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Mind Light Nei Kung Vs Glenn Morris KAP

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Don't know much about KAP except that Glenn Morris seemed like one of the good guys.


I see Mind Light nie kung only takes two days to learn. Are you going to learn ten thousand exercises and meditations in two days?

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What is the difference Between the two?


IMHO they have very little in common ... both include MCO as part of curriculum.

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Mind light does not use the chakras in any way. KAP does. No Damo's Cave in MLNG. MLNG has many wonderful standing and sitting moves and postures as does KAP. The moving part is very different in style and details though. KAP does not use strong voice work in training as far as I know. MLNG has sound as vibration as part of the training. They both use the MCO and minimize the use of imagination in its practice. I think the intensity of energy whether you call it K or Jing is sought after in both practices. Both have stillness practice. Both have great, approachable teachers. Talk to them!

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I think the Mind Light Neigung does not work with kundalini.Its main goal is strengthening the Jing in Lower Dantein while Kap works with Kundalini and Focuses on all the 3 danteins.

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