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Everything posted by welkin

  1. Okay... damnit Everything i get it Thank you thank you. ok bye all
  2. yes, i not only have the maturity, but the innocence, the imagination, and the hope. Which you've lost Second, why do you hate new age so much. Maybe if you stopped hanging out with so many older folks (which is okay of course), you wouldn't have such a small closed minded view of what you know. Aren't you in your 30s like wtf are you doing. It's like an older person only hanging out with a bunch of kids. Thirdly, only 10% of what i talk about is new age. And yet i'm still defending the new agers, because they aint no less ignorant than old agers Because it's not about ages, you silly ________. So spiritual, yet living in linear time perspective.
  3. thanks for teaching me more. The lesson is definitely coming from you guys, just not in the way your consciousness' believes so. and i now realize i had to go through this. codes = written text codes = what you see with your eyes code = your intellectual ability to remember what a symbol means based on what someone labeled it as. I just slapped myself to make sure i'm not in a dream. I just slapped myself twice. Nope still here. . . . . by now your subconsocius is already looking for a clever/witty combecak in response to me acknowledging of slapping myself. And now, you've stopped because i mentioned it. And now when i ask if you thought about it, you're going to deny it only because you already know based of what i'm telling you. Hope you realize just how programmable you are. done.
  4. No i don't get it care to explain? Most of us earthlings don't like us "CONFU" cious "CONFUSION" language. What are you trying to tell me, as i am asking genuininely as illumairen advised?
  5. Thanks. doesn't seem to read previous posts. moving on.
  6. Why tell any of you what you're not meant to know. As a matter of fact. From our conversations do you understand why now, you're not meant to know? You'd destroy us all. It's funny because if you just understood movies for what they were, you'd understand there's so many codes in each one. But on a more superficial aspect of them. Do you not consider to be part of a group mind, whilst i am fending off for myself, though not really? is the protagonist usually the group mind, or specific individuals who were chosen to see? I hope the answer is obvious. As far as you all figuring out truth about our existence, you'll never find it on your own. But you will find it once the truth is unveiled. And even with all our dialogue you fail to realize i'm still fighting for you. For to have stopped communicating here, would have meant i chose to abandon you. And i will be ridiculed again. And yet, when the time comes you'll see that i was still here for you. That's the difference between you and me.
  7. Ya and what you guys don't realize this story was written over 3000 years ago. And in such patterned and coded language/imagery that you would need to be the right person to decipher it. You guys keep studying recent books. Distract yourselves until it's time alright? Play in your playground while it's still here. You guys keep on "#winning" while we "fight in the shade"
  8. You really want to keep going like this? You look silly.
  9. I didn't read it but looked into a bit last year. Is there some specific message understanding in there that would put the Matrix movie to flaw in its message?
  10. This physical reality is a reflection of something you can't see. If you believe you that it's a fictional comic strip, good luck to you. What you see physically is the fictional comic strip. What you fail to do is be able to decipher its true meaning. Don't waste your time though, it took me 15 years and coinciding facts of reality that made that possible. It's not for all for now
  11. β€œThe Matrix is a system. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.”
  12. I disagree about the deeper part. And if it is believed to be true, then just ask yourself. Would you want anyone to have that type of 'deeper' conversation? But this isn't to bash. this is to state my opinion. If you believe i'm wrong, that's okay too.
  13. Actually i don't. I understand it completely, which is why i like him. But my above response should explain that. And in any case, means i will have been disappointed in how you represent him. As it looks more like a jester than a joker
  14. Do guys really have no underlying intentions for why you are all creating such deception and confusion? Not saying you only do that. But i see obvious none truths, that you are claiming are. So it's hard for me to believe you just naturally think that way, and aren't trying to deceive others. And if that's not true, then i can only question how much ego must exist to be able to blind ones eyes of the light shining right in their face.
  15. How can you use such big vocabulary and yet make a conviction such as i have a strident imposition to others points of view? It's literally the opposite. I'm against people who try to shut people's ideas down. But to you that's a point of view. What you're claiming actually looks like this without a sentence: POV = shutting people down. So by me being against others who don't allow honest opinions to pass through, that means i'm against your point of view. That is honestly hilarious. What type of jester are you. You are a true clown aren't you?
  16. Pale Blue Dot

