
A dream about a dragon and horus.

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I am posting this because I wanted to inquire about a dream I had about a year ago. I had to go out of town to visit a relative at her house who lives sort of near the coast. Needless to say one morning I had woke up from one hell of a sequence of dreams.


In the first dream I had went out of body and found myself walking around town. Interesting enough I had walked by a 'spiritual shop' there in town and had saw the imprint or outline of a dragon there, which was also by a chinese restaraunt (go figure). It seemed to have been guarding that local area because I could not walk past it in the dream state.


I then found myself in some other realm with who I think was a sage of some kind. This man had a magickal shop. I remember on the banner for this shop, there was a pentagram of sorts. I walked into this shop and this man, who was wearing martial art like clothing, all black, had gave me a toy black dragon. I had no idea why. I had asked the man if he could put some white or gold trimming on the dragon and he told me I could do that myself. I remember after holding the dragon, I then saw it 'activate' so to speak. I saw a dragon flying the air in a lightning storm.


This is where the dream got weird. I then found myself being attacked by a bunch of witches and Ms. Cleo looking women. Oddly enough a being that looked exactly like Horus the falcon God appeared in the dream and the attacked stopped. He appeared in the sky. Interesting enough, ive never prayed to Horus in my life.


I guess giving me the black dragon was a dirty trick I suppose? Desecration? I can't find myself identifying with it.

Edited by DragonsNectar69k

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It sounds as if the black dragon represents the unconscious, the reptile brain, fear of attack, fear of being tricked, fear of the unknown, and the occult shop the power of your subconscious to unleash its dragon of creativity filled with spiritual power of lightening, electron flow. Unconscious fear of this power taking on a life of its own and opening you up the Pandora's box of the unconscious worries, attackers, haters, sabotaging influences beneath the surface within you. Horus being the upper brain or super-conscious that rules the unconscious was able to put the snake back in its bamboo and protect you from any harm. So the dragon is really a gift, a sign that your unconscious wants to work with you, and that your super-conscious will protect you as you do, it's up to you to trim the dragon with super-conscious white and gold. Cool dream!!!!!!!!

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Ok So I guess learning to identify with the black dragon as a potentiality within us is a great blessing.


Truth being beauty.


Well in this case it would appear to be subjectively to this one at least, to find the black dragon and the falcon awakening, harmonizing, this would appear to be a great blessing a great opportunity. YES!

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It sounds as if the black dragon represents the unconscious, the reptile brain, fear of attack, fear of being tricked, fear of the unknown, and the occult shop the power of your subconscious to unleash its dragon of creativity filled with spiritual power of lightening, electron flow. Unconscious fear of this power taking on a life of its own and opening you up the Pandora's box of the unconscious worries, attackers, haters, sabotaging influences beneath the surface within you. Horus being the upper brain or super-conscious that rules the unconscious was able to put the snake back in its bamboo and protect you from any harm. So the dragon is really a gift, a sign that your unconscious wants to work with you, and that your super-conscious will protect you as you do, it's up to you to trim the dragon with super-conscious white and gold. Cool dream!!!!!!!!


Interesting interpretation. I remember falling asleep upstairs and briefly imagining a pentagram on the floor with canldes, but I figured it was a figment of my imagination. Possibly a portal of some sort. Needless to say, I felt that this dragon needed to be balanced or else I could have ended up hurting some one if I was a selfish or careless person. I still feel that this dragon I was given was a dirty trick to harm me, to desecrate, the act of depriving something of its sacred character so I could then be vulnerable to attack by those crazy witches. Reason being, I once talked to a channel-er who had told me about a gold dragon from a past life. I have also had dreams about wu-tang and how supposedly there use to be a fued between blacks and asians. That was another crazy dream, because there was a bunch of foot soldiers in that dream. I dont know if it was past life stuff I was digging up or what, but it sure felt that way. I had another dream about another man fighting and killing others in a sports like fashion. I believe this was wu-tang. The victims blood was then used to paint the patio where this man and others would meditate. Strange stuff.


