Lindelani Mnisi

Are planets chakras?

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adept, its semantic, but i think you're using the word imaginary in an incorrect way.


IMAGINARY - adj. - existing only in the imagination or fancy; not real; fancied


because it means not real. Simply because science does not yet have the appropriate instrumentation to measure the properties of said vortices does not mean that they are not real. For interesting scientific testament to the reality of chakras, i suggest reading the third section of Swami Satyananda Saraswati's Kundalini Tantra, which deals largely with the forays of cutting-edge scientists in Japan and Europe into the world of subtle energy. They found some things which might shock you.


Or maybe you accept the subtle anatomy of humans as real, youre just using the word imaginary wrong. :) Either way its a good book.




Sorry for the wrong use of the word.

Yes, you're right. I don't mean not real, but not physically real. :blush:

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Associations become concepts of the mind. The mind assumes that those ideas are true. Belief in truth eventually makes something manifest as 'real' when there are enough minds sharing the same belief and not enough minds that counter them with disbelief.

So far goes my theory based on what I was shown during my ayahuasca trips. Of course, it could also be that the same applies to this idea of what I supposedly have been shown. Kinda mindblowing, because that angle is a theory that at the same time proves and disproves itself.


Can you still follow? :D

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How about BOTH imaginary AND real? Money is a great example of something with both characteristics, I think.


Rain. There is rain but it is called different things in different places. Wet stuff falls downwards from the sky.

Same with chakras I reckon, there are energy centres in the body but different cultures describe them differently and maybe don't agree on the number and precise location of them. So words are laid on top of words until you end up with some complex

almost--theology about chakras.

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