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Everything posted by liminal_luke

  1. Meditation - Doing vs Non-Doing

    Which is perfectly fine as long as you arenĀ“t using your mind to force the dying. What youĀ“ve got to do is set up the conditions which allow death to happen naturally. Or at least thatĀ“s what I read somewhere.
  2. Meditation - Doing vs Non-Doing

    The idea that meditation and thinking are mutually exclusive can be discouraging, especially in the beginning. My mom started a meditation practice for health, discovered that she couldnĀ“t stop her mind, and decided that meditation wasnĀ“t for her.
  3. The Doomsday Scenario

    So the Jews created Christianity and Islam for the purpose of fomenting war, gaining slaves, and possibly stealing gold? Oy vey!
  4. Universe Friendly or Hostile?

    My old Zapchen coach, Laura Lund, used to say that the entire universe was conspiring to help me awaken. Or at least that it would be helpful to me to consider this to be so. I believe the universe is entirely friendly, which is not to say that IĀ“m living some sort of charmed life where nothing "bad" ever happens. Quite the contrary. Bad things aplenty happen to me, seemingly on a daily basis. HereĀ“s the thing though: seen from a big picture view, everything bad that happens is ultimately for my benefit. IĀ“m drowning in absolute perfection that my little egoistic self perceives as absolute crap. The trick to feeling harmonious is to step out of the woe-is-me mentality of the little self and enter into the sublime connectivity of the me thatĀ“s beyond the friendly/hostile dicotomy altogether.
  5. Consciousness Fragmentation Repair?

    IĀ“m reminded of the Healing Tao practice of fusion of the five elements, as taught by Michael Winn. Five main organs of the body -- associated with the five elements (lungs/metal, spleen/earth, heart/fire, liver/wood, kidney/water) -- each have their own spirit. These spirits are in turn associated with different emotional states and can have different agendas. One way to think of conflicting voices is to imagine that they are spirits of your different organs that want different things. In fusion of the five elements, these energies are brought together and harmonized, literally fused, in a single pearl in the dan tien.
  6. After Enlightenment - Sainthood, Personality,

    I used to live in Zacatecas where rata del campo, country rat, was sometimes sold outside the market. Although generally an adventurous eater, I never sampled. The video below is in Spanish but the pictures tell the story.
  7. How do you experience your energy body?

    And the less I seek my source for some definitive, the closer I am to fine. Indigo Girls, Closer to Fine. Heard these words again and was reminded of many of your posts.
  8. Pornography, Energy Loss, Social Discourse

    People often overgeneralize their own experience to humanity at large: milk gives me indigestion therefore nobody should drink the stuff. My personal experience with porn is that itĀ“s not good for me, so I (mostly) avoid it. While IĀ“m not the only one who finds porn problematic, itĀ“s a big world out there and other peopleĀ“s mileage can and does vary.
  9. On Drugs

    IĀ“m typing this post at a cafe that sells what looks to me like really delicious cheesecake. Should I go up to the counter and snag a piece? Hmmm...IĀ“d love to. And isnĀ“t it my right as a free human being to put as much delicious cheesecake in my mouth as I desire? Yes, it absolutely is. ItĀ“s also my right to step back and consider: while itĀ“s true that cheesecake tastes good and would provide some short-term pleasure, itĀ“s not really the best choice for me right now. People who love me and are concerned for my health have suggested that I cut down on the cheesecake. If I canĀ“t stop myself I might have to go to Cheesecake Eaters Anonymous. Human beings often struggle between what feels good in the moment and what leads to wellbeing in the longer term. WeĀ“re free to give in to temptation and weĀ“re free to find reasons not to.
  10. On Drugs

    ThatĀ“s quite the position statement on drugs, Profounded. The fact that itĀ“s so thoughtful and carefully reasoned leads me to believe that drugs are a big part of your life. YouĀ“re obviously questioning whether or not thatĀ“s a good thing or you wouldnĀ“t be sharing this with us. IĀ“d suggest talking with an addiction professional to help you evaluate your use and whether or not itĀ“s in your best interest. Just my two cents. Liminal
  11. Abortion

    My gosh....I donĀ“t remember writing the above quote but if itĀ“s really true that IĀ“m mumble typing the name "Aetherous" than my admittedly extreme views on abortion are the least of my problems.
  12. I agree with Silent Thunder about punishment -- whatĀ“s the point? The whole idea of justice or revenge seems preposterous to my higher self. (My lower self, on the other hand, is all for it.) Is punishment a deterrent to crime? It depends. If people could choose not to pay taxes with no consequence IĀ“m pretty sure more of us would choose not to pay. If corporations could pollute the environment with no consequence, there would probably be more pollution. Still, IĀ“m not sure the threat of punishment deters violent crime, especially so-called crimes of passion. Abusive parents and spouses are unlikely to consider the threat of punishment and stop. Ditto for rapists and murderers. Generally speaking, criminals donĀ“t get rehabilitated in prison and thatĀ“s too bad. If we can change the system so that rehabilitation is possible I think we should. We have a legitimate interest in locking people up who are likely to harm others if they were free. ThatĀ“s pretty much it, I think. IĀ“d rather we move past eye-for-an-eye ideas of justice or punishment. That kind of thinking imprisons us all.
  13. xin heart mind

