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Found 1 result

  1. Dear Dao Bums, Question: Did any of you ever get a "naadi" astrology reading? Aka a palm leaf astrology reading? If yes, please share your story, experience, if everything came true, how did the remedies work etc. Story: In the past there were great saints and sages (aka maharishis) roaming India. In South India there was a group of rishis devoted to Shiva. Through their practices, they were granted the power (siddhi) of knowing the past, present and future of all people to ever live on Earth. In their great devotion to God and in a spirit of service to mankind, they wished to help all of mankind. Therefore they saw many millenia into the future, and saw exactly which people would eventually come to seek their help. The rishis then wrote in ancient tamil on dried palm leaves. They wrote the destinies of all people who would ever come to seek help. The leaf will start at the exact time of your life, when they foresaw you would come seeking guidance. It will give you the exact guidance you need (divided into 12 chapters, general, father, mother, siblings, work, marriage, spirituality, karma etc), and list out exactly what will happen to you for the rest of your life. In the karma portion, they will list your worst karmas from previous lives, and give the remedies needed to undo or counter these karmas. That's the story of Naadi Astrology. Personal experience: I've heard amazing stories of naadi astrology since I was a kid, but I never managed to get a reading for myself. I have searched several times while visiting India, but I couldn't get to any. Now, I've finally managed to get a reading! I booked it online (even though I am still extremely skeptic) and I'm going to get a reading in the middle of March. It has taken 4 months from when I submitted my thumb print and for the readers in India to actually locate my leaf (the libraries are spread all over with no centralized system). And now I will have to wait one more month for my actual reading, because the time zones need to match up. I am extremely excited! I will share my experience once I get the reading Until then, I hope to hear from you guys: Did you get a reading? Have you heard stories about people getting readings? If yes, please share God bless you