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About Alchemistgeorge

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    Analog Soul in a Digital World

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  1. Does anyone have experience with Yuan Tze

    I went to a live event with him and had watched some video. My acupuncturist, who I strongly trust, recommended him and has personally seen (and treated) people who have had remarkable healings from this system. There was A LOT of energy at the event, I can't say I was impressed by the content, and afterwards I felt tired and disinclined to practice for days. I talked with my acupuncturist who said "apparently he is not the teacher for you."
  2. Been gone a long time

    I was a member for a long time, then lost my password and could never get the reset to work, so I'm back with a new name. I think my old name was 'AlchemistGeorge.' I studied martial arts in Japan in the 1980s - jodo, jojutsu, a bit of kenjutsu. After years of doing aikido and never knowing what ki was, a friend taught me a qigong set, and I found out. Since then I've studied with Mantak Chia for a while and currently with Bruce Frantzis, and read and practiced from a ton of books, and various less famous teachers, and friends. I am exploring breath, and do a bunch of neigong - explorations inside the body. I teach a little bit - mostly a set of medical qigong called 'dragon & tiger' that breaks up stagnant energy - it was very helpful for me for dealing with burnout. I just found a local teacher and am going to try to learn a Yang family Tai Chi form.
  3. Taoist Books on

    Another book on Martial Musings by Robert W Smith
  4. Qigong techniques for better, longer, deeper sleep?

    Oh, Yes. I've done a great deal of research and tried all those and many more. Avoiding alcohol for at least 5 hours before bed is a huge factor. Avoid eating a few hours before bed also helps, putting my cellphone into airplane mode, and using an app on my phone that monitors my snoring and rates my sleep quality and the effects of different factors. That kind of approach has been very helpful and resulted in a huge measurable improvement in my sleep quality and quantity. And I'd love to go even further.
  5. Qigong techniques for better, longer, deeper sleep?

    If I am reading that site correctly, the description sounds great and learning it costs $1,600 Aus (8 hours * $200 per hour) to learn - ie a bit over $1,000 US - for the first level. Have you learned this?
  6. I recently learned of a qigong technique called the Nine Turns / Sleeping loop - its in Gilles Marin's book "Healing from WIthin with Chi Nei Tsang', Gilles says its from Sheng Zhen Wuji Yuan Gong (Master Li Jun Feng). With practice one is supposed to arrive at the state of being able to fall asleep anytime you want by doing this technique for a couple of minutes! I'm skeptical, I'm practicing, if this works, well, wow! Are there are other qigong /meditation techniques that are specifically for improving the quantity and quality of sleep? We've all done meditations or practices where we inadvertently fell asleep, that is not what I'm talking about. There are also loads of techniques that will make you happier, make you healthier, build strong bodies 12 ways, and, among their long list of side effects, probably improve your sleep. I do those $!%#$ things every !$%#$ day, and I am $#$@! happier, and I am healthier, and no, they haven't really improved my sleep that much, yet. Thanks
  7. The Tao Bums Interview with Bruce Frantzis - March 2011

    Here is the pdf 132904043-The-Tao-Bums-Interview-With-B-K.pdf
  8. The Tao Bums Interview with Bruce Frantzis - March 2011

    You can find the PDF on scribd, I think it is free, at least at first.
  9. How to learn 'sung'?

    Wow! Thanks everybody. This is so much more than I expected to get. Now for watching video, thinking, digestion and then back to daily practice. When I wrote my initial question I neglected to mention that in addition to standing and sinking, my daily routine also includes slow deliberate movement ('cloud hands') with sinking, and a small amount of fast repetitive movement with sinking. I also do a chunk of seated meditation daily. To what extent would you all describe 'sung' as a continuous experience - like falling rain? Or is sometimes a single wave ? of sensation Or is it like dropping a stack a plates - they all fall down
  10. How to learn 'sung'?

    I am trying to learn the skill of "sung" I've seen this described as 'releasing', and 'sinking.' I've found a number of helpful mentions in various posts on the site. So far most of the instruction I have received have been along the line of 'practice it a lot, and it will happen.' I stand about 45 minutes a day, very slowly scanning through my body from top to bottom, looking for anything I can release, let go of, or let fall. Any suggestions for other things I can do (or cease to do) to would be much appreciated. Any useful sources online or in print? Thanks. Apologies if I've posted this in the wrong forum.
  11. Video 3: how (not) to consult the Yijing

    An excellent (imho) video, thanks for producing all three of these.
  12. Kundalini Awakening and Kundalini Syndrome

    Its not kundalini, its just too much hot energy in your head. You should stop doing whatever is causing the problem, and now you know what happens when you skip preliminaries or first steps. You can't build a tall building on a weak foundation. Concentrate on your lower dan tien with your tongue touching the roof of your mouth just behind your front teeth, allow the excess energy to drain down to your lower dan tien.
  13. Most Powerful Blockage Clearance Technique ?

    Sure. Consider that releasing each blockage has effects. 'side effects', 'consequences'. Consider the possibility that you are able to dissolve them at a rate that you, your body and your spirit can accommodate. Go faster if you wish a 'rougher ride.' YMMV
  14. Shan Ren Dao

    I'm looking for practical / practice-able information on the Chinese healing system known as San Ren Dao (善人道 "Way of the Virtuous Man"), most famously expounded by Wang Fengyi (?) It seems like this system provides methods of healing by releasing or processing buried emotions? This is done largely through contemplation? I'm not sure if this is a synthesis of Daoism/Buddhism/Confucianism or a Confucian system, my apologies if I have posted this in the wrong forum. There are two books by Wang Fengyi available in English and another about him, do any of these provide the kind of information that would allow one to practice this system? Are there other resources available in English - other books, websites, DVDs, youtube, classes, etc. There seems to one two week retreat each summer in the US. Let the Radiant Yang Shine Forth: Lectures on Virtue by Yousheng Li Twelve Characters: A Transmission of Wang Fengyi's Teachings by Wang Fengyi Discourse on Transforming Inner Nature: Hua Xing Tan by Wang Fengyi
  15. Taoist Books on

    I'm posting the following books on Ten Methods of the Heavenly Dragon by Robert Sheaffer Mastering Miracles by Dr. Hong Liu Chuang Tzu translated by Burton Watson The Tao of War, translated by Ralph Sawyer Master Lam's Walking Chi Kung A Natural Guide to Weight Loss that Lasts by Nan Lu Sword and Brush by Dave Lowry I Ching by Cheng Yi Exercises Illustrated: Ancient Ways to Keep Fit: Zong We & Li Mao Attune your Body with Dao-In by Ni, Hua-Ching The Way of Harmony By Howard Reid The Chinese Art of Healing with Energy Qi Gong Therapy - Tzu Kuo Shih