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Found 2 results

  1. All my life I have had a difficulty with feeling and growing my feet legs and back. I had no yin, no roots. I wondered why I was so detached from all of this while everyone around me seemed to grow so successfully. After what was probably 15 years I finally found the root of the problem. A giant tapeworm, who was ever so stealthily hidden within my stomach. A tapeworm needs to breathe so they choose an orifice for their head. Mine chose my ass, others choose the throat. Coming to find this was a surprise I hope I never have to endure again. I was using silver water on my crotch and ass to rid odors and increase energy levels. To my surprise, something moved inside after the silver water came in contact with my anus. My heart sank and the battle began. I poured silver water (2 bottles!) into my ass and felt the beast writhing about in agony all the while. I fought it and I could even feel it attempt to drain and kill me. After about an hour of this I finally felt the beast die within me and then something even more surprising occurred. It was as if a film was lifted from my eye and I saw from my right eye for the first time. Yes the tapeworm had control of one of my eyes. Not total, but it did change my entire equilibrium. Once you kill the worm (coffee grounds may work if you can not acquire silver water) you are left with the problem of the carcass. They have spines that make it impossible to excrete it the normal way so instead you must pull with all your might and suck the body into your stomach. It has no strength when dead so you can accomplish this as I did. There you will digest it and it will sicken you, I recommend fasting during this period until you are sure all has been digested and removed from the intestines. After digesting it you can eat so that you can shit it out in waves and it will disgust you however you will almost instantly see what you've been missing all the while. I went from running on 50% all my life to 150% in one day. You get your wings (yin) back. You must regain equilibrium. Your legs body and feet will take new shape and your energy will be tenfold. Now all of the stuff you have learned will need relearned because before it had no substance. Make well your new strength and love and light be with you my friends
  2. Massaging Taixi

    Any acupuncturists out there, feel free to weigh in... Since kidneys are important to spiritual practitioners...since this point benefits both kidney yin (which is rare) and yang...since it's the shu stream and yuan source point for the kidney... Why don't we talk about massaging it daily? I've only seen this method mentioned once anywhere. You can access it in the spot between your medial malleolus and Achilles tendon at the ankle.