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About Ajay0

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  1. Sister Shivani, a Brahmakumari spiritual teacher, advises taking a 5-second pause before drinking water or eating food to say positive affirmations. She believes this simple practice can lead to inner peace and prosperity by allowing the water to absorb and reflect positive intentions, fostering a healthier mindset and overall well-being. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/soul-search/sister-shivanis-5-second-rule-before-drinking-water-can-help-achieve-your-goals/articleshow/113211086.cms
  2. A Lebanese-American lady's account of her sister Heba's past life memories ... https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/30/well/family/sisters-past-life.html
  3. Articles on twin sisters Gillian and Jennifer Pollock, whose family were convinced were the reincarnation of tragic siblings Joanna and Jacqueline who had died in a car crash a year back. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/twin-sisters-who-family-were-27568945 https://www.newsbreak.com/nik-1590556/2837260208621
  4. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    Without the practice of morality, thereā€™s no enlightenment, no liberation from samsara, not even good rebirths in future lives. ~ Lama Zopa Rinpoche The more we abandon ill-will and hatred, the easier it will be to meditate. ~ Ayya Khema
  5. Dead thirteen year old teenager comes home after eight years as an eight year old Indian boy claiming he had a rebirth... https://www.ibtimes.com/dead-teenager-returns-home-after-8-years-claims-he-had-rebirth-3277864 https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/uttar-pradesh-boy-who-died-eight-years-ago-claims-he-had-a-rebirth-1843294-2021-08-20 Rohit Kumar, the thirteen-year-old son of Pramod Kumar from Nagla Salehi village in Uttar Pradesh's Mainpuri district, had died on May 4, 2013, drowning in a canal near Kanpur while taking a bath. On August 19,2021, Chandraveer alias Chotu, eight year old son of Ramnaresh Shankhwar, a resident of the nearby village, Nagla Amar Singh, came to Pramod Kumar and said he was his son Rohit in previous birth. He claimed he had a rebirth and identified Pramod and Usha Devi as his parents. On meeting his 'previous' family, Chandraveer, started narrating stories from his previous birth. He also identified his sister. Enthralled by his reincarnation stories, villagers soon gathered at Pramod's place to listen to Chandraveer's tales. Meanwhile, when Subhash Chandra Yadav, the headmaster of the village's former secondary school, stopped by, Chandraveer immediately identified him and touched his feet ( to show respect as per Indian tradition) and said, "This is Subhash, sir," . Villagers took Chandraveer to the same school where Rohit studied earlier. Teachers asked him questions that Rohit could have answered.Surprisingly, Chandraveer answered them correctly, according to the report. Chandraveer's father Shankhwar said his son would always talk about reincarnation since childhood and insisted on coming to Nagla Salehi.They feared losing him and consequently avoided bringing him to the village till then.
  6. Below are some sayings on the nature of auspiciousness from various Hindu and Buddhist masters that I have compiled for better understanding of the subject from the perspective of eastern philosophy. So from here, we can see that it is the agitated mind that is productive of negative vibrations or inauspicious energies while the equanimious mind is productive of positive ones.The Bhagavad Gita states that mental equanimity is yoga and leads to skill in action.Awareness or mindfulness comes about in an equanimous mind.What agitates the mind is numerous strong desires in the form of cravings and aversions. In an extreme form, these cravings and aversions take on the form of vices like greed, hatred, lust, egoism, inordinate attachments which are the source of all crimes as well devoid of virtue.In the enlightened sage, the mind is equanimous at all times, and this results in undisturbed awareness or mindfulness productive of positive vibrations and energies which have a beneficial effect on those around them.In a village in my district , there lived a female enlightened master in the last century. This region, in comparison to other regions have a very low crime rate and low incidence of natural disasters which people attribute to the master's grace. Even now one can still feel the positive vibes and auspiciousness over this place and it is now a popular tourist site as well.I know of similar other regions which has an auspicious air about it due to the presence of enlightened sages. I think this is the factor that is in work at pilgrimage sites too.