    You think Nibiru is getting closer? I feel like it might be
  17. To be honest, this did come to mind after i had responded. I know exactly what you mean. Sorry i misconstrued what you were saying. And thank you. I failed to see just how much i was depriving exactly what i was intended to provide.
  18. No i'm not prone to this condition. Is there something you want to say?
  19. Everything, can i kindly ask you to rephrase everything in more simpler terms. If the message is clear, purposeful, and usable then it should be clear concise, and effectively communicated. I'm not saying some messages don't require a lengthier post for insight. But for what i believe you are claiming in your post, i assume that it wouldn't need more than a sentence to ask a question. Because my intentions and purpose are there. If no one, cares i still don't care. And i'll never give up. The only difference is some will reap benefits earlier while others will wait a long time, or may never find it in this life time. Do you know what it is to know how every part of the body connects? It's so detailed i can't imagine most would know it. And detailed to the inch in more than one dimensional way. And parts that have 2 parts representing it and so on. Why do you assume, i haven't gone through any specific journey myself? because of my age? If you want the truth, since you are claiming things about me, it's only right for me to respond you're incorrect in what you think my intentions were, my alignment, and what i know within. As for the simple information giving out, if you think that it's some simple bullshit tricks and gimmics. then you clearly haven't witness what i've witnessed. Such simple parts of life yet so powerful. And yet, the simplest of things in life people choose to ignore. Maybe you're right, i should stop it there and not share anything. Seems not worth spreading to the souls in this life. Maybe it'll take them multiples to realize anything close. And i don't say that out of ego or negativity. I say that out of compassion. Like, "there's literally nothing i can tell you to change your mind or view of how easy things are". And i'm speaking in a practical sense, not just telling people life is fucking easy. Boom there it is. No, It's easy if you put the work and discipline. Please, i'd love for you to explain more what you were trying to explain.
  20. internal anger

    So in your opinion, one's usage of language is what determines their true intentions? Such as using the word "I"? Have you ever thought, the person might have had some sort of trauma where their ability to communicate is maybe different than the rest? Where their intention is in one direction, but their ability to communicate what they truly mean is not developed enough or blocked? I ask, because what you're speaking about seems to be one big judgment on what you believe "I" or "ego" is, which is what i assume you are trying to communicate. Now, if you don't believe what i'm mentioning above is true. I can easily counter by stating, there are probably millions, if not billions of people who don't really communicate what they feel. And that can mean communication in so many ways, from how you look at someone, to how you smirk, to words used, to how you use one eye, both eyes, your anxious movements, energy emoting, etc. etc. etc. Now, imagine a world where most of us believe that we understand what ego really is without having gone through a complete transformation spiritually, and instead use our intellect to discern what that looks like. Do you not believe if you have the ability to "discern" what ego is, the "ego" has the ability to create and appear however it wants outwardly? And then combine that with traumatized individuals who are not on the river road to finding that truth. This is all just on the subject of "I's" because it seemed so important. On the topic of anger again. If you believe that anger is not a right of yours, then i don't really know what else to say. I actually believe what you're saying as not true, as true. it's just as much an option as your right to drink water. Does it mean you use it all the time? Or even at inconvenient times? NO... But you could? Mistakes through anger are mistakes to learn from. To hate yourself or to accept others' shame for it, will only make you hate yourself further, because it's impossible to not have that exist as part of your nature. Which i believe i justified in my previous post different ways one requires it. Let me rephrase what i'm saying. Anger is part of the formula to find the truth. It's part of the alchemical process one will be utilizing to find truth not only physically, but spiritually. All i'm saying is let anger be and let it be for what it is, not what you think. It also means, one choosing to stay there is one's responsibility and choice. But to say no to it, to neglect it, to feel shame for it, to feel wrongness for it, and to not analyze it. One is depriving oneself of finding the opposite of it. If you take it further, we all know we are each living our own life/spiritual journeys in this timeline, which is a result of all our other ones. Going through certain types of anger can be one person's journey now, and someone else's later. Oppressing this is oppressing whatever we had to go through before to get here today, or to oppress whatever it is yet you have to go through.
  21. IF you smoke Marijuana. How do you guys usually smoke it? I used to only try to inhale and blow out through the mouth. With the Universe's/God's grace/November energy, i thought about breathing in and out through both the nose and mouth while smoking. The results, Less head fogginess due to oxygen covering and maybe protecting upper area of the head, and most marijuana smoke going into lungs. I felt more clearheaded, more body high. Thereby maybe, just maybe, getting better results for this type of "crutch" if you view it that way. I clearly don't, as it's more of a vehicle. If you do it, let's find a way to do it in the healthiest manner possible.
  22. Wow incredible... If the op understands everything he posted, he's figured out secrets buried for millenias. Worth another look
  23. The goal of life is to figure out what life is about, not to figure out how to survive in this life. - Life
  24. The Tao is life. Look for the snowflakes as that's where the answers show up.