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masturbation and attractiveness

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Thinking about speaking is pretty hot. In the intentional community, we think about speaking for ages and ages, until the urge passes and we are utterly sated but havent defiled our silence and lost any verbals. Spilling the verbals is a big no - no.


Actually, I have been typing a lot lately. I better hold off. My keyboard is sooo seductive. dang! It just lies there, quietly. :wub:


Yea well being quiet has never gotten my anywhere with women thats for sure.. I think.

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Yea. Actually I've known about it for a while just didn't know there was a "practice" to it. I know that if I dont relate with women I will go insane. I dont even have to have sex but just relating to a woman. Becaue I'm yang and she's yin it has a balancing effect, but nobody recognizes this.


Well going insane would be unhealthy and so problematic and requiring medical attention. But I think you are onto to something very important about yin and yang and the balancing / nourishing effect that can occur. Also the Natural Grounding practice is interesting.

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I this girl being suggested at their website? because I am not getting anything. closedeyes.gif

(I am actually getting too bored to do it until something happens)



But the practice of letting the yin of women affect you is an authentic taoist practice.

It was suggested to me by my teacher in the periods I was single, not to get totally yin dry.

After all you need to remember that for taoists already speaking is a form of sex.


Yes she is being suggested but there are others suggested in the forum i linked to.

I didn't feel anything at first either but the 3rd time i started crying and now i feel it everytime i watch her, i've only been doing it for a couple of weeks though.

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Yes she is being suggested but there are others suggested in the forum i linked to.

I didn't feel anything at first either but the 3rd time i started crying and now i feel it everytime i watch her, i've only been doing it for a couple of weeks though.


congratulations for your results.

I don't see myself doing this.

first I am not sure it will work,

second I am also not sure if it works, if this is going the direction I want to go.


Meditations need to be around for a few hundred years, before I really consider them. Sorry.

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but why not just get a damn woman instead of watching music videos? That goes against the whole "social-cultural" thing because in those MUSIC VIDEOS there is socio-cultural programming!

Edited by Non

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Yea. Actually I've known about it for a while just didn't know there was a "practice" to it. I know that if I dont relate with women I will go insane. I dont even have to have sex but just relating to a woman. Becaue I'm yang and she's yin it has a balancing effect, but nobody recognizes this. They'd rather just leave you alone to fend for yourself.


Man you're just incredible. Leave you alone to fend for yourself? Well of course, because you're a nobody to them. Complaining that a person who doesn't know you leaves you alone to fend for yourself is just ludicrus. Might as well complain that some model you saw in a magazine just leaves you to fend for yourself. Women don't owe anything to you.




congratulations for your results.

I don't see myself doing this.

first I am not sure it will work,

second I am also not sure if it works, if this is going the direction I want to go.


Meditations need to be around for a few hundred years, before I really consider them. Sorry.


Likewise. (except for that last part)

Edited by Pero

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but why not just get a damn woman instead of watching music videos? That goes against the whole "social-cultural" thing because in those MUSIC VIDEOS there is socio-cultural programming!


It's not about watching music videos instead of getting real women :rolleyes:

It's about learning to get a deeper connection with women, women WILL notice when you look at and treat them like human beings instead of sex objects.

I'm already succesful with women and this has just been taking it up another level.

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Man you're just incredible. Leave you alone to fend for yourself? Well of course, because you're a nobody to them. Complaining that a person who doesn't know you leaves you alone to fend for yourself is just ludicrus. Might as well complain that some model you saw in a magazine just leaves you to fend for yourself. Women don't owe anything to you.





Likewise. (except for that last part)


Why do you think I would speak of women I've never met?

Edited by Non

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I've noticed that if I go without masturbating for several days, and I have something else to focus my energy on, like chi kung or other types of projects, I become more relaxed around women and they like me more. If I'm masturbating a lot however, the lack of emotional satisfaction and low serotonin/oxytocin makes me more desperate for a woman's companionship. It's even worse if you use porn, at least in my case, I pick up on the negative energy of the people in the videos.


That is so true! About: "Getting negative energy from the videos." That is the truest words spoken.



Oh dear Jesus. Don't you people see that getting pussy MEANS FUCKING NOTHING when it comes to life ? Mystery was/is a fucking nerve wreck WHILE being "the best pick up artist in the world" so recommending him to anyone is bullshit my friend.


Most def agree! Most of these Don Juans/Pick Up artists are douches.

As I used to be one.

It's all an Illusion

And an ego booster that doesn't do more then destroy you.

Edited by LeonBasin

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Also if you are looking for a woman/women to fulfil you or make you whole it aint gonna work.

This is something you need to accomplish on your own.

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Some of these videos he has conflict with the whole premise of "non-sexploitatiion". I personally think whenever a woman dresses and in any way associates sexuality with something deviant, and 'dark' or 'bad' 'unpure', it's sexploitation.


