
Can Kundalini "burn up" entities?

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You have a local Taoist temple? Might cost a lot less. Or hey I think Catholic churches do such stuff for free.


If it is in fact an entity.

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I was recommended to not do anything until I can see her, for it would be of no use.


Right now I'm feeling pretty good. I will just keep putting in the work, and try making progress (as I already have made quite a bit of progress in these past few months.. no reason that should stop now), even if the fruits of my labor are going straight into this entity's beak! Maybe that is the sacrifice I must make? Perhaps I am making a mistake, but in any case, I can't afford it, so I'm simply going to have to make the best of what I can do.




Did you ask her if there is anything you can personally do to help with your situations?

My 2 cents, Peace

Edited by CrunchyChocolate555

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I was recommended to not do anything until I can see her, for it would be of no use.


Right now I'm feeling pretty good. I will just keep putting in the work, and try making progress (as I already have made quite a bit of progress in these past few months.. no reason that should stop now), even if the fruits of my labor are going straight into this entity's beak! Maybe that is the sacrifice I must make? Perhaps I am making a mistake, but in any case, I can't afford 12,000$, so I'm simply going to have to make the best of what I can do.


This seems very out of line saying you can't do anything for yourself and can only be saved by paying 12000???

I'm really shocked by this.

Edited by Ish
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Thanks. I happen to agree with everything you wrote.


entities are everywhere...they are a natural aspect of life. even jenny lamb has many entities of her own. yes i said it. but someone has to. and with that note, i admit I have entities, too. and so does everyone on taobums. i only say this to offer you another perspective.

1. eye purification: dump the porn completely -- you simply have to do this. there is way too much negative energy around that stuff. masturbate and have sex all you want, really. avoid negative and crude and violent tv shows. on the other hand, some good comedy and laughter is always good for the soul.
2. mouth purification: eat more green vegetables, fruit, rice and less meat. eat bland food. avoid all spices and stimulants like coffee and tea.
3. environmental purification: go out in the sun. sit under a big tree, with your two hands interlaced and resting on the navel. take in the universal cosmic energy. breath it in slowly. the energy exchange will be automatic. can evil spirits exist under the sun and in the midst of natural energies? they can't, because all notions of evil disappear in nature. a fly is no more evil than a butterfly. a fly is. a butterfly is. nature is. they need no description. the sun has been deified as a god for centurities, but it will rise and set without any worship.
4. mental purification: quit your obsession with qigong practices and ideas of "entities." the first sign of possession, in my book, is the inability to stop your practices and parroting teachings you read without true understanding and benefit. get a copy of the dao de jing and start reading. again, all ghosts and spirits are part of the natural reality and are gone when you rest in tao. they will still exist, but be no more bothersome than a mosquito in your ear. there is nothing to be scared about. be careful about the authors you read, for you have to straighten out your psychology. you should be more normal than the average person.
5. body purification: drink a lot of good water, preferably spring water. sleep early and wake up early. go for long walks in nature, instead of practicing esoteric meditation practices. these practices only reinforce your idea of being abnormal, because they are man-made and mere descriptions of nature. and abnormality becomes your reality.
6. ear purification: stay away from music with negative themes and gossip that stir strings of emotional fantasies.
7. soul purification: i'm going to say it again: virtue is dynamite in the spiritual world. good thoughts, good actions, good intentions. keep working on this direction. you may have missteps, but will never go wrong. there is no higher truth than this. no one can escape this path.

this advice seems to be straightforward and almost commonsensical. but you have to take responsibility for yourself, like you suggested. i bare no bones when i say this entity business is alive because a person's third eye is open without the good judgment to interpret the sensory information.

as a part of natural reality, everyone is a house of spirits both internal and external. you are not alone. even now spirits are entering and leaving my nervous system. sometimes they can be a bit rough and make me sneeze or pass gas, but is sneezing and farting not a part of natural reality? just remember that it's up to you to clean up your house, so more friendly spirits come to visit. but more importantly, so your own internal spiritual reality is one unit: you call on your higher spirits to control your lower ones, not the other away around. can anyone do this for you but yourself? you can pay 12,000 dollars and ask a "master" to assist, but the job still falls on your lap and psychology. you must be responsible for your own life. then your current dilemma will be your own spiritual achievement.

