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Everything posted by Spotless

  1. Meditation sickness and related deviations

    The “wall” eventually ceases altogether.
  2. Meditation sickness and related deviations

    One student overheard a very well known Teacher from Thailand saying that “Westerners can’t meditate more that 15 minutes” - and so even though his lineage teaches long form meditation - he dumbs it down for Western students and actually teaches that 5-10 minutes of good meditation is better than long meditation. He was unaware that the student spoke fluent Tai as he belittled the western capabilities.
  3. Meditation sickness and related deviations

    The “wall” is typically only a few minutes ( though it seems longer). In many cases a timed meditation is not what you are really shooting for - but no question - if you start at 3:30 am and need at some point to shower and leave for work then a timer is very useful. The term “hitting a wall” is simply a way of saying what I have noticed happening in the early stages of learning to be in meditation. Most people begin to float out of their bodies at these times - the energy desifies to some extent - and often brown colors begin to form or reds.
  4. Meditation sickness and related deviations

    A common deviation that is often unseen is “hitting the wall” during the first 20 to 40 minutes into meditation. Women generally hit it at around 15-25 minutes in and men around 35-45 minutes in. As the energies clarify and begin to permeate those areas that have been isolated in resistance to touching upon them - anxiousness and thoughts that it would be a good time to stop arise. If one stops at this time regularly then getting to meditation will not occur and a fairly shallow practice which may be quite delightful will become ones practice but generally not progress much along the lines of meditative expansion. This will have a tendency to incline the “meditator” to “doing” as a way to affect the semblance of change. It is far better to stop well before or well after the “wall”.
  5. Meditation sickness and related deviations

    “Long empty stoned out sitting meditations” were mentioned above by Still_Waters This is not a reference to meditation. It would be an indication of not ever having been IN meditation while specifically working toward meditating. The various attempts toward meditation and the many forms of conceptually getting there have many very real benefits - as do many energetic practices of all sorts - mainly they serve as pointers to the benefits of practice and hopefully to move toward the “simpler” deep practice that great sages expound upon. Long meditation is anything but “empty”and “stoned out”. In-correct sitting can be “empty” and “stoned out” but it is not meditation - rather it is generally associated with seating ones attention to far forward in the head and sitting in the analyzing activity center while holding it silent - this often causes headaches and uncomfortable pressure in the area. Movement back toward the center of the head will alleviate this problem.
  6. Meditation sickness and related deviations

    What can be construed as an “extreme form of meditation” is not meditation. It is a very common thing to speak of meditation as though it encompasses anything that includes the intention of meditating. This assumes that the intention is automatically at least trying to head in the right direction which is simply not the case in the least. Take for example the person sitting with eyes closed doing intense reverse breathing - please note - they are sitting and doing intense reverse breathing - not meditating. Take the person sitting with eyes closed and doing all sorts of energy manipulations- they are sitting and doing energy manipulation- not meditating. Consider every person sitting and “doing ..........” - they are sitting and “doing ..........” - they are not meditating. This conversation is really about two things: 1. What are some of the pitfalls of energetic engineering and also of overdoing practices in order to yank results out from our wilfulness in practices. 2. What are some of the naturally occurring energetic difficulties encountered upon a well founded practice. In those falling into the first category the problems are all over the board and prolific. In those falling into the second category the problems are generally along the lines of watching one’s entire diet and then some very real problems that can come up. But even in this - most problems arise as an offshoot of category 1 repercussions.
  7. Meditation sickness and related deviations

    Students and many “Masters” direct energies, practice specific regional intense breathing, and offer help to their students who end up in psychiatric care. Many are given an A-Z schedule of spiritual events that must happen as one progresses from one certification to the next. A “base simple practice” will lead one to everything unfolding holistically and whatever is needed will come to one in such a practice. An engineered practice will lead to a specialized growth, self fulfilling colored lenses and seeing spectacular horizons. The “simple” practice will have one BE the spectacular horizons.
  8. Meditation sickness and related deviations

