
Neikung Master Around John's Level (Demo)

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Thank you.


Do you think I should do anything "high level?!"


I was just gonna do a beginner's kung fu class, maybe at the shaolin temple not too far away, where they do courses.


I figure I'll just quietly train and study super hard and see if I can impress them.


But I kinda made my own way thus far.


I find myself channeling the Monkey King, I swear to Lord Buddha.

Ha ha ha!


But I need to stabilise and learn control and so on... the event only happened a little over two years ago.


Should I be speaking of this openly?


Does that sound paranoid?


I have suffered from paranoid ideation at times.


Don't mean they ain't out ta get me.


Edited by Captain Mar-Vell

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Thank you.


Do you think I should do anything "high level?!"


I was just gonna do a beginner's kung fu class, maybe at the shaolin temple not too far away, where they do courses.


I figure I'll just quietly train and study super hard and see if I can impress them.


But I kinda made my own way thus far.


I find myself channeling the Monkey King, I swear to Lord Buddha.

Ha ha ha!


But I need to stabilise and learn control and so on... the event only happened a little over two years ago.


Should I be speaking of this openly?


Does that sound paranoid?


I have suffered from paranoid ideation at times.


Don't mean they ain't out ta get me.



Take some kung fu classes you may meet some cool people!


High level practice is ok if you have a good teacher.

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Thank you.


Do you think I should do anything "high level?!"


I was just gonna do a beginner's kung fu class, maybe at the shaolin temple not too far away, where they do courses.


I figure I'll just quietly train and study super hard and see if I can impress them.


But I kinda made my own way thus far.


I find myself channeling the Monkey King, I swear to Lord Buddha.

Ha ha ha!


But I need to stabilise and learn control and so on... the event only happened a little over two years ago.


Should I be speaking of this openly?


Does that sound paranoid?


I have suffered from paranoid ideation at times.


Don't mean they ain't out ta get me.



Yes definitely get a teacher, it is sort of dangerous not to if you are experiencing this much IMO.


Nah you're fine, people talk pretty openly around here.


Also finding a teacher with about 100x the skill, power and etc. as oneself is VERY good for the training :).

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Yeah i hear ya on that I can heal but its something i dont advertise or even really speak about. I tend to let things happen more ntrually and leave it to the tao's hands.


To me I believe that neikung is more spiritual then what is currently being said. Without cultivation of the shen then there is no alchemy.


Before I started training under my current teacher I really didnt know of the shen and its power. No one really talked about it.


We practice heaven and earth alchemy to where the shen and the ldt is cultivated at the same time and then united.


I remember one time I was on the phone with my teacher and he asked me to tell him what he was wearing and when i focused my mind i hear a high pitch brrrm and i saw what looked like a black hole....Then i got a feeling of him then i started to see him. I told him what he was wearing and i asked him about this and told me that our training develops the shen and its power.


I though this is cool.


Sifu and i tested me like this a few times.


I tested it myself a little. I was at walmart and I was by the cash registers at the front of the store. And i decided to see if i could focus on all of the people in the store at once and see them in my mind like i had done with sifu. So I closed my eyes and started focusing on all the people in the store and all of a sudden I started to get a sense of them then they start to appear in my mind I could see the people in electronics apparel and so on.


As my shen developed more I noticed that if i said some peoples name it would activate my shen. I asked sifu about this he said that when you say someones name that you momentarily connect with them and if they have any spiritual power they will activate your shen to varying degrees depending on how strong they are.


Other things I noticed that if i held sacred objects, books, or visited temples or churches they would activate my shen as well. I asked sifu about this he said anything with spiritual power will activate your shen.


And that there were certain spiritual objects that only activate an burn hot in the presence of someone with a highly cultivated shen.


Now the other thing is sifu knows everything I do...If i was doing something bad his face would appear in my head. I was talking to another practitioner of another art who wanted to get some training info off of me and everytime i spoke to him i saw sifus face in my head. And one time he seen it too.


When ever i talked t Sifu I always feel like im being put thru some intense healing. I never really said anything at first but one day i decided to as him about this. He told me that when you reach a certain point in shen development that even your words has power if you want them to as your voice is related to yin chi. And that being in the presence of someone that has a highly developed shen that healing can occur as well.


One of the things i got from this is that energetic transmission can be given via voice as well.


My point in posting some of my exps with my teacher was to express the point that neikung is more than vibrating setting things on fire an so on.


What i exp with sifu i had no prior knowledge of.


To train in neikung without a teacher is to run the risk of being hugely under developed...


Words can have power and is a type of yin expression (think prayers) names can have power as well (think of the names of saints jesus and so on).


This is the power of heaven (shen).


Now the power of earth (lower dantian) is the power of the electricity cultivated jing and yuan chi = power of the earth.


Most here are familar with Fa jing and the power of the ldt.


Heaven rules over earth and earth emits a energetic field and man is inbetween.


To righteously unite the heaven chi and energy field emitted by the earth this can only done by man.


This is to "Zhien (to partake the union of Heaven and Earth)."


To do this both upper and lower dantians have to be cultivated so the power of heaven and earth can be cultivated in the human body and later united.


So in training you can cultivate the shen and its power and still have fa jing power.


With authentic training you experience it all.

Edited by thamosh
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