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Good for you, You're heading in the right direction following thetaoiseasy's advice IMO.

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Everybody's gotta make a living. I'm sure she has her reasons for charging this amount. I won't pass any judgment on it. It is what it is.



This seems very out of line saying you can't do anything for yourself and can only be saved by paying 12000???

I'm really shocked by this, i thought Jenny Lamb was a respected teacher.

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Everybody's gotta make a living. I'm sure she has her reasons for charging this amount. I won't pass any judgment on it. It is what it is.

But what if I tell you that the entities are attracted to you because of your state of mind. As long as you are mentally vulnerable, you would still attract entities. Can you even describe what or who is this entities? Hey, is your money and your mind. I am not a fan of rituals, regardless of any spiritual methods.

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But I never said anything to the contrary! I totally agree that entities are a "pseudo-external" manifestation of your internal state.



But what if I tell you that the entities are attracted to you because of your state of mind. As long as you are mentally vulnerable, you would still attract entities. Can you even describe what or who is this entities? Hey, is your money and your mind. I am not a fan of rituals, regardless of any spiritual methods.

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Yes, I also believe this to be the justification behind the cost. I also totally believe 100% that her intentions and motivation is absolutely pure. I never put that in doubt, and I hope no one got the impression that I implied otherwise!


i believe jenny lamb's motivation is 100% pure and good. she has clean energy, and I don't dare to criticize her personally. I disagree 100% with her interpretation of spiritual reality, however.

all this spiritual talk aside, think about the psychology. a teacher once told me that he's already rich...and he doesn't need money. yet he charges qigong students exorbitant amounts of money to test them. if the student is willing to give himself to the practice and make the huge investment, the student will succeed due to his own sincerity. the teacher then refunds a lot of the money and may even teach the student for free in the future, after the student has put in the necessary work.

and this makes sense. when the student says, "shit. i just spent 1/4th of my years salary. this has to work. i have to make it work." compare that mentality to a student who only spends 100 dollars. right at the outset, the student who invested in the money will take the initiative--by all means possible--to get better.

as the adage goes, sincerity breeds spiritual efficacy. when you believe, there is something. when you don't have faith, there is nothing. that type of attitude will take you somewhere. but where are you going? and what do you need to hold in your hands besides your simple, unadorned life?

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I don't want to disenfranchise any one, but in my opinion, I have seen this A LOT. "Give me your $$$ and I will take care of all your problems." Most of this stuff you can do yourself and a lot of people know this. I tend to call it spiritual dogma.


It is becoming a problem here in America as well. Certain cults and shaman's seemingly looking to make a quick buck off of those who are not in the 'know'. This is something I can expand upon as I have seen both sides of the fence. Yes, people do need to make a living and yes entities can be a real issue if one is not careful. Mind you, why initiation is still regarded as the most important step in some schools of thought. Being an adept mean's one must learn on their own and learn from simple mistakes at times.


When you give up your power, you are actually surrendering your ego. Don't get caught up in the BS and having some one else hold your hand. You will know if you have a terrible entity if your life is turned up side down or you are constantly being attacked every night in your dream state or your health takes a rapid nose dive, then yes please seek help right away. The key is self-discipline and living a plain life for a while. Conserve your jing. Practice mindful awareness. Stay in 'holy places'. An entities main focus is wanting energy. Hence porn sites being riddled with these things. If you ever become aware and are able to lucid dream or wake up, you may experience what I experienced. I HAD to quit porn because I began to realize that I was being possessed by random entities after jacking off every night. It's all these little entities want, energy, they are like crack heads. :P


There are also mages and sorcerers who work with and conjure entities/demons to do their bidding. But one can easily google about plenty of people getting shafted or burned by thinking they can control the spirits they conjure. Like I said, some spirits are highly malovent and can be considered crack heads concerning energy. Hence why some mages and sorcerers literally lose control over their subject.


Many will tell you to STOP your practice all together. I believe such suggestions to be fear related responses. It is up to you to believe in fear or not. Mind you, if you have ever had an encounter with a higher being, fear is something they do not cultivate, nor can you even imagine fear while in the presence of a higher being. This is important to know and experience because one can only over come fear through understanding. Higher beings ARE very understanding. Take this situation of having an entity and learn what works and what doesn't. THERE IN, IS YOUR POWER. Wake up, and take it back.


