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Yeah, just yesterday lol. Basically deja vu but I dreamed it instead.. I saw it coming then it did.. Big whoop.


To me it went.. Deja vu like 3/6 times a day.. Then you start remembering see it in dreams and such even before the dejavu happens.


Thats as far as I've gotten.. I mean the important situations I have had like a few seconds notice.. But its more getting very very use to it.. Basically so you'd have so much "DeJa Vu" it'd happen also at the times you needed it.

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Has anyone experienced these due to internal arts training?


Tricky subject, IMO.


I don't believe we can actually see the future. Afterall, it hasn't happened yet.


But we can, through analysis of conditions and consideration of past like events, predict the future with a fair amount of accuracy.


Deja vu is another one of those tricky subjects. I can't deny the possibility of its 'reality'.


Peace & Love!

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