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Everything posted by SEEKER OF TRUTH

  1. Haiku Chain

    Is it OK to have gaps between words....? Maybe I better google this Haiku thing.
  2. Haiku Chain

    weightless yet chewy..... these high words of haiku..humm perhaps, meaning too....
  3. Haiku Chain

    Awake new, you shall reap the loss of self, from last week best watch, if to keep I must have been absent, the day when they were teaching counting syllables at school.
  4. Haiku Chain

    while cleansing your mind of thoughts, before sleep awakened new, you shall reap
  5. Haiku Chain

    bottoms up, Mordred but Arthur's on your trail soon so drink up your last
  6. Haiku Chain

    fingers and toes used to count the syllables oops thought (only) was one
  7. Haiku Chain

    shimmering rainbows are all I see, lifes gift - free only breathe my friend - see
  8. Haiku Chain

    Blinded by their greed who's greed are you speaking of them, you know, them guys
  9. Haiku Chain

    Oh, simplicity! is the truth that we all seek blinded by their greed
  10. Practice, lifestyle, and personal preference

    Obviously, there is a consequence for every action, but in my experience, drugs and alcohol seemed to ruin any insight due to delusions of grandeur. Coffee and tobacco don't make much difference, to me, but sugar, now that's getting back towards drugs and alcohol. Must stay away from Ben and Jerry's chocolate fudge brownie ice cream, it's almost as bad as heroin.
  11. What defines a Daoist?

    Seems to be so much added to this thing, since some old guy left a few pages at the guard shack/ferry both or whatever it was, a couple thousand years ago. Do you think Lao Tzu wondered if he was a taoist, or if he should be? Maybe he didn't even practice what he preached, but just jotted down some notes before passing through. I don't really give much thought to being or not being a Taoist, but reading the TTC has brought me closer to being comfortable in my own skin, by internalizing the messages. Walking a spiritual path, might best be done alone, without the distractions of a crowd of people that all have a better way to do it and sometimes an agenda, for their suggestions, even if only to salve their ego. I just read the words, feel the feelings they evoke and try to be a better human being, with what I learn. Of course there is the intellectual side of it too and although I do find it interesting at times, I also see it as a trap for my ego, to expel some of it's self importance, sort of like now.
  12. Descriptions and explanations of "The Now"

    I see.
  13. Descriptions and explanations of "The Now"

    The "Now" is the moment when inhalation switches to exhalation and the only way to stay in it is to follow the breath, mindless, from the point of the switch.
  14. Haiku Chain

    single syllables simple is the path to home denial but obscures
  15. Immortality

    I don't know what the truth is about this, but I would like to know. Seems like there are several different points of view about it here anyway. I've read a lot of different theories, from Castaneda, to Budda and there are a lot of differences - whats a fellow to believe? This lady once told me, while looking into my eyes, that I had a very old soul. I don't know exactly how she knew that though, or if it was just some metaphysical drivel that she was using to seduce me. It certainly would change things if I knew I had been around a while or was going to be around for a long time to come, or not. Maybe, I'm the best I can be right now, and if I was trying to be better for the sake of my immortal soul, then I might just be faking it and what would be the benefit of that? I wonder how many people show up in heaven under false pretenses and demand their twelve vestal virgins?

    Hi there. I guess this is something that I've been curious about since I was a kid and often wonder what other people think about it. Why are we here? Where did we come from? Are we just products of evolution, or is there more to it than that? There seem to be some mysterious things, in the history of humanity, on planet Earth, like the Pyramids and Sphinx in Egypt and Mexico, or that place in Bolivia, I think it was, that is supposed to be 30,000 years or older and we still don't have the technology today, to make the cuts in stone that were done so long ago. Not to put the Bible down, but according to it, this planet isn't very old and those dinosaur bones are sure suspicious to me. What about the Bhagavad Gita and what appears to be a war in the sky? Many things seem to have been explained away, so as not to cause a disturbance, but I can't help but wonder never the less. Anyway, just wondering what others were curious about and if anyone knows the truth.

    Nothing cuts me off faster, from inner peace, than indulging my ego. Seeing it in others is easy, seeing it in myself - more difficult. I think the ultimate goal is to be completely free of ego, isn't it? How do we do it? Complete silence? They say, those that know, will never say. Those that don't know, well, you can never shut them up. I have to say that the less I say, the better off I am. When I start trying to over explain myself that's when ego takes over. Sort of like now...... What do you think?

    Yeah, the inner silence in the midst of unsavoriness, thanks for the reminder, that's an easy one to forget. I'm just grateful you can't go to jail for what you think. Not that I'm always having felonious thoughts, but I've been known to entertain a few now and then - most are traffic related.

    Interesting, especially that last part and sadly, I have to agree with it. What is painfully obvious to some, is just basic daily mode of operation, to others and there is really no way to prove or disprove which way is best, or right. I know which gives me serenity and which doesn't, so I guess I know which is best for me. Acceptance of the differences, is probably the only way to keep a hold of that serenity though. I tend to forget that part, a lot.
  20. Takaaki's "American Taoism"

    If you think about it, society has changed in two thousand years, people have changed, beliefs have changed, science has changed - everything changes, except maybe the fact that everything changes, that seems to have remained unchanged. I think everything else will evolve, it has too, or it eventually dies out from being, at least in part, obsolete . I don't think religion and philosophy are exempt. What was obscure and mystical two thousand years ago, might be common knowledge today, or in a hundred years from now. It's OK though, there are still some wonderful insights in the TTC and I will be eternally grateful for what it has given me, but I'm sure there is more new stuff to come, that will be more relevant in the present day. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I want to go visit the the next country, from where I hear those roosters crowing right now, I'm pretty content where I'm at, but some day......

    I see.

  23. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    Maybe if you just banned the word "Troll" from the forum, then the problem would go away.


    So, what if someone was just to say, the Tao that can't be told a couple thousand years ago, might actually be able to be told today. I don't think they knew about sub atomic microscopes and DNA back then, so no one even bothered. I could be wrong though, maybe they did know. What if the tao that can't be told was the deafening silent roar of the universe in your ears, when nothing is in your mind, except for the dance of atoms that merge from the inside of your eyelids with the atoms of the walls and everything around you - everything everywhere? Maybe no one would have believed it back then, so they kept it simple and said the Tao that can't be told, or not.