Any ways, thank you Horus for helping me in a vulnerable moment. Whether it was past life stuff or not, there are some crazy power hungry people out there in the astral realms.


One thing I have noticed as well, I was born with a keen sense of awareness. When I tend to hang around certain people and places, like bars, strip clubs, etc. This gift gets fuzzy and I can literally feel the difference in my brain. I guess darkness does that to the mind.


I guess Horus sort of explains why I always see the Falcons when I am outside. Very interesting stuff.


There is so much more. A lot of this stuff stopped after I saw KwanYin the Goddess in a dream state. I remember when I took my mom for acupuncture and had fell asleep in the car, probably because I wasn't grounding myself properly. A women had came into my field of view and was pissed at me apparently. No idea why. She was wearing oriental clothing and said she was going to be working on me. The next morning I had a dream where I had find myself with some old friends and we were smoking weed. I had felt the effects of the weed in the dream. I was wandering around and had happen to swallow a whistle in the dream and literally felt it as if it was real. I woke up and had heard some one say "materialize" but the sensation went away. It was f*cking crazy. I was very confused as to why visiting my mother's acupuncture therapist triggered an attack on myself to say the least.

Edited by DragonsNectar69k

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Dragon is the spine and neck. Horus is the tailbone. They act/articulate together, but sometime the spine is not perfectly strait.

Swallow a whistle is swallowing sound and metal (a tough pill to swallow) -sound is manfestation. Black is mystery and death and freedom. Horus is ra-sol that means the seprpent energy may rise and awaken the heart and mind.

Metal is conductance and magnetic like the heart. The gold of dreaming is the feeling imparted.

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Dragon is the spine and neck. Horus is the tailbone. They act/articulate together, but sometime the spine is not perfectly strait. Swallow a whistle is swallowing sound and metal (a tough pill to swallow) -sound is manfestation. Black is mystery and death and freedom. Horus is ra-sol that means the seprpent energy may rise and awaken the heart and mind. Metal is conductance and magnetic like the heart. The gold of dreaming is the feeling imparted.



Horus is the tailbone? why?

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Funny thing is, my physical back isnt straight. It groves in near the tail bone. Ive always had to do ab work outs to compensate for my weak lower back.

Edited by DragonsNectar69k

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Horus is the tailbone because blindeye says so!



At the risk of being boring Horus is usually associated with the back of the head and the eyes ... not the coccyx.

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At the risk of being boring Horus is usually associated with the back of the head and the eyes ... not the coccyx.

Yes, well that was my impression as well....go figure...my previous remark was somewhat tongue in cheek. Anyway head or back of the head, eyes, make a lot more sense given the solar nature of the region.




''Horus as a boy also appears dominating crocodiles, serpents and other noxious animals on cippi. Sometimes on cippi, the head of the child was often surmounted by a Bes-head, or perhaps a Bes mask.'


Read more: http://www.touregypt.net/featurestories/horus.htm#ixzz2QMeBN3AY

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I'm sorry to jack your thread, but this inspires me to share a dream I had that contained dragons, they were the western type dragons, the ones that knights fought: It began with a grand meeting, we were all in human form (we had the ability to shapeshift from dragons to humans, but the hall we were in contained a gem/diamond the suppressed us into human form) and the eldest dragon (who was covered in gems, even his eyes were gems and he was in dragon form) spoke he said:'up there, the stars is our home and we must return to our brothers'. In the meeting we had discovered a traitor, so me being a General, I had to take him and get him to come clean about being a traitor. The humans (cowboy era) built a gaint boat with wings that could shoot fire. I saw it and realised that the others were in danger. I tried to fly (still in human form) but was lacking/in need of power. I had the intention of drinking/consuming the blood of a human because that's our food. Then I woke up.

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I am posting this because I wanted to inquire about a dream I had about a year ago.


My question:


Why does this dream still stick out for you after a year?

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Sounds like a chord that needs cutting.


My 2 cents, Peace


Yea that would be the simplest solution. I am hoping the situation transforms over time though. A bit of a sacrifice on my part.

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