Also, if you happen to believe in a pantheon of any kind that is benevolent, mind you, ask for an energy infusion and cleansing. Sometimes it is as simple as asking ahigher beings that you are seeking to learn and grow and are now aware of why it is important to live a clean and virtue-ess life. Hence cultivating understanding, wisdom, and love.


Good day! :D

Edited by DragonsNectar69k

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I need some practical advice.. thetaoiseasy, or anyone else..


Here are the 2 biggest difficulties I'm facing right now, everything else put aside;


1) Bad breathing and bad posture. My diaphragm is constantly "stuck" and I always feel like I'm suffocating. This is probably due to several factors, but the most prominent ones I have been able to identify are several pinched nerves in my spine and lots of trigger points in many many muscles in my body. Qigong, taichi and meditation have all been invaluable in helping to relieve this, so that is why I plan on continuing. Should I discontinue my practice anyway?


2) Relates to #1; when I am around people, literally anyone, especially when they first appear in my line of vision, my solar plexus starts BURNING, and my breathing becomes extremely shallow, and my whole body rigid. This isn't even anxiety. I'm not anxious or scared, it's just how my body seems to react. Furthermore, my mind starts racing as I try to act as "normal" as possible and not come across as a weirdo.


So that's why I try to avoid people as much as possible... even my close friends. Until I can at least get #1 fixed, you know?


It's frustrating because now when I'm around people and get acclimated to them, I still feel pretty bad, during and afterwards, because I wasn't able to express myself fully and properly. That stuck ball in my solar plexus prevents me from expressing any power and so it gets repressed and eats me up inside. Sometimes I actually feel like crying as soon as I open my mouth. It's totally ridiculous and it doesn't make any sense whatsoever.


So if I go for a nice hike up the mountain... tons of people passing by and I can't help but overthink things. Do I relax and act natural and come across as weird? Do I put on my best smile and say hello? I can't stop my body's reaction.. it just happens, and it doesn't seem to adapt, or have any progressive desensitization go on...


So what do I do? Should I just try to go out in nature more (and follow all your points along with that, cleaning and purifying mind and input, etc.), or should I just muster up the courage and try to be more social despite how crappy it makes me feel?


I have absolutely no problem being alone. I mean, I reallllly wouldn't mind having a girlfriend right now, but I simply don't feel it could possibly work out until I get all this very basic stuff fixed...


I mean, it literally feels like, you know when you put two magnets of the same pole face to face? that's the feeling I get in my body around others, and it almost never goes away until I'm alone.


When Im alone, I feel great, other than the trouble breathing part... I can read, I can practice, I can listen to music, I can dance, I can do whatever! I'm actually pretty happy.


It's weird because I LIKE people, and deep down, I totally like being around them. Hell, I used to be a social butterfly... so I don't know what happened these past few months that got me being like this... Like I said, it's been ever since the incident in December.

Edited by CrunchyChocolate555

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I can only offer that the # 2) gets better with time and practice. But you might want to check in with someone on what your practice has become.


I mentioned my own more 'suppressive' meditative practice that actually causes pain (it's like a bunch of little balls of microtension everywhere) so I have to not do it that way any more:-)

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I need some practical advice.. thetaoiseasy, or anyone else..


Here are the 2 biggest difficulties I'm facing right now, everything else put aside;


1) Bad breathing and bad posture. My diaphragm is constantly "stuck" and I always feel like I'm suffocating. This is probably due to several factors, but the most prominent ones I have been able to identify are several pinched nerves in my spine and lots of trigger points in many many muscles in my body. Qigong, taichi and meditation have all been invaluable in helping to relieve this, so that is why I plan on continuing. Should I discontinue my practice anyway?


2) Relates to #1; when I am around people, literally anyone, especially when they first appear in my line of vision, my solar plexus starts BURNING, and my breathing becomes extremely shallow, and my whole body rigid. This isn't even anxiety. I'm not anxious or scared, it's just how my body seems to react. Furthermore, my mind starts racing as I try to act as "normal" as possible and not come across as a weirdo.


So that's why I try to avoid people as much as possible... even my close friends. Until I can at least get #1 fixed, you know?


