
an interesting disscution on the website.

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They are being complete dicks and bullies to you lol. Tao Bums should organize a type of forum invasion with at the very least, 5 members going over there and arguing against everything they like to talk about, derail threads, etc.

Edited by Immortal4life

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Ummm.... nothing special about the discussion. There have been longer, far more rude, and far more enlightening conversations about the topic out on the web (interesting how good and bad can come out of the same discussion!!!)


For anyone who has ever been involved with them (raises hand) over any significant period of time (raises hand), they are fairly predictable.


These guys have obviously had the same conversation with the same types of people over and over again, no new ground gets covered, and they just start dicking around in the thread. It happens.

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Actually, that is an interesting discussion


For some reason whenever I see a topic you start where you try to ask a question, I instead see it as an attack. Normally you ask a question and give an example of what you're talking about to make it easier to understand what you're talking about from an example you give. The example used after the question is an example that was proven true at some point before, from there the discussion can start. In your thread you used an example that was proven false, the powers being found to be fake.


If you had an example where the powers were proven to be true and from divinity, you could continue the discussion from that point and then see where that point leads you. You instead used the powers being fake example, this example cannon be the starting point of a discussion since there is nothing to discuss anymore.


There's a needle in a haystack and you want to find the needle. The needles is the truth and the hay is the useless lies. One of the bits of hay is the people who's powers were proven to be false, you take that bit of hay and put it into another pile. You keep putting these pieces of hay into another pile until there's only a needle left or you get lucky and see the needle beforehand. The hay is not important, you need the needle that you could sew the discussion with.


If you don't find the needle first, you will just throw hay at the topic of God but that's OK, there are a lot of false things people talk about that is unrelated to truth and so there's a low opinion on God. But you actually want superpowers so if you could find someone who is proven to have powers and the reason behind these powers was God, then you could have your answer.


That example could also be the reason to start the discussion, because you find something to be true, you want to see where that truth leads. You could also start one if you saw too many lies and you want to talk about how false something is and since you throw only the hay and the lies, it looks like an attack.


So what I would do is look for something that is true to get the discussion back on track, otherwise they will keep talking about Superman. I like how they went off topic instead of seeing this as an attack, they know that there's nowhere to go with what you gave to them and so they do whatever.


Imagine that they are animals in an open field where they can talk about whatever they want. When you start a thread you give a direction about what to talk about but instead of leading, in your case you build a wall. It's impossible to go through a wall and so they go around it but with inly one wall, the wall is useless. If you put up enough walls from all sides, you can build something that looks like a tunnel. A tunnel is like a tube that you're in, if you're starting from the middle you can go towards the truth or the ultimate lie and you will have to go back into the tunnel.


Man, have I dragged this on or what :lol:

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