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Everything posted by old3bob

  1. How are you?

    "in the year 2525"... yet every moment is a gift.
  2. More power to good and more advanced science but: a kid with hopefully a decent 8th grade education doesn't need to be a scientist to know that mankind has really screwed up the environment along the lines of co2 and in dozens of other major aspects. Two examples being cut or burn down vast forests and also severely pollute and acidify ocean waters and then the algae in them dies with oxygen going down and co2 going up planetary wide!
  3. another teaching from Manu that has been severely corrupted: 87. But in order to protect this universe He, the most resplendent one, assigned separate (duties and) occupations to those who sprang from his mouth, arms, thighs, and feet. 88. To Brahmanas he assigned teaching and studying (the Veda), sacrificing for their own benefit and for others, giving and accepting (of alms). 89. The Kshatriya he commanded to protect the people, to bestow gifts, to offer sacrifices, to study (the Veda), and to abstain from attaching himself to sensual pleasures; 90. The Vaisya to tend cattle, to bestow gifts, to offer sacrifices, to study (the Veda), to trade, to lend money, and to cultivate land. 91. One occupation only the lord prescribed to the Sudra, to serve meekly even these (other) three castes.
  4. Mother of a storm!!

    in the rocky mountains... I'd take the weather we had over burning California any day !!!
  5. Mother of a storm!!

    Got up at 4:00 am with the house shaking some and the power blinking on and off a little bit from the wind, and not only wind but there is icy snow plastered on every window and door regardless of which side it is on !! It would be hell to be caught in the mountains or anywhere else camping in this storm but there will be a lots of people that it does catch because we have had several months of mostly good weather with who knows how many locals and out of state people camping in the national parks and on BLM land . Haven't checked the highway reports but to be driving in this crap would truly be dangerous!
  6. The Self, Does it Exist?

    wasn't this string originally in the Buddhist forum? oops never mind
  7. Kundalini discovery

    if Spirit could ever be corrupted - past, present or future, which btw. it is not bound by then we would be SOL or shit out of luck at the root but we are not thank "God". ...to me there is so much contradiction in the Bible that it is truly mind blowing (for who said or wrote what, when and why is an incredible tangled up historic mess) Having said that I'd still give witness that there is also Spirit to be heard speaking through the written mess along with that from certain masters, mystics and saints and no doubt from the soul of Jesus being of truly shining Gold! original sin does not compute! Was creation in Genesis of original sin, no. edit: per Genesis 1:31 "God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning--the sixth day."
  8. De-caf question?

    yea, the common desire is to have coffee when first getting up. A minor amount doesn't mess up my sleep very much, too much caffeine can sometimes make my peripheral vision a little blurry...
  9. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    she has a big public following thus I'd say it is her ethical responsibility to clarify details beyond generalizations for her followers or newbies if or when her statements are iffy...as for me i'm just a one person, non-public, probably pain in the ass hitting a pause button...
  10. De-caf question?

    does anyone care to share their coffee consumption experiences along the lines when best to drink it (or not) and with what foods? Drinking coffee on an empty stomach seems to be a no-no for me since its hits a lot harder as far as throwing off parts of digestive and elimination systems...
  11. Kundalini discovery

    yes the search is on: Btw. Spirit and soul are two terms often used in the same way and I'd say we can question that... "I" as the human self, "I" as the soul self, and "I" as Spirit are also often used in the same way and I'd say we can question that... so can the human self be torn or hurting - obviously yes, can the soul be torn or hurting - not so obviously yes, can Spirit be torn or hurting, - very un-obviously no, and why, because Spirit (or Tao if preferred) is not a construct that can be compromised for if it were wouldn't we all be SOL at the root? So goes the problem of trying to directly correlate across different ways or schools.
  12. Kundalini discovery

