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Who is insane?

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African Bushmen view the white anthropologists who keep asking them questions as "line people" because of their need for logic basically calling them "insane"



Native americans couldnt understand the concept of owning land so they sold new york for $21 dollars eg "insane"



Native americans viewed the people who came to invade as white demons before they even arrived (in visions could sense their energy)


Some people could consider killing animals/trees for money or whatever as a form of insanity.


Personally I think working 50 hours a week in order to survive in a job you hate whilst thinking your lucky and your doing good is insane.


The practice of psychology could be considered insane in some way.



Terrence McKenna talks about this in this video...



These days I am finding I am in holiday mode, in a mode where I do whatever I want not really considering the environment aka (not giving a fuck) however this can lead to circle walking in a not fully hidden area where 1 or 2 people may pass in an hour..or drawing art in the park/meditating under a tree...this can be considered insane where I come from, and dont get me wrong I dont need anyone coming on here trying to give me advice/stealing my energy saying dont do this be like me instead...


Krishnamurti- It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.


Osho- I dont care about being respectable, to be considered respectable by an insane society is demeaning (paraphrasing)

Edited by sinansencer

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Kids are insane, if I acted like a 5 year old they'd lock me up somewhere. Most cultures all though history knew about demons and spirits.

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I see kids as much more sane than many adults. Who is the "they" who is locking you up, sane people or insane people?


Yes demons, but who mentioned demons

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They're a bit mad.

Working a job you hate isn't mad it's sad. Economic necessity is a bummer.

Working a cushy well paid job that bores the malas off you likewise.

In younger days I lived in an Ashram, same place where Tony Parsons started out in the guru business. Self sufficient very spiritual, lovely countryside, lots of laydees [i was single].

Bored the bits off me after eighteen months so I left. Ashram folded a year or so later due to fallings out and main setup moving to Oregon. That didn't last either.

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