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Retention, CCOs, Orbit, Sex, etc. etc.

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Hi there Cat et al...


I recently added an idea to another thread that applies here as well...

Thesis plus antithesis may come to equate with synthesis, and a step forward with renewed insights and perspective. But this intails the absorbtion of both the thesis and antithesis to be able to snythesize the combination into a new viewpoint.


There are far too many axes being ground for many of us to get through the clamor, to then stand beyond the din with new meaning wrought from all the input...


Some have even disparaged the very idea of common civility amongst us and tried to bully their ideas into the discussions with the hubris of any supposedly well-educated fool who is selfishly unaware of the world around them...These are the attitudes of our sorry-ass times.


If only a course in civics 101 could be offered in our school systems instead of the "f--k yr buddy" approach to human interaction that our new zietgest (which seems geared towards a corporate mentality)...offers our youth. Getting ahead for your own sake and ego is now the accepted rule. When the concepts of common respect, community and Compassion are laughed down as a rule, what do you expect?


Boorish louts prevail and succeed with the admiration from those who do not seek a better world, only a better life for themselves. The golden rule, once a corner-stone of almost all civilized belief systems has gone the way of most good manners...Remembered only to be scoffed at...


We seek what we value. We find only what we are able to understand. Any idea seems vapid and will only serve as more noise, if it can not be "gotten"... I am hoping that this message was sharp enough to not need honing and I was able to cut-through rather than add to - the clamor...


So it may be that we should ask ourselves-What do I value and seek? Why do I do what I do?


The Kundalini master, the Shaolin master and other vatious wonderous folks who have shared with and taught me are as yet being synthesized. These forums help to add perspectives and humor and sharing to the mix, but I don't expect much else...


And my voice should also not be taken seriously by anyone who doesn't know me...I can only hope that the compassion comes through and no ire is raised...



Edited by Wayfarer64

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It makes me wonder if it 's inevitable that many people will not comprehend other peoples experiences and perhaps not respect them.


I guess this is why there are always factions, so that different types of people can be together and not bother trying to communicate to people on a different wavelength.


You got my message loud and clear. You were saying about different wavelengths? -Spectrum

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That explains something

So then I don't have chi at all. The thing I have been feeling is, I believe, kundalini rising. I certainly was coming from a place of nothing left to lose, being smacked down fucked over, laughed at and left alone. And it certainly did what it wanted with my body and I just came along for the ride.


I just didn't have the body conditioning.


Usually the first 2 years of Chi Gung practice is a kind of nerve tempering / cleaning out time. I think practicing yoga does the same thing... (non-strip-mall-yoga that has pranayama or equivilant breathing) ... that is lets old patterns work out, (sometimes amplifying as they do) and new patterns (like wu chi) are engrained. During this time often the practitioner feels out their own pleasure/pain relationships within their circuitry. Often working out their own "patterns" becomes the begining of the a foundational understanding of the historical chinese view of the human internal landscape.


Yet Some people don't need "systems" to realize their human potential. Some people get "reborn" in various ways, some simply stumble upon their own treasures, guard or share them as they like, and never seek "guidance". In a way that is refreshing because often people who are constantly seeking "systems" and "masters" are power hungry, needy, or at worst completely wack, to put it technically. The ronin mentality of the western pioneers hold true for many caucasian practitioners.


Off Empty Flower Forum:


"when kundalini awakens its such a force of energy that even when you are sitting your body will spin around in circles without you being able to stop it... thats why the call it the serpent energy because of the way it coils around your takes lots of time to be able to get it under control once it has been awakened....."

I think it would be irresponsable of me to let this go by without recommending a consistant chi gung or yoga practice in tandom with energy work of this type. There are many instances of Internal Arts pracitioners experiencing "effortless" movement in which they did not feel they were moving, but being moved, not breathing, but being breathed. Perhaps this would be considered only a very dim reflection of the infamous writhing of "kundalini rising". But I would challenge anyone to practice any work in Levels and Layers to reveal a spectrum of harmonics. Experience can seperate or unify. First you play the scales, then you play jazz. You don't just pound on the low end of the piano. It sound and vibration and energy being distributed, but it's not art. By unifying intention & movement (or stillness) you'll maintain surfing prowess in the process. The formless form. If a fireman just goes to the hidrant and cranks the valve wide open, sure lots of water comes out, it's only through guiding the water w/ yi (directing the hose), that the fire is extinguished. Let go, let God, let Tao do it for you, Ride the Tiger, Tame the Serpent. Stand Stake.


The mind-body is a terrible thing to waste... might as well cultivate before it's time to fruit, it might make the fruit sweeter, and the seeds heathier.


Daoist cultivation is one path, conservative as it may be, it produces consistant livable results. My mates path is yoga, and for her it is a consistant livable path, producing consistant results (changes/transformations). What we find together is indescribable. It's as much worship as it is personal liberation. Love is mysterious.



Edited by Spectrum

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post #23. How can I respond to it. I agree. You put it beautifully. I like what you say and the way that you say it.




Funny thing... my post 2:33, your post in response to #23 @ 3:22

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