
Lucid dreamed last night, I think I saw Buddha?

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I love the Big Dreams! I've experienced those deep, purging tears of realization in the dream state and they are so healing.

Sounds like you were very close to having a conscious OBE as well, with the sleep paralysis and the onset of the vibrational state. What an amazing experience!


I've been Lucid Dreaming since the age of four and reconciling the effects of the memories of those experiences has been instrumental in my transition to become more aware of the illusionary/fluid nature of 'waking consciousness', or 'real life'.


I've had so many dream experiences that are more vivid and impacting on my awareness/memory/experience of truth, than so called events in 'real life', that I came to the realization that any experience in any state of consciousness is equal to any other in its ability to impact my reality and convey truth experience.

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Recently I've been incorporating my cultivation practices into the dream state.


The catalyst for starting was encountering this book: Tibetan Yoga of Dreaming and Sleep,d.cGE&cad=rja.


One of the stronger experiences came early on when I intended to run the MCO in the dream state. I became lucid inside a dream where I was a human, merged into a tree, running MCO in an egg shape inside the trunk. I've let this intention go recently, but reading about your experience has reinvested me with motivation to get this going again. Thanks for sharing.


Changing up sleep patterns/times is a great way to help trigger lucidity in the dream state. I also use sleep fast/binge cycles to help trigger the 'big dreams'.



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Cool stuff.


Sharing lucid dreaming thread.


Yesterday I started tripping out, like I have done when I took peyote once, or in a couple of ectstatic dance sessions, except I didnt really do anything, my third eye must have been energised or something.


This was after I watched the new star trek movie, I started seeing all kinds of spaceships/space vehicles, and feeling the objects/scenarios, change into different things. When I wake up everyday, Im pretty sure, I am in some other world, either getting teachings, or healing stuff in some other dimension.


Have little idea, what Im really doing though.

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I remember times I premature lucid dreaming, it feels scary at first because I'm not use to it so my lucid dreaming lasted about up to a minute before I forced myself out, it's like I'm not in the physical world, and I'm not in the dream state but in the middle. First couple times, my chakras were spinning, my crown chakra (7 months ago) and my lower chakras (3 months ago). I could feel chi energy all around my body just flowing, and the weird thing is, I could feel the chi energy in my ball sack rotating, a good feeling too. Lucid dreaming, I was in my room the lights were off, I could see everything and when I moved or changed positions in lucid dreaming state, and I also heard this high frequency pitch sound that lasted till I woke myself up, I was back to my normal position.

reminds me of that moment of falling back into yourself

snapping back 'awake'

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I've had a lot of lucid dreams over the past couple of first since I was about 14. Very long story behind all this, but anyway, the main points:


I too have seen Guatama Buddha and Amitabha, but more so in meditation. I later learnt that they were pointing me in a direction, for I was seeking some answers. I also learnt not to get attached, as all these are simply learning experiences.


However, one day I had a migraine and passed out on my bed just as my girlfriend went into the shower. There, my eyes were semi-open but all I saw around me was a meadow with a large tree and pink flowers. I was certainly in the lucid dream state from then as I was so familiar with the feeling from other visions I had.


As I lay there in pain, the Buddha approached me and knelt down. He handed me a flower, smiling, then took off. I felt his presence right there and it was so amazing, a tear of joy came to my eye.


Then I heard the shower stop running and suddenly I snapped out of it. I quickly wiped the tear from my face and then my girlfriend walks back in. What strange timing! From then on, my migraine continued to get better and by the evening, it was gone.


N.B I never get migraines.


I have had many other lucid dreams too. If we are sharing more, I will go on...

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