
Druids. Who knew?

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Druids always seemed a pretty sussed faith path IMO.

One service a year at Stonehenge ( admittedly they have to get up early for that) plus their Welsh Eistedfodd that seemed to be it.

The last Achbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams is a practising Druid too and he was a busy lad with the Archbishoping gigs so the Druid stuff could not have cut into his time overmuch.

Lazy person's faith path, thought I.

Who knew they had such a complex 'theology'?

I have decided to 'pass' on Druidry.



Edited by GrandmasterP
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Apparently there is evidence which I haven't heard yet to suggest Jesus visited UK and had contact with the Druids. There's a whole book on the subject came out recently i'm thinking of buying.



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"And did those feet in ancient times

Walk upon Englands past mountains green?

And was the holy lamb of God

In Englands pleasant pastures seen?"

William Blake.


So far as Druids go the ancient religion practiced by them was well and truly destroyed by the Romans when they raised Anglesey, seeing the Druids as as fostering revolt against their rule in Britain. This led to the revolt by Boudica, Queen of the Iceni which was again put down with roman efficiency not to mention bloodshed. The Druid order which exists today can only be an approximation of the ancient religion at best.


So far as Christianity in England goes there is a legend that both Jesus and Joseph of Arimathea visited England and Glastonbury in particular. Joseph apparently drove his staff into the gound on the Tor and it grew into the thorn tree which is still to be found there. The links below give greater details and may be of interest.

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Apparently there is evidence which I haven't heard yet to suggest Jesus visited UK and had contact with the Druids. There's a whole book on the subject came out recently i'm thinking of buying.



For sure.

William Blake's hymn ' Jerusalem' is our unofficial National Anthem and is all about Mr J ( before he became famous) maybe visiting England with his uncle Joseph of Arimathea.

JofA planted his staff on a hill near Glastonbury and you can still see the bush that grew from it today.

( If you believe the tourist board).

You'll find tons of books and media out there about that subject.

Here's one...


Edited by GrandmasterP
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It was a yearning for authentic druid knowledge and practices that eventually led me to Daoism. I believe there were many correlations, but as Chang pointed out, the real history was eliminated (and corrupted) by the Romans, and modern ideas are only educated conjecture.


// Also, I've yet to read a truly convincing argument that Jesus actually lived as a historical figure, let alone spent time as a tourist in Europe. I won't debate the subject, and it''s totally OT to begin with and I've been involved in deadend debates on the subject in the past, but since it came up, I felt enttled to at least make a side comment about it. //

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Whether their was a biblical Jesus I would not debate either way.

I Do consider his teaching a lost teaching at the very best and consider the entire bibical story of Jesus nothing remotely close to the real story.


The name Jesus was among the most common names during the time of his supposed existence, so if anyone from that area was visiting anywhere, they might well be named Jesus.

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Spain's similar.

Every other waiter out there seems to be called Jesus.




It's a nice story anyhoo Mr J being in Glastonbury and it does local tourism no harm at all.

Maybe it's not so important whether or not he existed or ever came to England with his ole Uncle Joe as it is that people then and now seem to like imagining that he might have.

My take for what it's worth is that Glastonbury was a pagan site well before Christianity arrived here.

When the first Christians turned up they sort of attached a bit of Jesus narrative to the place in order to put their own stamp on it.

The parish church in the village near us is 10th Century Saxon but it replaced a older wattle church and that was put up on a much older burial mound type feature.

That happened a lot round these parts

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One of Louie Lamore's last books was about a young Druid in search of his father - excellent book!

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Unfortunately, Druid-ism is one the first reconstruction-ist religions and sadly there's almost nothing that isn't completely made up from the 1800s.

Edited by DAO rain TAO
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