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Moderators Should Fire more Warning Shots?

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I was surprised Body of Light was given a suspension. I'm not a fan of his; he was passionate, but I don't think he meant to be insulting. I could see how he could have felt people (like myself) were 'ganging' up on him and he needed to be more forceful. Did he get a warning, publically or privately?


The moderators are stricter now then they've been in years past. That's probably been a good thing. Its a thankless job. Still, I hope that people, particularly new ones are given a warning or 2 (esp. if there offense is minor) before getting tossed. A warning that specifies what they did wrong and that they could be tossed if it continues.




my 2 cents.



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I could forgive him for insulting the great poetic works of the Masters, but the words he used about Manitou were way too harsh to let him continue that train of communication.

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It is great to see the mods being more interactive as opposed to the past.


Edited: the rest of the post deleted due to being a repetitive message.

Edited by Gerard
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We do fire warning shots.


BoL had a 7 days suspension to cool off after a long discussion between mods. he came back and right away starting insulting .... so I sent him this:




You have just come back from a suspension and already this:


"you know ralis, someone in here told me you are an unenlightened **** and advised me not to bother with you but i wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt..


but this post of yours really points out to me..


your ego is so huge it has screwed up your head.. "


I'm giving you an chance to self-edit before considering further action ... please take this opportunity.


Apech for Mod team


He did change that post - some mods thought he should have got a longer suspension right away for that - but anyway he continued and then insulted manitou which got him a longer suspension.


We are trying to do this in a way which makes people more respectful. BoL stimulated a lot of conversation - some of which was interesting - all he had to do was not to insult others. For someone who claimed to be about to renounce the world that's not a lot to ask.



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I hadn't realized the earlier suspension. Guess its fair. Not an easy job moderating.


Nothing like people playing the 'You have too much ego; No You do' game'. :o.




Edited by thelerner

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A lot goes on behind the scenes and we discuss each case before action - unless its spam or whatever.


No one likes suspending or banning people ... and it does get a bit dull when certain people are not around ..but that's the way it is.


if you can think of way to make it clearer what's ok and what's not then that would help.

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