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ok i was browsing a commercial bookstore the other day, having received a voucher for christmas.


i saw a book there about neural exercises or something like that. i didn't buy it... but i took the point by skimming through it.



our brains need regular exercise, needs to be challenged constantly in order to grow new neural connections.


anyone who has worked with cst will realise that with it's increasingly complex movements, the entire system functions not only for the body but also for the brain as complex movements challenge the brain and force new connections to occurr.


but how about trying to add even more neural challenging exercises into your day?


simply put, they are movements or exercises that your brain is not used to.



how about we come up with our own games for this?


here is a couple of suggestions:


putting as many of your clothes on as possible in the morning, using only your feet!


brushing your teeth with the opposite hand to normal.


eating breakfast with your eyes closed

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I've read that if you go a whole week favoring the opposite hand you are used to using for everything it increases your IQ/creativity incredibly. Always wanted to do that.

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Niemad and Sean,


If you do a tai chi form and haven't already learned in the the other direction then I suggest that too. Many tai chi people only practice on one side.

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There is a discipline called Educational Kinesiology that is supposed to grow more neural connections in the brain through various movements. I learned some of their techniques in an NLP Practitioner training.


Many of the movements involve moving limbs across the centerline of the body. An example would be touching your right foot with your left hand from behind your back. Another example is drawing circles in front of you with one hand moving towards you and the other moving away. Your hands should cross at the top and the bottom of the circles. If they don't cross, they are moving in the same direction and that is not what you are trying to do.


The Brain Gym people also recommend writing with the non-dominant hand, which is something Crowley used to advacate as well.


Another technique that supposedly comes from Jackie Chan is to draw a circle with one hand and a square with the opposite foot.


I don't know if this stuff works as advertised, but it is fun to do.


Be Genki,



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