It's frustrating because now when I'm around people and get acclimated to them, I still feel pretty bad, during and afterwards, because I wasn't able to express myself fully and properly. That stuck ball in my solar plexus prevents me from expressing any power and so it gets repressed and eats me up inside. Sometimes I actually feel like crying as soon as I open my mouth. It's totally ridiculous and it doesn't make any sense whatsoever.


So if I go for a nice hike up the mountain... tons of people passing by and I can't help but overthink things. Do I relax and act natural and come across as weird? Do I put on my best smile and say hello? I can't stop my body's reaction.. it just happens, and it doesn't seem to adapt, or have any progressive desensitization go on...


So what do I do? Should I just try to go out in nature more (and follow all your points along with that, cleaning and purifying mind and input, etc.), or should I just muster up the courage and try to be more social despite how crappy it makes me feel?


I have absolutely no problem being alone. I mean, I reallllly wouldn't mind having a girlfriend right now, but I simply don't feel it could possibly work out until I get all this very basic stuff fixed...


I mean, it literally feels like, you know when you put two magnets of the same pole face to face? that's the feeling I get in my body around others, and it almost never goes away until I'm alone.


When Im alone, I feel great, other than the trouble breathing part... I can read, I can practice, I can listen to music, I can dance, I can do whatever! I'm actually pretty happy.


It's weird because I LIKE people, and deep down, I totally like being around them. Hell, I used to be a social butterfly... so I don't know what happened these past few months that got me being like this... Like I said, it's been ever since the incident in December.

You are basically describing your physical symptoms. Has these entities appeared in your dreams? Do you have bad childhood memories? Are you currently dealing with certain "regular" life crisis? Schools, works, and other family issues. If yes, maybe you should work with those issues first before blaming some entities.

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Negative on all counts. I am extremely fortunate that I have almost no obligations and no outside stress in my life at the moment.


The only reason I entertained the idea of having an entity (prior to my consultation), is because all my physical symptoms "matched". I can't say I feel "possessed", but I wouldn't deny it if someone told me I did and I would in fact, say that makes a lot of sense.


Other than that, my dreams are pretty cool and normal, I don't have and never had even remotely any kind of paranormal experience either.


If I could just release that stuck ball of crap in my solar plexus I would be golden.


You are basically describing your physical symptoms. Has these entities appeared in your dreams? Do you have bad childhood memories? Are you currently dealing with certain "regular" life crisis? Schools, works, and other family issues. If yes, maybe you should work with those issues first before blaming some entities.

Edited by CrunchyChocolate555
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I need some practical advice.. thetaoiseasy, or anyone else..


Here are the 2 biggest difficulties I'm facing right now, everything else put aside;


1) Bad breathing and bad posture. My diaphragm is constantly "stuck" and I always feel like I'm suffocating. This is probably due to several factors, but the most prominent ones I have been able to identify are several pinched nerves in my spine and lots of trigger points in many many muscles in my body. Qigong, taichi and meditation have all been invaluable in helping to relieve this, so that is why I plan on continuing. Should I discontinue my practice anyway?


2) Relates to #1; when I am around people, literally anyone, especially when they first appear in my line of vision, my solar plexus starts BURNING, and my breathing becomes extremely shallow, and my whole body rigid. This isn't even anxiety. I'm not anxious or scared, it's just how my body seems to react. Furthermore, my mind starts racing as I try to act as "normal" as possible and not come across as a weirdo.


So that's why I try to avoid people as much as possible... even my close friends. Until I can at least get #1 fixed, you know?


It's frustrating because now when I'm around people and get acclimated to them, I still feel pretty bad, during and afterwards, because I wasn't able to express myself fully and properly. That stuck ball in my solar plexus prevents me from expressing any power and so it gets repressed and eats me up inside. Sometimes I actually feel like crying as soon as I open my mouth. It's totally ridiculous and it doesn't make any sense whatsoever.


So if I go for a nice hike up the mountain... tons of people passing by and I can't help but overthink things. Do I relax and act natural and come across as weird? Do I put on my best smile and say hello? I can't stop my body's reaction.. it just happens, and it doesn't seem to adapt, or have any progressive desensitization go on...


So what do I do? Should I just try to go out in nature more (and follow all your points along with that, cleaning and purifying mind and input, etc.), or should I just muster up the courage and try to be more social despite how crappy it makes me feel?