    This is a perfect example of engineering vs “simple” (and far more advanced) practice. If your practice is all about “doing” and you really feel like you know what “you” are doing - you are IN the Rabbits Way and probably about to write a book or two. And you may have many students and do very well out there. Yet the Turtle always transcends to the “finish line” whereas the Rabbit is a shiny object even if he plays shy and cool.
  9. Meditation sickness and related deviations

    Most problems associated with energetic practices are related to “engineering” issues: Meaning the wilful acts of moving energies according to what in the beginners misunderstandings will create fruit desired - generally feeling “something” and or getting some ability or enhancements. Engineering is the Rabbits Way - it will inflate the ego, produce rapid shallow results, detour ones transcendence, and if the outcome is “desirable” it will generally occlude the overall understanding of the practitioner. But - it’s fast and flashy and gets results quick. The “shallow” results may seem pretty incredible by all accounts - and many books tout them as such. The Rabbits Way does not imply short forms or no work - it can be hours of practice each day and total dedication. But intentionally moving energy and engineering ones energies as apposed to a practice that brings into action the subtle energies in a holistic natural way without wilfulness and directing/controlling the natural unfolding - such engineering is actually the slow way and the least productive in the long run. This is not to to say that some experience with playing with energy is not useful or helpful.
  10. Base as awareness, Watch the mind

    Abdominal breathing regularly is a tremendous asset to abidance. From Awakening there is great unfolding in store. Abdominal breathing helps to burn up residual habits of tension. It is the natural capacity of this area. It takes time for the head, heart and gut to become open and settled and the expansion is very far beyond words. Six plus years into this and it has not ceased - the energies and massive sustained changes occur weekly. It has not been a cake walk but it has not been visited by anxiousness or redress either. (Suffering ended with Awakening and that has had no swing of the pendulum). It becomes more exquisite in each moment. Everything has once again changed in the last few weeks yet the stillness has only deepened - ever present. There are traditions that say upon Awakening one should not teach for ten years - it is at least an idea of how far from Awakening Enlightenment might be considered. The gut is essential to a most profound trio. Head and heart are no more important than gut. But there is far more beyond this. At a certain point abidance ceases in the pendulum - it does not move. It is incredibly visceral - but of an energy far more rigorous than the physical bodies.
  11. Base as awareness, Watch the mind

    Ego ceases to be ego as it moves to creation - spontaneous individuation in unity. Ego becomes pure emotion in unity.
  12. Lust and demons?

    Zen Pig put out some great advice. Resistance only attracts and it’s a nothing thing unless you get all bent out of shape - demons can be eaten for breakfast on toast - unless you worship them in fear like many religions teach. Like an elephant terrified of a mouse. Sex is completely natural - but again religious condemnation makes it wildly exciting - access to porn everywhere kinks it - lay off the hard stuff and find your way in all of this. Worry is the biggest drain of all - and it accomplishes nothing. Religious dogma can be tossed aside in exchange for a mature view. This whole idea of draining oneself through sex is like worrying that you will dry out if you cry too many tears. It is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay overblown.
  13. Stories about Taoism in daily life

    All of the great practices are essentially those that disengage us from the habituations and inertia’s of trance. The held frequencies that comprise the karmic frequencies through which we wean our personhood to the tidal floods of experiences that we are flowing and ebbing. In Essence Daoism is a practice not a philosophy. It is alive in coming to the spontaneity of Now unencumbered by inertia’s that impart position and the blindness of pasts and futures - beliefs and hopes.
  14. Heaven : Illusions : Rapid Advancement

    What is sought in the original post is gained fastest in basic practice. In basic practice time expands and fades - patience expands and becomes now. Judgement is replaced by knowing in knowing nothing. The books are to point and help you remember. Then cast them aside and learn the basics - they are the most advanced. The turtle transcends The rabbits brother is Wylie coyote
  15. What is the Taoist religion?

