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Internal Martial Arts Resources

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I've come across some excellent articles and training advice recently.

So the idea of this thread is to create one place where we could all post our resources.

It would also make it much easier to find stuff instead of it being scattered and buried in our usual postings.


BTW. My bias is with Xingyiquan, so you'll find the majority of my posts are that way inclined.


Here's a cracking set of articles to start us off.


Enjoy !

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I would ignore Tadzio's site. The fellow tried to organize a seminar and screwed over a lot of people without any communication afterward. Also, his style tried to make a good example on a kung fu reality TV show but one of their "masters" tried to have a good bout with a rather junior wing chun fellow and never landed a hit really and the wing chun fellow was better off in the fight by just backing up and keeping a closed guard.

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I would ignore Tadzio's site. The fellow tried to organize a seminar and screwed over a lot of people without any communication afterward. Also, his style tried to make a good example on a kung fu reality TV show but one of their "masters" tried to have a good bout with a rather junior wing chun fellow and never landed a hit really and the wing chun fellow was better off in the fight by just backing up and keeping a closed guard.

Oh ! I wasn't aware of that. That's the kind of stuff we could do without. I'll Scratch that one out.

Thanks for the heads up on it.

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Rum Soaked Fist - all you ever need :D

It's a good site, but I'm not sure it's all we ever need. There are some ego-maniacs and know-it-all's on there just like any other forum. The majority is good stuff though.

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Yes, let's compile and make things easier for everyone as the mods are reluctant (for some mysterious reason) to use the 'pin thread' function.


1. Chinafrominside. Currently down.

2. Masters of the IMA.

3. Internal Martial Arts Fighter Hall of Fame.

4. Neijia articles.

5. Smoky Mountain Yin Style Baguazhang. Directory of Baguazhang styles and disciples. It was the best in regards to Bagua lineages, principle disciples of Dong Haichuan and lineage students. No longer active, unfortunately

6. Pa Kua Chang Journal.

7. Baguaquan lessons. Personal page of Bagua man He Jinghan. The best when it comes to teaching the foundations of the art. This gentleman has also a personal YouTube Channel.


Thanks Gerard. There's some fantastic stuff there.

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I don't think so.


Emptyflower is a lot better.


RSF is where the cool kids from the OLD Empty Flower hang out, smoke cigarettes, and drink rum behind the bleachers. ;)

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