  7. 10 year old boy named Ryan recalls past life as Hollywood actor and agent Marty Martyn... https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/10-year-old-boy-says-784090/ https://www.nbcnews.com/nightly-news/boy-says-he-remembers-past-life-hollywood-agent-n327506 https://www.irishmirror.ie/news/world-news/boy-believes-reincarnated-chilling-perfect-28761843
  8. "I Have Lived Before": The True Story of the Reincarnation of Shanti Devi. This is the first known book on reincarnation based on the recollections of a little girl named Shanti Devi (1926-1987) in Delhi, India, who claimed to remember a past life as a wife and mother in a different region of India. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shanti_Devi Shanti Devi persistently pleaded to her parents to let her go to the region mentioned (Mathura) and once even ran away from home at age of six to reach Mathura. When Mahatma Gandhi heard about the case he set up a commission of 15 prominent people, including parliamentarians, national leaders, and members from the media, to study the case. He also invited Shanti Devi to his ashram. The committee was instrumental in persuading her reluctant parents to allow Shanti Devi to go to Mathura with them. Upon reaching the place she was able to remember minute details of the place and her past life family, though she was seeing the place for the first time in her young life. A brief article on her life by Dr. K.S. Rawat can be found in this below link. https://www.carolbowman.com/dr-ian-stevenson/case-shanti-devi/ Sture Lonnerstrand, a Swedish critic, came all the way from Sweden to expose the ā€œfake,ā€ as he thought it to be, but after investigation wrote, ā€œThis is the only fully explained and proven case of reincarnation there has been." A book about her was published by Sture Lonnerstrand in 1994, and the english translation appeared in 1998 titled, "I Have Lived Before: The True Story of the Reincarnation of Shanti Devi". She was also interviewed by Dr. Ian Stevenson who stated, ā€œI also interviewed Shanti Devi, her father, and other pertinent witnesses, including Kedarnath, the husband claimed in her previous life. My research indicates that she made at least 24 statements of her memories that matched the verified facts.ā€
  9. With everyone's blessings and guidance, I would like to create a thread dedicated to showcasing articles and books on reincarnation/rebirth case studies so that people can judge for themselves whether reincarnation has a basis in fact or not. In India I have come across a couple of reincarnation case studies in newspapers and acquaintances, which helped to keep an interest in this subject. After accessing the internet, I found to my surprise that there are similar cases in the West even though there are no teachings of reincarnation in its dominant religions and belief systems. Here is an insightful article about a young boy named James Leininger remembering his past life as a fighter pilot in the second world war and who died after his plane crashed into the ocean. https://med.virginia.edu/perceptual-studies/wp-content/uploads/sites/360/2017/04/REI42-Tucker-James-LeiningerPIIS1550830716000331.pdf https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1209795/Reincarnated-Our-son-World-War-II-pilot-come-life.html https://www.facts-are-facts.com/news/the-past-life-memories-of-james-leininger-
  10. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    When we develop ethical qualities, our spiritual growth comes in leaps and bounds. ~ Sant Rajinder Singh Another helping factor to still the mind is to lead our life according to positive qualities, such as nonviolence, humility, love for all, and selfless service. We should strive to lead a life wherein our thoughts, words and deeds are nonviolent, humble and focused on God. We should treat others the way we want to be treated, in a loving, caring way.~ Sant Rajinder Singh
  11. Informative article by Sister Shivani of the Brahmakumaris on using willpower to overcoming negative sanskars (habitual tendencies) into positive ones. Sanskar is an Indian word meaning subconscious impressions that determines a habitual tendency. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/books/features/using-willpower-means-exercising-our-power-to-choose-and-to-do-what-we-want-bk-shivani-in-the-power-of-one-thought/articleshow/102537823.cms?from=mdr
  12. Researchers have found that meditation offers genuine pain relief that goes beyond the placebo effect of expecting a response. https://www.sciencealert.com/not-a-placebo-study-finds-meditation-offers-genuine-pain-relief
  13. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    The purer the mind, the easier it is to control. Purity of the mind must be insisted upon if you would control it.....Perfect morality is the all in all of the complete control over mind. ~ Swami Vivekananda Morality requires a certain degree of mental control as a prerequisite. You canā€™t follow any set of moral precepts without at least a little self-control, and if your mind is perpetually spinning like a fruit cylinder in a slot machine, self-control is highly unlikely. So mental culture has to come first. ~ Henepola Gunaratana,
  14. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    Quiet the mind, and the soul will speak. ~ Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati 'Often you do the act thinking itā€™s coming from a deep place, and then a moment later, you see the dissonance that it creates, or the feeling that itā€™s not quite right, and thereā€™s a tuning mechanism. You keep using feedback. Thereā€™s a feedback process, to learn how to listen to that. The more you go into meditative practice, the deeper you can hear it. Part of it is learning how to trust that inner voice. People who are very enamored with their intellect donā€™t trust that inner space.' ~ Ram Dass https://www.ramdass.org/know-difference-ego-true-nature/
  15. The festival of Onam in south India begins on September 6 and end on September 15. It is in honor of an ancient Indian ruler named Mahabali who was known for his generosity and virtuous conduct. Due to the large spiritual merit attained by him in this universal cycle, Mahabali is said to ascend to the post of Indra, the king of the gods in heaven, in the next universal cycle. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Onam