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the sutra of the running ice cream werewolf?

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So yeah in this sutra it states that the a werewolf made of ice cream who is ocnstantly running to keep from being melted made the world. lol i kid


But in seriousness why do people debate and such over relgion? now a fun debate is fun sometiems but religion is like ice cream who is to say what flavor is supreme. or who can speak for another.


what is your favorit flavor of ice cream? and if taoism were an ice cream what would it be? I might of asked this question before.


i say strawberry why because where i grew up chritstianity is the main religion and so i say vanilla for that and buddhism was a thing that i was told was not right at an early age so chocolate for that one kind of the war between chocolate and vanilla. and i did not learn about taoism till i was like 15 so strawberry cause it is kind of the forgoten ice cream.


Thoughts comments


Ice cream ice cream cream cream ice


that meens thanks in ice cream language

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There's this flavor of gelato you can get at Fenochio in Nice, called "Pain d'epices" or spice bread. I think they renamed the flavor to make it sound more current. I think this tastes like Taoism. It tastes like winter solstice or sumthin.

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Well it should go without saying that many people don't believe that religion is like ice cream and instead believe that only one is fully objectively true. The issue is that many make contradictory truth claims. How one is fully able to believe the dogma of any specific religion is beyond me.


I think it may be due to the fact that people believe or want to believe in objective metaphysical truth and in objective morality. Elsewise everything quickly becomes chaotic.


I believe in foundational objective truths, but I simply don't know what they are. But that doesn't prevent me from committing to certain values and beliefs in the meantime.


I like Sam Harris' views on the dangers of religious dogma:

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For me the respective myths are beside the point. Within most traditions there is gold, often not in the 'main' book, but in the millennia of writings since. Good solid wisdom on how to conduct oneself honorably and live a good life. Pick and choose correctly, maybe read it upside down and strain heavily and you can find good lessons there. Sadly those who read it literally can easily have there prejudices reinforced.


I'm Jewish, take a thing like the Sabbath. Do I keep it because God rested on the 7th day? No, that whole sentence is a land mine of conjectures. Yet the idea of creating a sacred family time, a holyday within each week where we can't work, we have to relax and spend time together; no work, no tech. Its bonding. Sure we've shrunk it from a day to a few hours, but its made us a better family. We light candles and say prayers of special recognition for our food and the sabbath.


There are codes of honor and conduct, there are deep spiritual insights that I can learn from. It's certainly not a Jewish thing, I believe its held within the best of all religions. Belonging to a temple is a good outlet for doing much charity work. Its not only taught my kids about out religion, but they've visited a Mosque, Bahai' temple, Cathedral (not to mention food pantries & shelters) in the past year through the temple, to learn about other faiths. They learn good stuff there; charity, prayer, study; respect for there traditions as well as others.


Hopefully they've learned not to be militant or dogmatic. Because whether its a religious, atheistic, political, its the militants bring down everyone.


my two bits.

Edited by thelerner

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Oh, talk about religion just seems silly and frivolous. Let's get serious-


Please tell me more of the spice bread gelato, I may have to embark upon a quest.

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Oh, talk about religion just seems silly and frivolous. Let's get serious-


Please tell me more of the spice bread gelato, I may have to embark upon a quest.



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