
The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by XianGong

  1. Hi... What is Dao Bums really..?

    Hi, the name of this forum is Dao Bums Daoism = Asian religion talking about "cultivation" Bum = homeless person, beggar Dao Bums means homeless Asians.
  2. There are Goals in it, but there is no end goal, you go from one level to another level. Like you have to achieve a certain level of skill, abilities and power to be able to progress from one level to another (pass exams). So there is some kind of end goal for one level, but that is only the beginning of another level. The path itself has no end. Cultivation = Growing Some cultivate flowers, we cultivate human beings into Gods wielding superhuman powers, otherwordly intellect and insight, and spirit beyond the comprehension of a mortal.
  3. That's good, there has to be a filter in place, not everyone should be accepted in an academy of cultivation. There has to be someone who strives to achieve and preserve true enlightenment potential in aeons of kalpas and then free every sentient beings from suffering. We are more than grateful for your and others bodhisattvas noble sacrifice.
  4. Whenever I hear about kalpas and aeons, I hear bullshit. The talk about billions, and trillions of years, and the belief that Earth (our tiny) planet will still exist in a few billion years, or humanity will exist, is beyond any kind of possible wishful thinking. You certainly don't have even 1 billion years to achieve buddhahood. I would highly doubt 1 million as well. ---- A great Kalpa is 4 medium kalpas, or around 1.344 trillion years 84000x1.344 trillion = 112896 trillion years Getting back down to earth, Buddhism is several thousand years old, Not millions, not billions, not aeons...
  5. Because any part of your body is not completely separate from another. IT i's basics physics and biology, you restrict blood flow in one place, you get all kind of effects in another.
  6. It does not really matter what we call it or which term is used, also we cannot verify Buddha achievements and level of attainment. My point is different, once someone gets to "any stage" of immortality their path does not end. There are a lot of things to do in this world or other worlds, that actually require one to be immortal in the first place. There is just no "endpoint" and no cultivator would want for it to exist... People who wish for a path to end and reach an endpoint and cease their suffering don't have a cultivators mindset.
  7. I would not want to invest my time in students, who will drop out after they achieve 'Buddhahood'. That's like investing in someone to graduate from university, only to learn that they don't have plans to actually do any useful work. You guys should try imagining yourself becoming a buddha, and ask yourself what you gonna do next. Everyone wants to get freedom from reincarnation, but you can't even answer a simple question of what are you gonna do if you don't reincarnate anymore. It all gives vibes of delusional fantasy to me nothing more. Samsara is far from endless, it's a radio on repeat, happens with weak minds trapped into mundane reality.
  8. Your opinion about reiki?

    Also, they are not truly sensitive, or able to scan deep through energies. They are just constantly irritated. But, they think that irritation is a sign of higher sense and ESP powers. It Reminds, of fruitarians telling everyone they have "detox" on fruits when they are actually having a carb/sugar overload and liver damage. Death of malnutrition =/= detox. When "Qi" gets dense, it develops an anchor inside the body, that makes you more stable and protected in general.
  9. Your opinion about reiki?

