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Which alternative health practitioners would you recommend for health & diet advice?

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Hi I am interested in seeing an alternative health practitioner or two to get some health and dietary advice on what I can do to get myself running at optimum health but I am wondering what sort people here would recommend? as there are many sorts with different approaches.


I am not really looking at buying a lot of Chinese herbs and getting regular acupuncture treatments so wasn't thinking of going to a TCM practitioner but with thinking more towards something like Ayurveda who would analyse my body type, but then I have heard a lot of good things about Tibetan medicine, then there are New Age practitioners who can do things like muscle testing to check for food sensitivities and deficiencies, and others like Iridology who can see problems from your eyes.


Who do you think really knows what they are talking about and is the real deal?

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I only have acupuncture as a go-to but you said you weren't going to. I'd add massage and psychotherapy as having had most effective health results for me. I don't eat much crap, don't particularly abuse my body in any way except for stress/overwork on occasion.

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well let's start with this:


list everything you do/have done for your health currently, and i mean -everything-


Then people, like me, can help by adding things to your list

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well let's start with this:


list everything you do/have done for your health currently, and i mean -everything-


Then people, like me, can help by adding things to your list

I have tried lots of things but not kept up with many, the main things I have kept up are walking in nature, press ups, pore brushing, eat organic and try to eat local produce, eat more fish, have apple cider vinegar with honey every night, meditation, contriving compassion. I am regularly seeing an energy worker who is very powerful so in that regard I am not very concerned any more I am just looking to learn what diet and exercise / lifestyle things I can do to help contribute to the healing that is already starting to occur in me so I have nothing dragging me back. I'm going to start to give up coffee and reduce sugar but that is difficult.


At the moment I am looking at a Tibetan doctor, does anyone have experience with Tibetan medicine? I might go see someone who knows about crystals too.

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I'd recommend Dr. Greg Tefft at


I have his book called "For Your Body Only" and he incorporates many different systems and takes the blood type diet to the next level. He even describes how different blood types have different Myers Briggs personality types. So after I read the book I would guess someones blood type and I would usually be right. I think if you use his services he send you a testing kit - then he puts you on a certain diet for your body only.

Edited by chi 2012

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