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LOL@Traditional MA's

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OMG I have been having some fun with traditinal MA's.


First, I am getting Chinese food a couple weeks ago and as I am waiting at the bar strike up a conversation with the waiter. He says he is only doing this until he graduates to become Sensei of his dojo. I go what art? And he says Tiger Claw Kung Fu or something.


So I bring up that I do BJJ and like UFC and he goes " Oh that shit doesn't really work. In real life you don't have a cage. If one of those UFC guys tried to take me down I would just side kick them".


I would have probably laughed out loud for real but I didn't want him spitting in my seafood soup so I go

"interesting, yeah I coould see how a good shin kick might prevent a world class wrestler like Randy Couteur from taking someone down. So where is your dojo I may stop by sometime".


I think he may have actually handed me a card which I promptly threw in the garbage on my way out.


Then today, a customer who has been in many times tells me how he does Kung Fu and would like to spar sometime. So I do my best Wanderlei Silva impersonation bringing my arms up to strike and he goes

"Ha..just try to punch me and I will show you what I would do".


Of course I have spent so much time with traditional martial artists I don't even want to argue and I give a picture perfect punch right down the middle that no one would ever use on the street..ever...


He moves off to the side a little and grabs my arm and locks it and goes "See I just break it here". I am nodding and playing along because this guy has spent thousands of dollars and I am not going to fight my customer. I also can tell just looking at him that he would be in total shock if I took him to the ground and totally helpless. But again, not something I plan on doing. So I go " Man you sure you know your stuff and I am not messing with you on the street."


Then he invites us to some art exhibition or something(He is an artist) and leaves.


Anyway if I ever meet someone who is not my customer who says "lets spar" then asks me to punch a certain direction so they can do a certain move..I am just going to kick them right in the nuts and walk away.

Edited by Cameron

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Anyway if I ever meet someone who is not my customer who says "lets spar" then asks me to punch a certain direction so they can do a certain move..I am just going to kick them right in the nuts and walk away.

LOL. This is the funniest post ever.

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Yeah, I wuz watching 30 UFC fights with Max the other day (a rather gay thing to do) and one of the fights was very interesting:


Jeremy Horn, who is a fantastic fighter and a real bad-ass was fighting Chuck Liddell, who is an internal martial artist. Chuck has never claimed to be nor did anyone ever suggest it, but if you ever watch his breathing you will see his "bell." You may also notice that he is hardly ever taken to the ground, and when he hits, his hands always move slow until just before impact when they accelerate. In addition, he knocks people out by hitting them in the side of the head which is really difficult (can you say brain damage?)


Anyway, Jeremy Horn was putting up an awesome defense and Chuck Liddell was smarter then to follow a grappling genius like Jeremy Horn to the ground so the stand-up went on forever.... Suddenly, Jeremy got popped in his eye socket and surrendered the fight almost instantly. Like, you hear all this bullshit about how much "heart" these guys have in order to take beatings but once they get it in the eye socket the look on their faces says everything and ALL the heart is out of them. This is not to diss Jeremy Horn because that guy LOVES to fight and can take a beating and a half and I am a big fan of his, but it goes to show you something about the human condition: unless you are some Buddha with no attachment to your body, when the body thinks it is going to be destroyed, everything usually goes out the window.

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Plato, did you ever see that Forrest Griffin vs. Stephan Bonnar fight. That shit was incredible.

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I would say any martial art can be deadly. Kung Fu or Tai Kwon Do. Thigs like good timing, experience in real combat and internal part of training can be a factor. Why do you think Aikido or Aiki-jitsu is not allowed in MMA competition. Because most of their techniques are against the rules. And why is that? Because they will end the fight in a matter of seconds with a wrist or arm lock.


Check out this guy from Korea.

My friend used to go there and said the teacher sometimes is challenged by some other martial arts people and they all just fly backward before they can reach him. Check the video of his push hands. He seems like a real deal- based on what my buddy told me. Things like the teacher asked him to grab his shoulder and then my friend saw the ball of energy moving under the teacher's skin to the area where he grabed him. The next thing he knows, he is flying backwards and the students catching him. The teacher didn't move an inch.


Sometimes he would ask my friend about his past Aikido training and then he would go ahead and demonstrate all the tricks that O'Sensei did.

Edited by Smile

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I love Aikido and what little I studied of internal martial arts from China I liked but my time is limited(like everyone) and BJJ is more fun.


I also got tired of people basically making themselves beleive in a technique when I could walk out of it at any second. In BJJ you walk out of a technique if the guy is good he does something else.


But my Aikido teacher in NYC, Juba Nour, is as martial and real Aikido that you would find anywhere if I was still living in NY, or ever move back, it would be a hard, hard decision whether to study with him or with Renzo Gracie.