    Spirit is already in us, you and all Beings, hidden so to speak in plain sight in all forms to whatever degree... I'd say the workings of nature that can easily be observed and felt if we quiet down are a good example of that. As for our individual mind which is really part of the mind construct-ion can not cross over or "pass through the gate" and remain as our mind or even the mind...thus a very high price to pay for most of us!
  13. Kundalini discovery

    the "mind" and all its ramifications are complex, the Self could be alluded to as pure-unbreakable -unified-joy that is mind shattering simple, thus mind will never contain Self and can not cross over.
  14. Kundalini discovery

    On 8/15/2020 at 5:01 PM, Bindi said: "Just thinking aloud here, if part of kundalini’s purpose is to destroy the ego connection to the mundane mind, I’d like to have a place to inhabit within my spirit before that connection is destroyed, which is only possible if the spirit has been fully developed, and I am fully identified with it. " makes me think of a process of looking from the outside - in, (and also of the inside looking - out) thus who is to say what part of such a process is true or false for the one going through it? (for Spirit will make use of and work with any process and form it can, thus not just the oldest, latest or that which is purported to be greatest )
  15. Kundalini discovery

    when "living" Guru merges with Ocean there is no longer differentiation...which can be/is simultaneously revealed to an apparently separate student. and I agree that to fixate on just a concept of either or is problematic.
  16. Kundalini discovery

    so looking at that rhetorically can the Self ever fully and continuously manifest through an apparently separate living practitioner... I'd say and some teachings say it's rare but possible for then a truly undifferentiated reality is attained.
  17. Kundalini discovery

    hmm, I'd say the True Self alluded to in the Upanisahds "knows the Self by the Self", thus not just of an aspect that comes close.
  18. Kundalini discovery

    sounds right for that form of Buddhism, but "mind", including a purified mind in the Upanishads is known as a thing so to speak and the nature of that thing or all things is that they are springing forth from the True Self... and thus are used to manifest through or used as a matrix. (edit)
  19. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    ok Michael. Sternbach....except to me when or if a person has said something specifically in the past that now needs to be specifically clarified, thus not just generalized over.
  20. Kundalini discovery

    the way I'd put it is that the Self has never not realized the Self, yet there is the realization of the manifestation of Self in the "three worlds" as both micro and macro matrix's (for or of the Self so to speak) taking shape as directly alluded to me in a correlation with the T.T.C. per "The One", "The Two", "The Three' and on to the 'Ten thousand"...
  21. Kundalini discovery

    "Dzogchen teachings point to the spiritual self, the ultimate self, as primordially pure, literally Great Perfection. By definition nothing needs to be developed. It’s a discovery more than a creation. That’s dzogchen, slightly different than the Vedic view." Hmm, I suggest not being too sure about such a difference...in the sense that development of a matrix for Self does not mean that Self or Brahman needs development or "creation" .
  22. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    do you feel Teal responded to her past statement below in the video above: (which is why I mentioned impressionable people beware) ...Teal: “Do you like life?. . . .”Guest: “Yes and no, most of the time. I dissociate most of the time.”Teal: “That's a hard ‘no’ then. Obviously growing up in the amount of trauma that you guys grew up around, life doesn't seem so peachy. So sometimes - which is what suicide is - is essentially pushing the reset button on life. Sometimes that's the best option for some people.” ...
  23. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    that young Teal gal has said some very iffy things about suicide, more so for the impressionable. (buyer beware)
  24. won't speculate to much details but on principle and for instance #1: if one gains beneficial knowledge yet does not use it properly what happens? at best they lose it, at worse it becomes corrupted and twisted for non-beneficial use. #2 what happens if one gains beneficial energy through pranayama but does not use it properly... same idea or result as with #1. #3. what if one receives a blessing and does not use or share it wisely? at best they lose it, at worst it can become like a curse. "Be careful what you ask for you may get it" "to whom much is given much is expected"
  25. What do you see? (This is a test)

    an older man with a pointed hat standing in a field (whose image is blurred) watching a tornado grow in the not to far distance.