    Heart-mind interaction is a western science thing too -- neurocardiology.
  14. Open Invitation

    I think youĀ“re gonna love it -- the best people go!
  15. This is a must see

    IĀ“m not sure about the quality of the tai ji or the music, but I love the unexpected juxtaposition. That guy didnĀ“t look to me like the sort who would do tai ji but he does. Sometimes itĀ“s nice to be wrong.
  16. Dao of Dad

    After my dad killed himself, I hugged my mom tight and told her that we were free. He would never again yell at us. My emotions during those few days leading up to his funeral are a jumble, but one of them was definitely relief. I think dad suspected that we would be better off without him and shot himself as a kind of twisted kindness. Since his death, IĀ“ve been able to be my authentic self in ways IĀ“m not sure I could have if he was alive. ItĀ“s not enough, however, to end the story of our relationship on a resoundingly sour note. I believe one of the developmental tasks of adulthood is to see our parents in a nuanced way, not merely as good or bad people but as complicated mixed bags. My dad wanted great things for his family. He moved us out of LA to rural northern California so we could live the idyllic farm life he thought weĀ“d want. He signed us up for 4-H and helped us raise cows and pigs to auction off at the county fair. We had chickens and ducks and geese. We were living the dream, and it was a good dream, just not one I shared. Some fatherĀ“s get outgoing sons who date girls and play football. If IĀ“d of been that kid, maybe my dad and I would of been friends.
  17. Inner alchemy is fascinating. IĀ“m interested in it myself and if other Bums share my interest, I certainly donĀ“t blame them. This forum attracts a wide variety of people in all different places in their lives. The Bums who in my view are farthest down the spiritual path share something in common: they arenĀ“t especially bothered by the idea of death. I donĀ“t pretend to belong to this rarified group. Me, IĀ“d like to push death off for as long as possible and if I can push it off, well, forever, so much the better. The ultimate goal of inner alchemy, in my understanding, is immortality. Sounds good to me. There is one thing that bugs me, however. How come there are so many masters here on the forum? How come so many experts? ItĀ“s a little hard to believe that this place is quite so overrun with spiritual adepts as posts would lead a person to think. Now donĀ“t get me wrong: I know there many genuinely knowledgable people here and I appreciate their sharing. ItĀ“s just that sometimes I yearn for the laid back companionship of ordinary spiritual Joes like me who donĀ“t have any superpowers and arenĀ“t about to attain any anytime soon.
  18. Western Parenting vs Eastern Parenting

    If I had kids hereĀ“s what IĀ“d teach them: education first, job second, healthy relationships third, basic conventional happiness fourth....and then maybe...once theyĀ“d really nailed all those things ... enlightenment. Would I be a western-style parent or what?
  19. Strengthening the Blood

    Consider hormesis.
  20. Accepting futile situations?

    OK, letĀ“s say youĀ“re asked to do something nonsensical as part of your job. YouĀ“ve considered Windwalkers suggestion of finding other employment and determined thatĀ“s not the right course of action for you at the moment. IĀ“d start thinking of this seemingly futile task in another way. It may be futile in terms of the stated objectives of the job, but itĀ“s not futile for you because doing it is part of what allows you to keep this job that youĀ“ve decided you want to keep. Everytime you do this task you are taking care of yourself, earning money that allows you to do what you want in life and not be dependent upon others. By doing this task you are showing maturity, recognizing that not everything makes sense in life and part of taking care of ourselves as adults is doing things that donĀ“t make sense. You are not abusing yourself by doing this task. You are taking care of yourself and meeting your own objectives of having a job and making money.
  21. How important is it to be right about things anyway? The older I get the less stock I place in having correct views. Of course some people have to be right about things because itĀ“s part of their job. And some people like to think about things because it brings them intellectual pleasure -- like a hobby. This is all well and good. In general, though, being right is overrated. ThereĀ“s one area of life where being right -- or thinking you are -- can really mess a person up and that is marriage. Who wants to be married to someone whose always right? Is it important to be right for spiritual growth? I donĀ“t think so. A person could just as profitably chose to develop humility or kindness or simply rest in the awareness of being itself. These are my views and IĀ“m convinced they are true. If you disagree, IĀ“m happy to argue the point with you all day because I need a distraction from simply feeling my body and my breath, a distraction from going outside and feeling the warmth of sun on my face. ThereĀ“s nothing I love more than arguing endlessly with people I donĀ“t really know on the internet.
  22. Unknown Zhan Zhuang / Yiquan / Standing Posture

    IĀ“ve gone to workshops with Michael Winn. Sometimes people are really good at one thing and phenomenally bad at something else. If you look at what they are bad at, itĀ“s hard to believe that thereĀ“s this other skillful part. I believe this is the case with Michael Winn. He knows his stuff and can teach. You just wouldnĀ“t know it from watching him stand or move.
  23. Strengthening the Blood

    I like this explanation,
  24. Deleted

    Yes, thatĀ“s it exactly. IĀ“m a big fan of your both/same time philosophy.
  25. Deleted

    Perhaps effort and effortlessness are not ultimately so opposed. Like the primordial forces of yin and yang, they can interpenetrate, give rise to each other in a natural rhythm. Weaving intentionality and surrender together in a single braid, we arrive at...Ā“(well, honestly I donĀ“t know where this goes but IĀ“d like to get there.)