
We do seal our own Third Eye, unsconiously, by lying and not being truthful? And: Is a life with an opened Third Eye possible, in our society?

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Interesting. Dr.Yang again: We seal our third eye on purpose by lying, doing this unsconsiously.


And any other effort is wasted until we understand the very nature of the Third Eye, as an instrument of truthful communication. Meaning, we can decalcify our pineal gland as long as we want. If we continue our old patterns of pretending and lying, nothing gets opened. Naturally.


I am yet again, fascinated by the nature of things. And how humanity thinks there is some 'evil' behind it, like society and what not. This society 'is' you. This 'evil' is you.


At the end of the day, we have created every misery, we can imagine, by ourselves. Everything and are afraid of our own, subconscious manifestations.


How funny must that look like to some spirits, some outside being seeing it all...


Regarding the second question, I simply repeat it: Is a life with an opened Third Eye possible, in the midst of our society? Dr. Yang aswell says, no, it is not. Why is it his statement?

Edited by 4bsolute

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I wonder what's harder having an open third eye or an open heart in this society. Without stabilisation in emptiness then either is probably going to be overwhelming, but if you are somewhat awakened you can probably handle it because everything will just flow through and nothing will stick, but if you are still stuck in a limited sense of individual I then your mind will probably weave all sorts of stories and dreams out of your open experiences which will probably include all sorts of nightmares.

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Perhaps he just has trouble keeping his open, or wasn't born with that particular ability.


I see no reason why we can't live in society with the third eye open, sure it sucks many times, but the other times, it makes it all worth it.


I find that the "pain" or whatever you want to call it (I have no better words for the feeling) of having the 3rd eye open and having the heart open, is quite similar. Also it is solved by the same thing, a stronger connection with the divine, and being even more open. I know the being even more open makes no logical sense, but after much urging from my teacher I have tried it, and yes it does actually work.

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You guys are absolutely on to something, most people ignorantly desire to have more awareness on jump on concepts such as opening the third eye without having a clue what this means.

I was taught to see it as the two wings of a bird, both are needed in order to fly. One is equanimity and the other is awareness. For strong, stable, spiritual growth to take place, both need to be cultivated.

Increases of awareness without the balance of equanimity is a guaranteed path to trouble. The opposite is also quite true. Once again, the middle way is best.

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