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Labor Day

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An old union song by Pete Seger





Unions are not perfect but in many ways unions=middle class chances; look at where a lot of unions are now and where a lot of people are not... (like working two jobs at mimimum wage and barely or not getting by)

Edited by 3bob
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Yep. Unions served a very useful purpose earlier in American history. But then they became corrupted and politicalized and gradually lost all the power they ever had.


And yes, Pete played an important part in that American history. More than he is given credit for, I think.

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Unions have had various problems but they don't end up causing pension funds to be bled (robbed) dry leaving millions of people

in the dust to suffer in poverty after working their whole lives for said pension!


Many of the money powers that be have been sucking the life out of America and its people for so long that it's the status quo and an accepted goal and or way to get ahead...


Anyway good unions can and still do serve a useful purpose in keeping the robber barons at least partly honest, not to mention pushing for worker safety improvements and standards as part of their core stance in the workplace!

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Totally agree. And unions could do much more today if they were able to get their power back.



Edit to add:


I have never been a member of any union. I have always fought for what I wanted on my own. Damn!, being an Anarchist sucks sometimes!

Edited by Marblehead

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Then again if you were US Army the feds had a lot of bases covered for you...


I was USAF and Army National Guard, and I'm now in the Steelworkers Union (in it's new form)

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Yeah, we didn't need a union when we were in the Military, did we? Hehehe.


I have been in labor today. Just another day for me.


But I'm done for the day except for one, maybe two, shopping trips.

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Yeah, they had their bases covered with MP's and the military justice guys... (which I never or at least almost never had any run ins with, hehehe)


I have some odds and ends to do and maybe one or two more posts to submit.


Thanks for responding to the Labor Day string.

Edited by 3bob
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