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The Secrets of Wilder book review

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On Farooq's recommendation, I'm reading The Secrets of Wilder by Yogani of "Advanced Yoga Practices".


Fuckin Rocks! If you like the AYP website, this is da bomb. It takes all the practices of AYP and puts it into the context of one person's life. Due to the different perspective, many of the practices are actually easier to understand, particularly the sexual ones.


New articulations on the finger block, vacuum breathing while twirling the abs, how to sit on your heel or a ball to intensify sexual energy, new angles on the iam meditation, etc.


I'm not done with the book and I'll finish this review when I am done. It has a similar feel to Way of the Peaceful Warrior and Celestine Prophecy where the plot is simply pedagogical. Unlike these books, Wilder is very practice specific. Where Peaceful Warrior said he couldn't have sex period, Wilder explores the many avenues to harness this power in a sexual relationship.


The story feels loosely autobiographical to me, which is also fun. He's also a barefoot running fan too!


For any high school athletes out there, here's a cool tip: play with yourself for a full hour before your sporting event with full retention and let 'em have it!


I would always meditate before my soccer games and I did extremely well with it. I was a superjock due to the fact that I was always in the right place in the right time rather than having supernormal athletic abilities. I could always sense where the ball was going. Had I meditated AND played with myself, I would have had super abilities too! Of course, away games would be more challenging! Maybe a discrete vibrator for that. I'll leave my gentle reader to address the particulars.




Actually, all this talk about meditation and energy practices boosting athletic ability reminds me of Body, Mind, and Spirit by Douillard that Thelerner lent me. According to the author, 2 20 minute TM sessions per day enabled him to reduce his training by 50% while actually improving his triathalon times. Actually, by his description it sounded like he had been overtraining but at least the meditation helped him see this.

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Yoda, I've been suspecting what you're saying. None ejaculatory 'excitement' releases hormones and revs up and increases the energy ciruits.


Wouldn't we say thats a bad thing to do at night and a good thing to start in the morning. I guess you can say the body IS doing that to us at night as we get nocturnal hard ons as we sleep. But its done in such a somnabulistic state that we don't get a full blast.


Hmnn partially jerking off at morning being the ultimate yang tonic?



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Whenever my family is out of town, I raise the flag every morning. Ken Cohen brought that one to my attention in Way of Qigong. It's a great way to start the day!


We don't teach teenagers about this for national sexurity purposes.



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We don't teach teenagers about this for national sexurity purposes.





That is sooo funny :)


Well i'm glad that you are liking that novel. I also wonder how autobiographical the story is?


As Wilder goes deeper you find just how far he goes off the charts to what society assumes is'normal' If Yogani can only do half of what Wilder does in the book, the man is advanced indeed.


btw, Yoda did you get the reply to the pm you sent me a while back? How would i know without having to ask?

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Yeah, I got your pm and so I ordered the book. I'm just past the point where he gets a nasty case of hives from overdoing the pranayama. The photo on the cover is a picture of Yogani taken when we would have been the same age as John and the AYP forum says he lives in Florida. He's a yogi, not an author, so I'd imagine he'd stick close to the story he knows best. Just a hunch, of course, but my radar is sometimes quite accurate.



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Looks like good stuff (ayp site and the book)...


I did notice that there was no mention of what to do with the energy during sex. The focus is on not losing semen without discussion and method for energy. Just pointing it out without wanting to knock this cool site but I think it is an important factor to those starting out with this practice. For more see Chia and Winn's book etc.





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so I finished the book. Okay... it's 'loosely' autobiographical! I'm glad he brought up the kechari mudra for oral sex purposes...


Somewhere in the middle of the book, the story aspect did draw me in and I cried at the end.


It really fleshes out AYP and contextualizes the practices. If you like the AYP website, this book is a very valuable refinement.



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I enjoyed this quote:


"Nothing is new, you know. Our ancient ancestors knew of these things.

Much of it was written down. But communications were poor, and people

lived so much in superstition. It is different now. We can find any

information we want. There are so many doors of knowledge opening to

everyone. The old wisdom is becoming new again. The human nervous

system hasn't changed over all this time. It has been waiting

patiently, like a treasure chest longing to be opened. It is time. "


I was distressed for a while as a yogi told me to get to the higher realms of meditation, first yama and niyama had to be in place. However, reading at AYP, it seems more wise to first put in place the LAST limb of yoga in order for the first limbs to arise naturaly.


"In fact the best way to achieve progress in yama and niyama [ethics, the first 2 limbs] is by going straight to samadhi with deep meditation. Then harmonious behavior comes naturally from inside, rather than having to be enforced from outside."

Edited by GrandTrinity

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