    Not my cup of tea either - never thought of it as a religion or belief system. But then again I did not ever see Buddhism as a religion until attending a temple where our son could go to a class there. It was and is a real eye opener - very dogmatic - very past- time.
  16. What is the Taoist religion?

    Do you have any recommendations?
  17. enuffing - daoism in ordinary life

    Nice to have a designer/artist in our midsts - nice website 😎
  18. You are basically in a light trance and half awake - the light and colors and pictures are random and generally effected by what you have eaten, when you got up and what was running in your mind, local frequencies, in others word - very random effects of physical and noise related (karmic habituations) energetics upon the screen of trance. It is related to the intuitive side and can be a combination of clairvoyance and simple trance associative mechanics. Its only relative value is in the seeing that non-attachment to the seeing while seeing is essential in allowing the streaming - but it is trance and generally counter productive to “serious” practice. 3-4am is an excellent time to start meditation 🙏
  19. War vs Office Job

    A good friend from high school went off to the Air Force Academy. He was a National Merit Scholar Finalist and had three letters. We (some buddies) visited him at Spring Break in Colorado at the academy. It had the coolest parking lot we had ever seen - tons of sparkling muscle cars. Tim was overjoyed to see us - but as our meeting progressed it was as though in many levels time had stood still for him while we had all been on a whirlwind of unfolding and the general cluster fuck of endless possibilities. Tim explained: as a freshman when walking among buildings one is required to walk with arms raised slightly in front of oneself and in a kind of niny position with both hands drooping as though like a bunny. In some cases they are also expected to hop. If a senior class man tells you to carry his books - you are required to carry his books. He spends time in class learning the shadow outlines of different types planes. It is a life of relentless reduction of personhood in exchange for automated response to the various dogmas of war and unquestioned abeyance (a bit like some monastic scenarios). He was forced to stay out the year or his father would not aid him in other education. He left that summer and became almost immediately a senior VP at a very large and worldwide known brand manufacturer and developer of electronics. If one were to look over the past few decades of war - the USA’s most prominent have been according to John McCain and Alan Greenspan - Oil Wars. Perhaps they know nothing and the wars were for true patriotic purposes - but it is interesting to see such high suicide rates among those returning. As though they partook in nothing more than a huge lie. During another useless war - in Vietnam, it was not entirely uncommon for friendlies to “cap” a newbie officer (shoot in the head) they were both jealous of and who did not yet know what the hell he was doing. Sometimes keeping together a family and dealing with a million small “bullet holes” to one’s ego and willfulness is far more courageous and not so petty and sleepy as might be assumed. You can can look at life as drudgery or like you’re in a candy store. Mountains to be conquered are everywhere to be found. Sometimes as a pack they can be exciting to climb - sometimes pack mentality can lead one to think in terms of “collateral damage” The only people that think positively of War are those that have never been in one.
  20. Simple practice “focuses” life force upon all of the rgidized patterns that block ones Self Awareness - easing the constriction upon them. Simple Practice focuses life force upon all natural essence patterns. Simple practice naturally opens those abilities that most fit the intent of practice and the general cohesion of karmic Light unfolding. Practice seeing the light in everything and you are practicing the greater opening of the third eye, the heart and connection in Presence to Divine Essence.
  21. The third eye is not opened by a “technique” - and the Third Eye can be viewed as much more than simply clairvoyance- (which is quite vast in and of itself). It is also not like a widow that can be pried open. It is already open in everyone - taking a magnifier and using it to concentrate the heat of light upon it “in order to feel something” is a bit like burning a million dollars to make it “do” something. The greater awareness of your already very much Open Third Eye is all about neutrality / non- judgement and simply the practice of presence to the awareness you already possess. The exercises one can do to advance the awareness are simple and require patience - forcing is entirely contrary to the practices and “ultra intensity” is irresponsible and counter productive. The abilities in this siddhi are among the easiest to lose oneself and become a victim of its seduction. if the idea is to use it to your advantage / you may “succeed” and in this you will be lost to it in the worst way. And you will become stunted by it though you will not suspect what you have lost in return. If your idea is to open it for the benefit of others - spare others the conceit of your vanities - you are already seduced by your “virtues”.
  22. While a good point is made in this - it is also incorrect in the general sense by the wording “you are simply lost in objectless Consciousness, diffusion of Consciousness” One is not “lost” at all in the greater sense - unless one has gone into trance - which would not be meditation either. And it is a form of concentration in that it is a bit like turbid water that has settled - and the impurities have dropped away and the clarity / purity is now the main aspect. The Awareness is non- object awareness - no longer diffused in the refraction of object / multiple particles of contraction / dispersal of light and obscurance.. A boundless yet unscattered Awareness.
  23. There is no question that refinement is a requirement in the general sense. It is equally true that the pedestals of behavior we often put on relatively absurd levels come to us from religious dogma, translators and teachers attempting to clearly and radically state that - Waking Up will be the suicide of your personhood - that it is both easy and like putting a camel through the eye of a needle. We often end up thinking that you need to be pure as the driven snow in order to Awaken - this is not the case. Somehow you need to pull off the trance of personhood - and many of the perfect perfection purification pedestals simply make kicking the can down the road even easier. Often being a wretched human can bring about utter distain for ones own folly and the destruction of that story - that group of frequencies can be relinquished and both Awakening and the hard work of refining can move forward. When one uses the words wretched it is not necessary to immediately put that one a pedestal and make it mean the most vile creature in a bottomless pit of evil - for one thing - such a person is rare and lowly and very stuck. But many a wretched human being can be found among everyone you know - nearly everyone is a roving House Of Judgment ready to nit pic every grain of sand. Is your general disposition one with a ready genuine smile or a sour reserve?
  24. Anger as Power