I have absolutely no problem being alone. I mean, I reallllly wouldn't mind having a girlfriend right now, but I simply don't feel it could possibly work out until I get all this very basic stuff fixed...


I mean, it literally feels like, you know when you put two magnets of the same pole face to face? that's the feeling I get in my body around others, and it almost never goes away until I'm alone.


When Im alone, I feel great, other than the trouble breathing part... I can read, I can practice, I can listen to music, I can dance, I can do whatever! I'm actually pretty happy.


It's weird because I LIKE people, and deep down, I totally like being around them. Hell, I used to be a social butterfly... so I don't know what happened these past few months that got me being like this... Like I said, it's been ever since the incident in December.


I see. I see a emotional/psychological complex you have possibly developed on your own.. "What you think, you become.."


Dealing with my own demons and expierences, may I ask you this..


Is there any thing in your past that has traumatized you or has literally left you feeling utterly dis-empowered? This can be as simple as having a love one die, parental divorce, rape, being outcasted, etc..


Also your OVER THINKING. Hence why I asked such things above. If there is something lurking in the back of your being, your going to either need to accept this, express whatever this is outright (and I hope this doesn't end up hurting some one else) or rethink why you are practicing qi-qong and what you are seeking to gain from it...


You are also showing signs of possibly being what is known as an empath.... I am not well when it comes to gift's of the heart, but this is something that could turn out to be a great blessing in your life if you can learn to accept and understand yourself.


Entities can easily be made through benevolent or malevolent means. The purpose of temples, synagogues, and lodges is to provide a certain space to work with a specific spirits and to concentrate said energy and attribute; sacred space. It seems your not dealing with a haunting or something that is outside of you that could have been created before you dwelled in said space. This is harder to get rid of, mind you. An example are the pyramids in mexico, such as the aztecs, as marvelous as they are, they still required blood sacrifices/energy to 'honor' their God. A major difference in spirit and energy.

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Negative on all counts. I am extremely fortunate that I have almost no obligations and no outside stress in my life at the moment.


The only reason I entertained the idea of having an entity (prior to my consultation), is because all my physical symptoms "matched". I can't say I feel "possessed", but I wouldn't deny it if someone told me I did and I would in fact, say that makes a lot of sense.


Other than that, my dreams are pretty cool and normal, I don't have and never had even remotely any kind of paranormal experience either.


If I could just release that stuck ball of crap in my solar plexus I would be golden.


Have you tried expressing this some how in some kind of manor? If it is violent, I hope you express this in a non-destructive manor. But as long as your getting it out.


Try pushing this out. Take deep breathes into the chest. It may also be your upper dan tien opening up as it could be a emotional/psychological blockage from the past.


If I may suggest a visual practice while you are out in nature. Imagine grounding your self as your feet become big deep roots into the earth, imagine energy flowing back and forth between the lava and the roots, give this issue or ball of energy to the earth as she is the one who provides for all us and our survival. Hope this helps.


Entity or not, "we become what we think" and I honestly think you will be fine.

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Oh yes, there many things that have left a mark on me, and this is 100% definitely a complex I have developed and honed for myself, but now I don't know how to get rid of it. I'm not sure about being an empath. I think it's more of a fear of what others think of me, rather than actually feeling other people's emotions.


Like when I say something, anything, I almost always end up analyzing what I just said and coming to the conclusion that I shouldn't have said that, or said it differently. Constantly afraid of having offended someone with what I said or implied something that I didn't intend. So as a result, I play it super safe and try to be as nice and as quiet as I can, but I know I'm holding it all back so it comes out weird every. single. time. Do that enough times and you don't really feel like speaking anymore, you know what I mean?


I also have a lot of trouble controlling the tone and intonation of my voice, which is related to the problem in my solar plexus, but also probably has something to do with my throat chakra. (my entire throat and neck area is chock FULL of trigger points (tight bundles of muscle fiber that have nearly solidified) and the muscles are all tight and hard as rocks.)



I'll bet if I could communicate telepathically with people this communication thing wouldn't be as much of an issue.


I really wish I could just speak my mind and not give a damn. I sort of can on the internet (but I mean hey, so can anyone!)




I see. I see a emotional/psychological complex you have possibly developed on your own.. "What you think, you become.."


Dealing with my own demons and expierences, may I ask you this..


