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Oxytocin, Love and Rewiring the Brain

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Hey all,


So I was thinking about oxytocin (the cuddle, love, bonding hormone) after reading a transcript from NICABM about brain science (it was an interview with Norman Doidge, the author of "The Brain that Changes Itself") and there is a hypothesis out there right now that oxytocin helps the brain to rewire, by facilitating "unlearning". The purpose would be when two people meet and fall in love, their brains/minds/personalities need to rewire to better suit each other in order to have a successful long term relationship. The same applies when oxytocin is release in the mother during breast feeding and bonding. Basically oxytocin helps to "loosen up" our wiring and unlearn old patterns so that we can make new connections to support relationships.


Then, I thought about how many traditions emphasize love as a way to transform.


So, meditating on love might increase our levels of oxytocin if we bring those feelings of love and bonding up, allowing us to "unlearn" our old habits. Just some food for thought. It would be interesting if this was shown to be true, that meditating on love increases oxytocin and that oxytocin actually does help with unlearning.

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Interesting and from my experience, true.


Oh my, having babies does rewire your brain!

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Hey all,


It would be interesting if this was shown to be true, that meditating on love increases oxytocin and that oxytocin actually does help with unlearning.


I see a few issues with the precept which you might consider,

It would imply that folks in love would tend to actually lose their bad habits...

I dont think so!

It would imply that folks in already existing rich relationships didnt learn new ones as firmly.

I dont think so!


and lastly,,

There may be things you want to un-learn , but there are probably things you don't want to unlearn..

So even if it was effective (meditation mediated oxytosin dosing)..would it not pose a problem in it's nonselective nature?


Meditate because meditation 'centers' you

Love because you love it

Learn new, to un-learn old

Then you don't have to wonder whether the dude was just trying to sell books or something.

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