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Sun Ra

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After seeing Balance's avitar I did a search and found

0 - Zero posts containing Sun Ra.


I am Positive sum Bums out there have read much Sun Ra or at least dig on the Arkestra.


Well can't learn if my cup is overfloating.


Space is the place,





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After seeing Balance's avitar I did a search and found

0 - Zero posts containing Sun Ra.


I am Positive sum Bums out there have read much Sun Ra or at least dig on the Arkestra.


Well can't learn if my cup is overfloating.


Space is the place,


Dear Rob:

Well back in the good old days, say real early '70s I tacked the cover of Sun Ra's "Atlantis" album on my kitchen wall.

One day while standing in my kitchen, what seemed to be a rainbow colored snakelike glowing band of energy was flowing from my navel area to the Sun on the cover of the "Atlantis" album. It appeared just like that. It went on, very coherent, for about 5 minutes, then faded away. I've only seen this happen one more time, under similar circumstances, with a poster of the Hindu Krishna. I knew nothing about Tan Tiens back then. It had sort of a buzzing feel. The cord between me and the picture slowly whipped around, but the diameter of the pipeline was uniform the whole time.

This must have really influenced me years later when I started reading about Taoist practices.

I had forgotten all about this incident. It was so interesting and so unexpected, so magickal-I was heavy into magick back then. Thanks for reminding me.

BTW-I thought the cover was way better than the music.


Eric Yudelove

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The Solar Myth Approach is a great album. i have heard other 'discordant' music before, but Sun Ra's still seems hmm to be more than just noise. i have listened to the album quite a bit and i can predict the 'movements' if you will but i still dont discern a technical 'pattern', at least on the really abstract, discordant songs.


what made you want to bring up Sun Ra?

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Just recently picked up both "Principles...." and "Zen Body-Being" ..... I'll begin grinding through both quite soon here.... Collegiate mid-terms have my literary focuses diverted elsewhere at the moment... but give me a week or so (Sorry I can't contribute sooner)to read and partially digest and I'll see if I'm able to add something constructive to this discussion.


balance is using Ra's image for avatar


I saw the reply, noticed the face... and voila!

I have some texts,films, as well as many field recordings.


This man (oops) is not only a highly educated advanced prolific composer deep into Egyptology, but one hell on a showman as well.

I didn't attend Cambridge, Berkley, Berklee, or U North TX.

I have spent countless hours at Fred Anderson's Velvet Lounge, The Vision Fest, etc...

The musicians, artists, people have always been very cool about sharing the wisdom.(High level AACM cats)

Being passionate about cats like Zappa, David Lee Roth, and Ra, requires looking beyond the shtick, reading the books, digging deep into the notes ala John Gilmore (read Coltrane level) he was with Ra forever!

Or Steve Vai (this cat is deep into meditation and the arts).

The Tao Bums gives a learning environment par excellence!

Where else could we all wax poetic about Sun ra?

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None of you are ready for Sun Ra.


Sun Ra wasn't ready for Sun Ra.

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