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Everything posted by Rara

  1. Random thought about Dao that can not be spoken

    Speech is within the Dao... But I'd say the phrase is generally rebelling against the other philosophers that spend more time over-analysing and confusing themselves as opposed to just living and experiencing. We can read and talk all we want, but none of it compares to simply living. I like the tale that TTC was written involuntarily. That makes the most sense...it's a philosophy that shouldn't be written down. Without all the words and ideas in the world to debate over, it would save time amd energy ignoring them all and just getting on with life!
  2. Taoism, Primal, Nature

    Sure...in the tap water. We have it here in the UK too.
  3. How to help cure the flu?

    Ginger drink! With honey...one when you wake up, one before sleep. Plenty of rest and make yourself sweat (the drink will assist) Steam with eucalyptus oil...in baths and boiling pans. Additional lemon, honey and warm water drinks too. Soups too...fresh if possible with chicken legs, green veg, garlic, onions, herbs. Eat the bone marrow too!
  4. Thanks you for elaborating...I didn't know so much in depth info myself! My friend came back from Malaysia and showed me photos of temples from "Chinese religion" as he called it haha. He wouldn't say Taoism or Buddhism...there were various shrines with many things going on.
  5. Yes, in modern days, the religions have merged some ideas and practices.
  6. Taoism, Primal, Nature

    What do you mean by "tonifying"? Interesting what you say about the US. Were you just referring to food? I hear that China has a huge pollution issue right now...
  7. ...continued Is an addict an addict because that's just what they are? Do they just like that drug? Is it really a bad thing? Or, does that person have the strengh to overcome it? Do those that overcome it, is it just their fate to do so?
  8. I am to and throw with this. There was another free will topic a while ago that you might find interesting. Simply search the forum Sure. We still have choices that we can make...but I'm not 100% convinved these choices are our own. For example...
  9. Taoism, Primal, Nature

    With total difficulty haha. I travel about a lot and 3 weeks into vegetarianism, I found myself eating less healthily due to limitations of what I could buy. Paleo sounds lovely, but not ideal for me. I try and buy anything as natural as possible from butchers and even in the supermarket but I am not sold on that anything is apparently totally pure! I try my best, but I won't break myself for my diet...otherwise I become obsessed and the Tao just goes out the window.
  10. Finally something that suggests mindfulness?

    I oppose the idea of interpretation. That is often used as an excuse for most who don't understand to just make up their own version. A way to not understand, if you will. I think Nestentrie replied pretty well! I don't believe TTC, or Taoism, to be centered around mindfulness. It just looks like it is brushed upon as common sense within the text.
  11. Finally something that suggests mindfulness?

    Not at all... I think you just answered the OP in the most simple way possible!
  12. Finally something that suggests mindfulness?

    How do you mean...?
  13. Monkey Mind ? Anyone else?

    That's all very good. I found trying to practice mindfulness 24/7 is worthwhile, not JUST in formal practice. Then it really benefits all aspects of life. When I'm tired, I'm less mindful. Or if I get excited about something. Often music. I often find myself bursting into song and playing air guitar randomly throughout the day when my brain switches off. Does anyone else get this? Lol
  14. Monkey Mind ? Anyone else?

    In regard to those that just can't sit still... "ADHD" is now considered a disability. *slaps own head* As some of us move a step forward, others take two steps back.
  15. Monkey Mind ? Anyone else?

    I see what you're saying and mostly agree... Monkeys don't read books or use the internet though... But in fact, I'm treating "monkey mind" as a metaphor or a figure of speech. My limited knowledge of evolution leads me to think that primates still had such issues but due to other distractions. An example being a female mate?
  16. Monkey Mind ? Anyone else?

    There's no escaping them. Without them, we wouldn't be us. Quite right though, you are separate from them so don't be concerned about them. Don't give them the time of day. I believe this to be the definition of self-mastery. Mindfulness and concentration on anything will push thoughts into the background. I.E if I perform on stage, I certainly don't get distracted by what my thoughts might be saying about that dude that yelled at me the other day for no reason. I'm too busy belting words into a microphone.
  17. Do Ya'll guys drink?

    Wow, thanks again Taomeow! Very insightful. Yep, usually the one that gets me is the random offer of one or two beers mid afternoon. If I am to drink beer, I prefer it (like you said) with a good chicken, rice and veg meal. Then I can't handle more than one anyway as I'm too full I then recover much quicker. I prefer red wine, but again, this would be with dinner and just after for glass two. When you refer to "Asian", are you talking far east or does this include India etc too? I have Indian and Burmese blood so I wonder if that is a factor too! As for Paleo, yes, in an ideal world haha. I travel about so much and often have to grab something out. This is what got me durimg my vegetarian stint. I practically had a diet of 30% veg/fruit/pulses to 70% bread, pasta, rice and pastry. Real limiting.
  18. Do Ya'll guys drink?

    As in, if I don't eat, do I get low? Yes, extremely. And aggressive...in a very flappy, lash-out/mindless sort of way. Basically, I feel like a machine that constantly needs refueling with sugar. Although I eat plenty of meat and veg, I also need cereal in the morning on top of, say, eggs and toast. 2 hours later I will need a banana and then I will have a healthy lunch and dinner. BUT then my body itches for biscuits. Ideally chocolate. It's the only way I can stop myself going crazy haha. I am quite active though so I guess it's all supplementing my use of energy. Interesting fact about the alcohol vs sugar though. I am surprised because alcohol still contains a lot of sugar. Do you mean that the alcohol itself over powers it when it is going into the body?
  19. Do Ya'll guys drink?

    Now THAT is my weakness.
  20. I have been thinking about this one recently and want to share my thoughts. Other than the obvious observation that historically, the majority of living things have simply gone about eating their prey for survival, I would like to add to this. I'm not talking about moral choices here. I wrote a thread on turning vegetarian a while ago and I stopped the practice after 3 weeks. I felt that my 'morals' were more of an illusion, or even a confusion and that vegetarianism wasn't a part of my nature. What I am wanting to do is not go down that road of debating right from wrong, but the nature in how things occur. Here is my recent thought: The stomach is a predator. What happens if we do not eat? The stomach eats away at us...until we (and of course, it) die. So we are born to be slaves nourishing it. We cannot help this fact. The stomach certainly likes flesh - can we deny that? So by eating meat, are we simply feeding something what it needs? I don't want to say "something that it wants", because that would imply that it has a mind of its own. That is also probably something that I expect to fall into this convo though! I would love to hear your thoughts on this.
  21. Be honest. Are you asking for spare change?
  22. I got talking with a girl at the bus stop the other day. I soom learned that she was into politics and is a Conservative and intern for our local MP. She then said, "let me guess, you're a liberal". Close enough I guess. Rock dude, hippie, Taoist or whatever, my clothing certainly just says "leftie" more than deep philosophical/spiritual guy.
  23. Yes, something I have come to realised. Very difficult to train out...I am still in the process. Thanks for posting...those in need take note!
  24. Do Ya'll guys drink?

    Yes, it must be said that since I started meditating, my body doesn't really want to stomach it any more. And I don't feel "well" after just one drink even. Being more mindful makes me realise how toxic the stuff is. Those that claim they "don't feel it" until they have either 3 or 4 - that can't be a good thing!