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we already have the love we desire

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EVERYONE wants love. Everyone without exception, whether they realize it or not.


The supreme irony is that we ALREADY HAVE and even ARE the love we desire and seek so desperately.



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You know Cat, I have to be very honest with you and say that affirmations have only helped me minimally.


It's kind of funny that this is just now occurring to me, because I've been repeating affirmations for years now.


What HAS helped me is my search for understanding, and also Transcendental Meditation.


When it comes to understanding, it seems to me that one must be very HONEST with themselves, and make a wholehearted search to find truth. Without honesty, the person will not find true clarity. And in my experience it takes great courage to be truly honest with oneself.


But unless one OPENS THEIR HEART TO LOVE, they will never succeed. There's a Buddhist master who teaches that you can meditate all you want, but the only thing that will save you is to open your heart. Nothing else will do it.


I think it's like meditation and other spiritual practices can serve as a SUBSTITUTE for real love. Basically, instead of divine love, some people meditate and that fills the void. But this is counter-productive and defeats the whole purpose of meditation.


Open your heart to love, your mind to truth, your eyes to beauty :)

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I feel that it happens once, and it's a done deal.


I went on a retreat many years ago, and I opened my heart, and it's remained open ever since.


It happened in a single interpersonal encounter in which another person and I exchanged very, very great love.


Also, many teachers speak of "opening the heart center," and there seems to be the universal implication that one has either DONE this, or they HAVEN'T.

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I think it would be much beneficial to assume otherwise. Begin empty, broken and full of longing. "There is something missing" - that's how almost all the odysseys generally start. If you already have the artifacts that you desire, there is no journey, and when there is no journey, there is no revealation of your true character. In only the moments of abject desperation and darkness, we come to see who we really are.

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Yes, you are right. We gain a new perception. And some methods... BTW you do realize how that particular sentiment can be interpreted by a slacker? :D

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My point is start out naked. That's how nature intended it. What's the point of life if you are content with the fruits of others? Without a context - that comes from a journey - you may not be able to digest them even.

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