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Cultivation without ideology?

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Great post Shen Lung. I don't understand anything about quantum theory however so I can't respond properly to it.


Am reading 'Anti-fragile' which seems to get into this systems issue and the 'hand-liver' question. Aside from that, it bashes some people that I'd personally also like to bash for the financial mess. But I digress.



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There is a film that can help one get a toe-hold onto the quantum theory, fairly entertaining, and thought provoking as well. A good use of two hours time, if one has the time for it. Making proper use of the theory would take a person with more intelligence than I, perhaps, but it is a good place to start, in any case. Language that one need not be a genius to comprehend:


I've got a copy of this on disc, just in case it becomes unavailable of youtube.


Before anyone gets the idea that this explains everything and runs off to join or start a new cult, consider the sceptical observations:

Edited by ShenLung

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That show was entertaining, but Ramtha leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth.

People who go about 24/7 claiming to be channeling the spirit of some long - dead person are ... just creepy. Alien channelers, too. The film could have been better without that chick. At least one of the doctors interviewed also states that he cannot support any claims that conciousness has anything to do with manipulating anything on the quantum level, although the film attempts to make that case. I could say that my chair has an experience when I sit in it. Spirit, perhaps, but not an ego conciousness. At some point, I have to say "I don't know", and be ok with that answer, for now.

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Oi, Mr ShenLung sir, with deep respect (((bowing))) some mediums and channelers aren't creepy at all.

The 24/7 ones can be really hard work though.

Good post and I liked your point about multiverses though, the superstring guys are all in favour of an immeasurable 'infinity' of probable universes or 'realities' so it's a fair bet that there could well be a multiplicity of 'us'-es out there and, in an infinitely probable series then it's possible that they might well get to chat to each other now and again by some means or other.

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Oi, Mr ShenLung sir, with deep respect (((bowing))) some mediums and channelers aren't creepy at all.

The 24/7 ones can be really hard work though.

Good post and I liked your point about multiverses though, the superstring guys are all in favour of an immeasurable 'infinity' of probable universes or 'realities' so it's a fair bet that there could well be a multiplicity of 'us'-es out there and, in an infinitely probable series then it's possible that they might well get to chat to each other now and again by some means or other.


That was a bit harsh - sounding on my part, GmP, and being the oddball that I am, I shouldn't be so critical, either. There are some in that camp that make my bs (bad stuff) detector go off; I attempted to refer to those, but cast too wide a net. Will you forgive me?

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