Is there any thing in your past that has traumatized you or has literally left you feeling utterly dis-empowered? This can be as simple as having a love one die, parental divorce, rape, being outcasted, etc..


Also your OVER THINKING. Hence why I asked such things above. If there is something lurking in the back of your being, your going to either need to accept this, express whatever this is outright (and I hope this doesn't end up hurting some one else) or rethink why you are practicing qi-qong and what you are seeking to gain from it...


You are also showing signs of possibly being what is known as an empath.... I am not well when it comes to gift's of the heart, but this is something that could turn out to be a great blessing in your life if you can learn to accept and understand yourself.


Entities can easily be made through benevolent or malevolent means. The purpose of temples, synagogues, and lodges is to provide a certain space to work with a specific spirits and to concentrate said energy and attribute; sacred space. It seems your not dealing with a haunting or something that is outside of you that could have been created before you dwelled in said space. This is harder to get rid of, mind you. An example are the pyramids in mexico, such as the aztecs, as marvelous as they are, they still required blood sacrifices/energy to 'honor' their God. A major difference in spirit and energy.

Edited by CrunchyChocolate555

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Well, I do have liver qi stagnation, so I suppose it's anger/frustration related, but I am NOT a violent person at all. Never have been.


Thanks for the visualisation tip, I will definitely try that my next hike up the mountain in a couple of days. :)



Have you tried expressing this some how in some kind of manor? If it is violent, I hope you express this in a non-destructive manor. But as long as your getting it out.


Try pushing this out. Take deep breathes into the chest. It may also be your upper dan tien opening up as it could be a emotional/psychological blockage from the past.


If I may suggest a visual practice while you are out in nature. Imagine grounding your self as your feet become big deep roots into the earth, imagine energy flowing back and forth between the lava and the roots, give this issue or ball of energy to the earth as she is the one who provides for all us and our survival. Hope this helps.


Entity or not, "we become what we think" and I honestly think you will be fine.

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yeah Yogananda states that sitting in full lotus meditation burns bad karma.


It's simple and it works. It's very easy for the mind/ego to get confused but you can't fake the full lotus.


If you had a real kundalini experience you'd be able to sit in full lotus for 2 hrs with no pain, no movement, etc. Most can't do this.... sounds like you're dealing with jing energy issues.


So sitting in full lotus will ground the energy back into your body instead of just psychological stuff.


Full lotus will cycle the energy through your body.


The simplest is the most powerful.

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Oh yes, there many things that have left a mark on me, and this is 100% definitely a complex I have developed and honed for myself, but now I don't know how to get rid of it. I'm not sure about being an empath. I think it's more of a fear of what others think of me, rather than actually feeling other people's emotions.


Like when I say something, anything, I almost always end up analyzing what I just said and coming to the conclusion that I shouldn't have said that, or said it differently. Constantly afraid of having offended someone with what I said or implied something that I didn't intend. So as a result, I play it super safe and try to be as nice and as quiet as I can, but I know I'm holding it all back so it comes out weird every. single. time. Do that enough times and you don't really feel like speaking anymore, you know what I mean?


I also have a lot of trouble controlling the tone and intonation of my voice, which is related to the problem in my solar plexus, but also probably has something to do with my throat chakra. (my entire throat and neck area is chock FULL of trigger points (tight bundles of muscle fiber that have nearly solidified) and the muscles are all tight and hard as rocks.)



I'll bet if I could communicate telepathically with people this communication thing wouldn't be as much of an issue.


I really wish I could just speak my mind and not give a damn. I sort of can on the internet (but I mean hey, so can anyone!)


Express yourself before you begin fighting yourself, which leads to bigger issues down the road. Whatever it may be. Restraint is only good for those who truly need it. Developing telepathy to talk to others is a bit silly in my opinion. Not every one has such a gift or possibly even knows about it.

Edited by DragonsNectar69k

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yeah Yogananda states that sitting in full lotus meditation burns bad karma.


It's simple and it works. It's very easy for the mind/ego to get confused but you can't fake the full lotus.


If you had a real kundalini experience you'd be able to sit in full lotus for 2 hrs with no pain, no movement, etc. Most can't do this.... sounds like you're dealing with jing energy issues.


So sitting in full lotus will ground the energy back into your body instead of just psychological stuff.


Full lotus will cycle the energy through your body.


The simplest is the most powerful.


What he said.

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