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But my Aikido teacher in NYC, Juba Nour, is as martial and real Aikido that you would find anywhere if I was still living in NY, or ever move back, it would be a hard, hard decision whether to study with him or with Renzo Gracie.

I would go back to my teacher at SHin-budo Kai. I had a few dreams recently training there again.


Now I'm working on a form of Internal Power breathing practice to see all the effects. That's the stuff that makes you able to break rocks without any hand conditioning or take any punch without Iron shirt training. The energy it produces is very dense- definately not for cultivation. But it brings a new meaning to things I learned in Aikido.

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Plato, did you ever see that Forrest Griffin vs. Stephan Bonnar fight. That shit was incredible.


I don't think so. Do you have a link? :rolleyes:



I was looking forward to Chuck vs. Wand in Pride but Chuck got dominated by Rampage.


Here is the clip,


Can't seem to get that clip to work.

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I've met .. or rather I've experienced personal interaction-demonstration with only 2 really accomplished internal martial arts teachers. The level is just .. no comparison. I mean, I'm the first to admit that I have no fighting skill. But its clear that, at really high level of internal martial accomplishment, those guys just don't fight. If they intended, one strike and the opponent is disabled or dead. At that level, you just don't fight. Or, only when very necesary, and you hold back, do enough to control the situation with minimal damage.


Sifu Kenny Gong story. SKG was on a subway in NY and some ruffian was scaring the passengers, and something or other to break the law (I didn't get the whole story). So, SKG goes and sits next to the guy and just drapes his arm around him, like a buddy. The guy, literally, can't move. They stay that way until the police arrive.

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In one of two times I met with Sifu Tom Morrissey, who is one of only a handful of guys that Kenny Gong authorized to teach his system(along with the guy you studied with Kieth), I enjoyed it. I think he must have had some intuition that I wasn't going to to stick around because he taught me the "saamchoy" Baghuazhang standing meditation and said if I never see you again this is the best thing I can teach you..or something.


I think I will probably get back into the chinese internal MA's when I am in my 40's or something. Anyway i do zhan zhuang every day which some teachers like Ken Cohen consider the foundation of internal MA's.


Maybe I'll do one of those retreats with Frank Allen at Dao Mt one year.


Then again, if I am going to get back into it I should probably study with Tom. He is a cool guy and good teacher. I could tell he really loved Kenny Gong.


Toms website,

Edited by Cameron

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I was looking forward to Chuck vs. Wand in Pride but Chuck got dominated by Rampage.


Here is the clip,

It is an old video, probably from the time when he fought with Randy at UFC and lost. Chuck is studying some internal system now- from what I can see from his body structure and the way he moves. Next time you see him fight, look how hard it is for graplers to take him down.


I didn't like him at first but now he is one of my favorite fighters, along with Andrei Arlovski and Rich Franklin.

Btw, Andrei is from my city and country.

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Andre seems cool and I like his style. I would rank him #2 heavyweight in the world after Fedor.


So you think Chuck will stuff Randy's takedowns on Saturday Maxie?

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Andre seems cool and I like his style. I would rank him #2 heavyweight in the world after Fedor.


So you think Chuck will stuff Randy's takedowns on Saturday Maxie?

Yeah, Fedor and his brother rule. I'm not even sure who is better. Russian fighters kick ass. :P


I would bet on Chuck. If in fact he studies internal stuff, he will be holding the belt for a very long time. Notice his stomach when he fights.

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Alek is good but Fedor is another level. Alek won't ever be champion IMO . Crocop knocked Alek out with 1 kick. He hit Fedor, Wand and Mark Hunt with the same kicks repeatedly and they did nothing. However, fedor is apparently not fighting at all in 2006 due to an injury so if there was ever a chance for Alec to step up it would be now. But like I said, I don't see Alec beating Mark Hunt or that Sergei guy either. And if Shogun moves up to heavyweight I don't think Alec can do anything to him either.


Alec is basically a slower version of Fedor with a weak chin.

Edited by Cameron

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I'm studying tai chi chuan in China at the moment with a good yang style teacher...


From what he has said: you can't really say anything about which martial art is better than another, you can only talk about which practitioner is better...


I love to talk about how tai chi chuan is fantastic and internal martial arts are much better than external martial arts, but really if you put me in a competition with a good external martial artist, then I would get kicked...


I personally think that at the highest levels internal martial arts are superior to external, but reaching those levels is only done by about 1 in 100,000 practitioners anyway... But external martial arts can also be done in an internal manner, so ...


In my opinion the movement from external to internal is natural, I personally just prefer the way tai chi chuan focusses on being internal from the beginning. You really improve your health from the inside out and have the benefit of becoming a functional martial artist at the same time (if you have a good teacher...) External works from the outside in...


Both work, just depends on your personality I guess, what do you like...



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