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External Qi Transmission Video

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the first vid was more believable.


I think it's legit because the one's getting the qi move in unison with the master's hands, with their eyes closed and in a complete trance. Unless he had a string.


And the people could definitely not move like that on their own they would fall on their ass with all those close calls only to be pulled in the opposite direction from some unknown force, as if there was a string guiding them but there isnt!


That shizz crazy!


To the western christian this would seem like a work of the devil though. Demons posessing them. Why the need for such violent reactions and movement?

Edited by Non

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What about this Derren Brown Voodoo video:



Haha omg video 1 looks like me when i get the Kriyas in bed.


Thats too funny.


Edited by drewhempel

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When my practice works well or I get good energy I get the laughter too. Its a deep belly laughter sometimes. The really good stuff gives me belly laughter.

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What about this Derren Brown Voodoo video:



This is exactly how everything works. Qi works like that. Vodoo. Objectivity. Meditation. Ignorance. Enlightenment. It all has this same exact nature as demonstrated in the video.


Darren is not showing that it's fake. The power is real. But what's real about it is higher-level than what we think it is. In other words, it's not Qi, it's the belief in Qi. It's not objectivity, it's the belief in objectivity. Etc. It's the beliefs and investment into them (arguably if you don't invest yourself into a belief, it's not something you believe in) that makes appearances credible.


I've discovered this long time ago.


This is why I don't follow Qi or Prana or Chakras or any such thing. But at the same time, I also don't follow objective reality, or physicalism and other such beliefs. It's all the same crap, just that some crap is more popular and more in-style than other crap.

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does this mean that if someone does not believe in the power of chi, any sort of healing is closed off for them?


Im talking about disbelief, belief that it isn't possible. Im not talking about simple passive "i'll believe it when I see it" which is still open to the possibility.


And if a person IS open to the possibility, than it really does have power, and can do "impossible" things?


But it's the belief that allows it.


This doesn't discredit magic though, but confirms that where attention goes, energy flows; and that's the real secret to magick isn't it?

Edited by Non

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actually... thinking about something..



if magick, and qi transmission is based on belief... then wouldn't the knowing of this cause it to lose it's power?


What if it ISN'T just belief, but about ENERGY.


Belief is a form of focus. You know that saying "energy flows where attention goes".


so the video drew posted doesn't disprove qi transmission. it just goes to show that belief can open up and close doorways.


If all is thought.. then such things are built on thought systems.

Edited by Non

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