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Posts posted by Trunk

  1. On 9/30/2023 at 6:50 PM, Qigongjack said:

    ... is there a way to ground myself to make the process more manageable?


    Stillness meditation, breathing, centering.


    First instruction, "follow your breath".

    2nd instruction, (stuff is going to happen) "keep your cool" and refer to instruction #1.  :D


    This sort of thing happens periodically.  You'll find that your tolerance and skill at sitting through this kind of weather increases with experience.



    Also, on the other hand: physical exercise, etc

  2. On 9/6/2023 at 2:12 AM, Ira said:

     I'm Buddhist practitioner, my main lineage is Chinese Mahayana, Pure Land. I also have experience in Vajrayana.  I'm interested in Buddhism, Dao, Tai-chi, qi gong, nei gong, nei dan and bagua zhan.  ... I've tried one year in Damo Mitchell's academy ... looking for something that is similar to Damo's Lotus academy.


    Welcome to TDB's!  :)


    (in addition to the fine suggestions previously posted by others)

    Sifu Christopher Matsuo has a good reputation here, and teaches bagua qigong.  He lives in Hawaii, and has Japanese, Chinese and Tibetan ... connections.  The methods that he teaches, and the tips that he gives to make those methods work, uncannily effective.  Good humored and generous.  Less structured than Damo's presentation, but his talks and tips align deeply with principle.  He's been doing this since he was an infant (now, his daughters similarly) and he points to the right stuff.

    Here's a post that has links to his various resources:





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  3. Couple+ months down the road …


    I’ve found the kymq(cb) “kwan yin magnetic qigong around a crystal ball” to be impressively effective, beneficial repercussions for various layers.


    Materials: I’ve found quartz & obsidian effective.  At least 12cm diameter.


    Consider the pressure under which these crystals are formed: enough pressure so that rock *flowed*.  Either transformed into a crystal, or melted.  Tremendous pressure (way way beyond the context in which humans grow), resulting in density and flow.  Some degree of that quality comes through in the internal results of kymq(cb): density flows.  (There's a clarifying, purifying aspect, too.)


    One issue of concern has been harmonizing the intensity of results.  (The results have been beneficial, but there is this repeated “holy mackeral!, that’s strong” reaction).  After some experimentation, embarrassingly convenient solution: regular kymq, just the hands.  (As well as modest pacing, etc, etc)


    This led me to consider making another promo video for kymq focusing exclusively on “getting started”.  Re-watching Sifu Matsuo’s video, decided clearly: nope.  Once he starts giving tips on method, it’s just solid good instruction for long stretches … “clipping out the good bits, just about getting started” would end up with a very long youtube video, and then what’s the point?  (The for-pay video is worth buying, lol).  Anyway, I’m refreshed by rewatching the instruction.


    I get the barrier of entry re: trying kymq(cb): not everyone has a crystal ball laying around.  However, given the extremely short practice sessions + cascading benefits, I’ve bet a shiny nickel that this (eventually) becomes a fad.






    The saying, "with the right lever, I could move anything".

    I'd suggest that, for some people, kymq(cb) may be 'the right lever' ...

    that dramatic improvement of ease in moving heavy.



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  4. 4 hours ago, Stilltrying said:

    .. if there is a way to energetically rid myself of the herpes while its in its early stages, whether by a solitary practice or a healing done by another practitioner?


    In my strong opinion (in this case): No.

    This is beyond the scope of energy healing, and naively hoping that qigong (or a ritual healing by ... whomever) will rid you of this ... sets you up for all kinds of foolish attempts (free or $$$, sincere intent or not) to heal this via an infinite variety of alternative healings.


    Management is realistic.


    - Trunk

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  5. 14 hours ago, galen_burnett said:

    Gotcha, glad I asked. Thanks. Are there any sub-forums on here that would be interested in a take on the Chinese classical martial-arts, do you know?


    Not in terms of hurting people (even theoretical).

    This is more than "doesn't happen to exist here":

    That, by policy, doesn't exist here.

    So, if you're interest is really specifically martial, TheDaoBums is not the place for that.


    - Trunk

    TDBs admin