    That explains why I talk with some practitioners, who cannot travel public transport or feel constantly intoxicated around other human beings by negative energy. When I travel I feel nothing. Even when I see dirt, it does not cling to me, nor does it influence my inner state. If I was doing reiki, or any system like that, my "energy cocoon" would be without a firewall or natural protection.
  10. Buddhahood is the beginning of the path, not the end of it. The real path of cultivation has no end.
  11. We would not talk so much about Buddhism if it did not have a huge contribution/impact on the self-development path for millions of sentient beings. But that does not mean Buddha had a supreme level of cultivation and knew everything. Many "Buddhist" texts came centuries and thousands of years before the Buddha himself was born. Moreover, it does not mean that he teaches and shares advanced insights on cultivation. As it can contribute to growth and development, it can also be a chain that shackles the minds and spirits of practitioners that are overly zealot about it being the "ultimate teaching". As far I have read, Buddhist texts only cover the part to the beginning of the path. What are you gonna do NEXT, after you reached the beginning? IF all one can do is follow instructions written that don't have details about the path past getting to its start. Generally, I feel a cult of persona, or entity always slows down the development of its followers/students after a certain point. Either way, you should find a living master to teach instead of overly relying on thousands of year-old text, that doesn't adequately reflect the modern world. I have given one of my students some Buddhist sutras, and had to answer a lot of questions on why that is that, by "this stuff is outdated".
  12. The thread of Huaoitian school has been locked, but there was a decent discussion there about the karmic impact of teacher and student connection. In cases that I have seen personally, there was an idiot "guru", who genuinely believes he does a positive impact and will earn some positive karma that will accelerate his growth and self-development. What happened, however, is due to his stupidity, deviation and lack of knowledge, he proceeds to harm and scam students for decades. Giving nothing of value, taking their money, time, energy. What are the complications of scamming 2000+ people? Does the teacher who does harm unknowingly due to his low qualifications / being trapped in delusion, takes the karmic hit? How will it work out in the end?
  13. Teacher - Student Karmic Impact

    In most cases when people talk about it they do talk about their own illusion about what karma is. I am thinking of karma as a law of physics. You send a wave through space and it reverberates, some of it will hit you back.
  14. Teacher - Student Karmic Impact

    This point is important because I think that many teachers, schools, lineages, and just humans like to OVERSIMPLIFY things. So far, I have not found any evidence that scamgong teachers would lose money from their actions as a karmic repercussion. In fact, they get filthy rich by milking their students for fake teachings. If they get a karmic backlash from profaning the esoteric arts it must be coming in a different way.
  15. Teacher - Student Karmic Impact

    It is very hard for a beginner to find a good teacher, the main reason they cannot tell a difference between high quality "food" and "McDonald's". It all looks the same to them.
  16. Teacher - Student Karmic Impact

    In most cases, bad teachers don't think they are scamming anyone. In many cases, they believe they are so great that even for the ability to hear their divine voice people should pay 959429$ and kneel or do slave work/work for free for decades.
  17. Introducing Heavenly Dao School

    Where's your Cultivation ausar, I have been waiting for many hours, and I could not feel a slight bit of Qi or Intent, I have purposely let down the defense, so you could scan my level of spiritual and energy cultivation easy. Surely, if you are a headmaster of a school, you can at least scan people online? What's the point of a blind man teaching anyone to see?
  18. Introducing Heavenly Dao School

    What if a Teacher harms unknowingly, just cuz he is an idiot?
  19. Introducing Heavenly Dao School

    I have already opened all energy protection and masking systems, I am waiting for a Supreme Being to Scan my energy cultivation. Tell me what you think. Am I suitable to join your school? What should I work on at this moment?
  20. Introducing Heavenly Dao School

    Can't you just see it? I will open the barriers and deactivate a multi-layered defense system on my mental field, so venerable Heavenly Dao Master could quickly scan my energy cultivation. I believe that's a much faster method, than talking or writing an essay of what I have been doing for the past 500 years. I know for beings of high-level time and space is only an illusion they can pierce through it with their Qi. I might have some skills, but I never met a true immortal, which is why I am so interested.
  21. Introducing Heavenly Dao School

    Can't I just skip foundation and join cultivator school now?
  22. Introducing Heavenly Dao School

    This seems to be what I was looking for for many years. Many teachers don't really train siddhi, and only mention them rarely. Those fake Sofa-based cultivators, who can only talk but cannot even levitate. You can see a lack of confidence when fake teachers are asked about real siddhi and power. I have learned that foundation levels cost 500$ each, how many there are? And most importantly what is the price to learn high-level cultivation methods?
  23. Greetings from Heavenly Dao School

    Wish for more masters on this forum, would be good.