The Rite of Jupiter (a series of planetary / mythic dramatic rituals). There are three central characters representing the Gunas and a central character; Centrum in Centri Trigono (C.I.C.T.) – the one in the centre of the triangle.


“The Temple represents the Wheel of Fortune of the Tarot. At its axle is the Altar on which sits C.I.C.T. On the rim, S. at East spoke, H. at North-West, T. at South-West.”


Here are the three principles. The Gunas with the “me who is beyond these Gunas” in the middle, on the Great Wheel. At one stage the ‘self beyond the Gunas’ addresses the ‘others’;


C.I.C.T. “Feeling, and thought, and ecstasy

Are but the cerements of Me.

Thrown off like planets from the Sun

Ye are but satellites of the One.

But should your revolution stop

Ye would inevitably drop

Headlong within the central Soul,

And all the parts become the Whole.

Sloth and activity and peace,” (as the three ‘gunas are referred to here)


Later, the ‘Gunas’ argue, C.I.C.T. admonished them;


C.I.C.T. “Irreconcilable, my children, how shall ye partake of the Banquet of Jupiter, or come to the centre of the wheel? For this is the secret of Jupiter, that He who created you is in each of you, yet apart from all; before Him ye are equal, revolving in Time and in Space; but he is unmoved and within.”


Although it appears as a map of three it is describing a process of four (or 3 ‘implies’ 4 – as in the example above). One example is a three sided pyramid that creates an apex or a three sided pyramid and its base. Models of three often include a fourth principle (originating) above or within the triangle (the eye within the triangle symbol) or extending ‘below’ to show an ‘outcome’, e.g. all three elements combine to make earth.


The 4 worlds of Qabbalah.

In Hermetic Qabbalah the Tree of Life has four divisions;


Atziluth, Archetypal World – Fire. The term Atzilut is usually translated as "Emanation" - the first emanation out of God's unique and pure Essence, and is therefore the "World" closest to Divinity. This Substance corresponds to Philosophic Fire, ‘living light’. This is the primal spiritual Substance from which all other matter evolves.


Briah, Creative World – Water. Briah translates as "Creation". The function of Briah is to define specific Form and function which begin to occur at this stage.


Yetrizah, Formative World – Air. This is the stage where analysis is applied to matter, and where these qualities are synthesised and formed into archetypal compositions with a view towards various specific applications.


Assiah, Material World – Earth. Assiah is the actual physical universe in which all things live and carry out their functions.


Divisions for the Soul.

The Hermetic Qabbalah also has similar divisions for the soul; the four parts of the soul;


1. Yecidah ("single one") relates to the ultimate unity of the soul in God, as manifest by pure faith, absolute devotion and the continuous readiness to sacrifice one's life for God.


2. Ruach ("spirit") relates to the emotions.


3. Neschamah ("inner soul") relates to the mind and intelligence.


4. Nephesch (Animal soul – ‘creature’ -- the lower soul) relates to behaviour and action.


The 4 DNA letters GACT.

. Each nucleotide sub-unit consists of 3 main substances; a phosphate, a deoxyribose sugar, and one of the four nitrogenous nucleobases; the purine bases adenine (A) and guanine (G), the pyrimidine bases cytosine © and thymine (T).


Four Systems in the Body.


FIRE - nervous / electrical , WATER - circulatory, AIR - respiratory , EARTH - skeleton, muscle, tendons.

If we add a ‘fifth element’ – spirit we can include ‘mind’.


The Four principles of Divine Living (from Buddhism).

Loving kindness, Compassion, Equanimity (balanced mind) and Appreciative Joy (or Sympathetic Joy).\


The 4 principles of Aikido.

  1. Project Ki
  2. Keeping the one point.
  3. No mind.
  4. Keep weight underside.


The 4 Male Archetypes.

In ‘King, Warrior, Magician, Lover: Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature Masculine’ by Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette an extensive use of the 3 / 4 model is utilised. They divide the male psyche into four components; King, Warrior, Magician and Lover. Further triangular divisions are made on the 4 types. Each of these is explained with a triangle model and shown in duality. In the ‘mature psyche’ the warrior triangle has warrior at top and sadist and masochist either side of the base; the king has tyrant and weakling; the lover has addict and impotent and the magician has detached manipulator and denying ‘innocent one’. Within each triangle is another showing the immature self. Unsuccessful development shows attachment to either polarity of the underlying principles. Within the warrior triangle is another with hero at its apex with bully and coward underneath. Within the king the divine child is at the apex with the high chair tyrant and the weakling prince. Within the lover the apex is the oedipal child with the mamma’s boy and the dreamer. Within the magician the apex is the precocious child with the know-it-all trickster and the dummy.


We develop according to four factors; what we ‘bring’ with us in this incarnation, genetic material from parents and ancestors, environmental and social influences and individual choices we make (for whatever reasons).


This system also uses another astrological division of 4; the ascendant, the mid-heaven, the descendant and the I.C. (midnight position).


Four inner ‘planets’ make up the nature of our selves (considered to be the earth and Moon); Mars, Sun, Mercury and Venus and four outer planets represent processes that affect us; Uranus, Jupiter, Neptune and Saturn. [And now Pluto has been ‘conveniently’ removed from the planetary list.]


The 8 Circuits of Exo-psychology. (Four for the left brain and four for the right brain.)

(Left Brain)


The 3 Emergency Drives of Psychology.

Fear, anger and excitement (The 4th being the actual responses to the drives.)



The Three Psychic Divisions of Freud and the Four of Jung.


Jung identified four major archetypes; The self , The shadow, The Anima or Animus and The Persona .


Vegetative life.

A plant needs four elements plus the ‘fifth element’ to grow; ‘Spirit’– light. Fire – temperature. Water – moisture. Air – CO2 and O2. Earth – ‘growing medium’. Most consist of 5 basic components; seed, fruit (or seed container), flowers (or their equivalent), leaves and stems and roots.


Primary nutrients for good plant growth; N, P & K. Further to this we can construct another triangle of nutrients with N, P & K at one point, secondary nutrients at another ( Ca, S & Mg) and micro-nutrients ( B, Cl, Mn, Fe, Zn, Cu, Mo & Se) at the third.

Four principles for agricultural consideration; cosmic forces, earthly forces, location and type of plant.


In Astrology.

These four elements are often applied to personality to describe temperament.


The map of 3 is also described in another way in astrology. Each of the four elements occurs in three states or qualities, respectively named the cardinal, fixed and mutable.

The Four Forces in Physics.

The Strong Force , Weak Force , Electromagnetic force and Gravity - for the 'earth element'.


[ Some theories beyond the Standard Model include a hypothetical fifth force, and the search for such a force is an ongoing line of experimental research in physics. Another reason to look for new forces is the 'recent' discovery that the expansion of the universe is accelerating, giving rise to a need to explain phenomena such as dark matter.


The 'fifth element' is sometimes termed spirit (although perhaps it could be called the first ?)


Some have called this Quintessence. In physics, quintessence has been proposed by some physicists to be a fundamental force. Quintessence differs in that it is a dynamic equation that changes over time, unlike the cosmological constant which always stays constant throughout time. It is suggested that quintessence can be either attractive or repulsive, it is thought that quintessence became repulsive about 10 billion years ago (the universe is approximately 14 billion years old).

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