Seeker of Wisdom

Are all paths really valid?

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All paths lead somewhere...therefore they are all valid in of themselves.

They are only valid if they accomplish the stated goal of the person pursuing that path.


If they have no goal, just to enjoy life then I guess it is valid however as long as they are successful at enjoying life.

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"If we clearly apperceive the difference
Between direct apprehension in Whole-mind
And relative comprehension by reasoning
In mind divided into subject-and-object,

All the apparent mysteries will disappear.

"For that will be found to be the key

Which unlocks the doors of incomprehension."

~Wei Wu Wei

"Since all paths are pathless which life resides within thought thinking- happiness-unhappiness, valid-invalid." "I am not who you think I am, and neither are you!" Were neither of time or timeless. Concepts-words will never describe what is!



John Wheeler Offers:
Space, time and objects appear IN consciousness. You cannot say where or when that appears as the notions of time and place arise AFTER it (consciousness). Step one is to stabilize with a recognition of this conscious-presence. That is not really IN the body, as the body and all else is IN it. However, that sense of being (which is the same as consciousness) can be, and often is, projected through ignorance onto objects. Once the recognition of consciousness is clear and stable, we can examine that also. Identification with objects in consciousness is a by-product or side-effect of not knowing who we are. The point is to find out what you are. "Present and aware" shows the general direction in which to look, but you still need to get to the root. When you know what you are in the deepest sense, the identification ceases naturally. There are often subtle misunderstandings and notions that get added into this subject. That is why I eventually went to see Bob Adamson, who had this pointed out and settled directly with Nisargadatta Maharaj. This was immensely helpful for me and allowed me to let go of many of the "spiritual concepts" I had acquired over the years, even in so-called "non-duality" circles. It is really getting back to the essence of the basic message so that we can understand for ourselves. It is much easier when the spiritual concepts and "half-truths" are exposed and seen for what they are. What you are is prior to thoughts. Abiding at the level at which you truly exist, ignorance and identifications are resolved, and there is no further doubt about your real nature.

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Here is something Chief Leon Shanandooh said about paths


" Everything is laid out infront of you .

Your path is straight ahead of you .

Sometimes is invisible, but it is there.

You may not know where it is going,

But you have to follow that path.

The only path there is ."

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when thinking things drift either this way or that way, consciousness notices-aware. but it doesn't automatically move, unless it's an itch to scatch or an urge to walk to the bathroom- :blink:

if a thing, say; ice cream arises without a taste or desire, it remains unmoved. without desire, taste- stillness is reached! ;)

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^^ You had to choose ice cream as an example (in summertime)... My consciousness moves me to say...YUM...and what's your favorite flavor?! :D


That reminds me - I haven't had real gelato in years. I will have to rectify that soon.

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The concept of a path of spirituality is as old as the the notion of spirituality itself. I really think staying alert, young at heart, and engaged in your own life is the only path any of us can say really works towards our "well being"...

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The concept of a path of spirituality is as old as the the notion of spirituality itself. I really think staying alert, young at heart, and engaged in your own life is the only path any of us can say really works towards our "well being"...


Exactly! I said, eat Gelato.

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