    Anger makes deep ravines in the subtle bodies - feeding anger in the belief that it is empowering will result in great effort to break apart those ravines and the immense habituation to them. raising ones energy as a barrier - as in no longer tolerating something - and expunging trace energies around you into presence - that is a tool of a form of anger. One can - go RED - it is a color of cleansing one can utilize in the subtlebodies to clear, remove or deflect energies. One can go RED IN a energy Center and not be IN the frequencies - lost IN or identified with the momentum’s of it. Anger for the most part is an identified state - and puts one to disadvantage in nearly any fight of equal strength. The energy of anger at rage is complete dissipation and loss of Self. Last second direction of any surge of energy with wilfulness is a receipe for ill health.
  25. How to develop mindfulness awareness of energy body?

    The energy bodies will become familiar and interestingly they generate mindfulness and presence with some very simple guidelines. And as you become aware - utilize the awareness - this will take you out of the trance of mind and beyond the mundane physical to a much more visceral exchange with the Light in everything and all. Breath into the abdomen - below the navel about 1.5”- 2” and in a bit. Do this always. Be aware of the soles of the feet, the air coming in your nostrils - and a great deal will follow from just this. Breathing into the abdomen is a great way to constantly cleanse your awareness of the edges of frequencies and wilfulness. Mind will have less hold on you and trancing away the day. Awareness of the air coming through the nostrils will lightly cool the bottoms of the eyes and resonate ever so slightly in the cheeks and ear canals. Reside in the center of your head - not forward in the brow area which is also the analyzing zone. This will allow for clearer perception and forgo head pressures that are unnecessary. Breathing in and out through both nostrils will also show you where the center resides - is it is in the middle of the air channels running from the nose back. Reside also in the abdomen - it is the great root of your subtle bodies - from there it is best to expand. The Root, The Heart and the Head - not one is greater than the other. To believe otherwise is to be seduced by premature assumption. A long Cold shower at the end of a shower here and there is a great way the clean house. Fasting is excellent. Finer less heavy foods or vegan is extremely helpful. The energy bodies can easily become far more real and many times stronger and more real than the gross physical. They are inherently possessed of far greater abilities- and bring the gross physical into existence.