Ie like Showgirls 2007 - Oh La la. That's exploitation.


Oh but I guess,being almost naked and showing off your short skirt (or not), black makeup, a whorey type look of filth and prostitution, and unhealthy submission and sado-masochism is a popular thing women do these days.


women also like to think they are cats, but on a leash. that's like being submissive, but also, raw and CRUDE anger in a very primitive non-evolved way.


Like they will step on you and run all over you unless you MAKE them submit. Otherwise they will toy with you and play this whole power dominating game with you, and take advantage of you, like power/control freaks.


I'll stand up for myself when I need to but people testing you for stupid reasons is unnecessary. Anyways, it's a stupid game too because they'll just keep tryin you and testing you and keep trying to walk all over you until you get pretty much fed up. They want to make you fed up.


It's also like they want to find a guy to submit to, why? Because on the inside she thinks that she is inferior?

Edited by Non

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yea, if that's how youy feel then obviously you must stay away from them, or you will end up in jail. Because you can't get beyond these gross generalizations (all are this/all arent that) its best you just get a hobby and forget it. You will never be able to believe that they are not all the same. Some are like this and some are like that. Some do and some don't. Some will and some won't. You will never understand this as you have coagulated and become attached to a certain negative view you are clinging to.

Edited by Tao99

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I mean, seriously.


Now thinking about it. pre-teen is just another way to say that you want a submissive little girl who acts so young that it is reflected in a naive state of mind, that can do whatever you say.


But then again.. it's like with japan and their pre-teen sexual obsession. Pre-teen or youthful teens are considered beautiful so the age of consent is very low.


If women have to be pre-teen just to be pure and understanding, and kind-warmhearted than... :P


Whatever happened to the adult goddesses who dont go around attracting criminals and serial rapists trying to corrupt them because they are attracting pedophiles and men who want to corrupt their youth? But eh.. maybe in some countries pedophilia is accepted.


I mean, seriously. Because these men probably think pre-teens give up sex and love easier because they are naive at that age.


So that only pre-teens are able to do so while adults can be as nonloving and non-caring as they want to be. Until they got this BIG FUCKING SCARY DUDE she looks at as her DADDY that puts other men to shame fuckin with a SWEET LITTLE INNOCENT NAIVE GIRL that is taking over her MIND AND BODY with tactics that make her feel like that sweet little innocent naive girl, and that is 'native' and 'primitive'..


So now sexuality is associated with naivety and darkness, 'bad'.


That's why you see porn associated both the 'virginal goddess' in the form of youth, and youthful ignorance, with dirty sexploitation.


so that the virginal goddess image is corrupted and no more because in the society it becomes corrupt and it glorifies bad behavior.

Edited by Non

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Why do you think I would speak of women I've never met?


Met doesn't equal know.

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I tell you though.. one thnig that has worked for me.


When I get mad sometimes, and think of being estranged by all woman of society.


I think of a woman who understands and cares and one that I can relate with, and it soothes me. She doesn't exist in real life though. I have to create her. That may causes problems later on...


It is delusional.

Edited by Non

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Hey, that's pretty cool. I'd say it's more then delusion - it's the Idea, which is the beginning of change. When an artist creates a painting, he first must conceive the Idea of what he wants to paint. Only then can he act to achieve his idea.


Maybe what you are imagining isn't as rare as you think it is in real life.


It is kinda hard to imagine tho.


She appears faceless most of the time. I have no idea of how such a woman would look like or even be like. And just the idea seems really out there. I have no female models to really consider, and I dont want to be too specific about her looks because really I may find a lot of combinations of looks to be attractive. it is kinda hard tho when she has no face.

Edited by Non

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Perhaps you need to consider classic pop songs? (even this one is a cover of an older song)


Some girls will, some girls won't

Some girls need a lot of lovin' and some girls don't

Well, I know I've got the fever but I don't know why

Some say they will and some girls lie


They are ALL different, get out there and put a face to your dream girl, you can do it.

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Great clip Mal! Maybe you should put an "anti-seizure" warning label on it;-)




A Gilr;-)


I can't believe I'm still in this thread ;-)


Hope everyone in it is fine. Especially Non. We'll all get there friends (wherever we're going;-))

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Non, you know about Winn's Deep Earth Pulsing movement. Practice it. Deeply.


In the deepest level of the practice, you're actually having a kind of intercourse with the Earth Mother. As you exhale down, you send your yang energy into the Earth, and then inhale up yin Earth energy through the feet. I've found this to be a very profound practice to soothe sexual anxiety and connect with the feminine.


It is great to combine this with the Inner Smile. You probably have the Winn's ebook already, if not, you can find it at his website.


It is an honor to be able to share my feelings about this method with you.



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Most stupid stuff us greenhorns do is fueled by a great longing for the great earth mother.



We're just so far away from figuring this Yin thing out, and... I said it,.. it hurts!


So girls, be gentle, and patient.



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