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Posts posted by GSmaster

  1. 6 minutes ago, Starjumper said:

    There are fools in the conspiracy theorist camp and fools in the anti conspiracy theory camp, and then there are people who pay careful attention and know what's going on.


    Thing is, anything can be used.


    You just have to be smart, and watch a lot of porn to clog up the FBI searches.

    As for any meaningful interactions use safe encrypted deletable telegram chats.


    Never post anything of value on instagram / whatsapp / facebook / any other social network.


    Idiots are those who open facebook, and start giving away all the personal info to datamining company.


    Even if I post anything personal online, it is not necessarily real information. So you can easily confuse parasites and regain privacy.


    As for the products I buy they are no different from billions others.


    As for windows and e.t.c there are multiple tricks to use, including using VPN, that encrypts all your internet traffic, adblock, antitracker, and windows optimization. 

  2. 6 minutes ago, Starjumper said:

    You can be sure that if/when they start doing those things, that it will be the tip of the iceberg.


    I think in general people should be more relaxed about government watching them or corporations.


    Conspiracy theorists with panic about this or that innovation come in waves every few years.


    The main thing you should know is that, whenever you use 

    1. computer

    2. electronic devices

    3. cell phones

    4. Internet / login personal account

    5. In major cities there are face cams, and face detection everywhere.

    6. Pay with credit card


    You are being tracked. Its been there for years, there is telemetry in windows, in android, in apps, in google. You cant really get away from it.

    • Like 1

  3. 14 minutes ago, bax44 said:

     If you want to subscribe “conspiracy” to that that’s your own issue.  



    “Never let a good crisis go to waste”   Nothing to see here. Just keep obeying. If you’re comfortable with shit like this then you probably deserve whatever comes after.


    I have never seen so much contradictive statements in 1 page of posts..

  4. 6 minutes ago, bax44 said:

    Ferguson - whose 'Terrifying' research from just 10 days ago predicted 2.2 million deaths in the US and that the UK would need to be under quarantine for 18 months or more - now says that coronavirus will not overwhelm the UK's ICU beds, and that over 1/2 of those it will kill would have died by the end of the year anyway because they were so old and sick


    If you would actually read the text of his report, the guy has clearly embarassed himself with many false claims and statements, and is just same idiot as you are.

  5. 5 minutes ago, bax44 said:

    Conspiracy theories?


    Bill Gates biochips total control of masses? Alzheimers again? Seriously? Can you keep in your memory atleast something during our "talk".


    5 minutes ago, bax44 said:

    who believe the whole thing is being way overhyped.


    It has been told many times by top doctors, that this virus is by the very least 10x times more deadly than seasonal flu, and it is not even seasonal, it is spreading in warmclimate.


    Go find amount of deaths from seasonal flu on chart and project 10x times worse.


    Start working with charts.


  6. Just now, bax44 said:

    Nope. 8th grade. But even an 8th grader isn’t buying your nonsensical explanation. 


    I dont have to explain things like grass is green and sky is blue, to adequate people.


    You are just retarded. You cant read text and cant think by yourself. Looking for conspiracy theories, do you also believe earth is flat, and annunaki rule the planet?

  7. Just now, bax44 said:

    You only speak “truth” but choose to post a fear mongering chart that twists numbers to suit a certain narrative. So you’re a lying fucking hypocrite too? 


    You did not get it after an explanation, did you even finish high school?

  8. 1 minute ago, bax44 said:

    Lol you actually think that an insult. Sensitive much? 


    It is a disrespectful attitude that you have shown that tells me a lot.


    2 minutes ago, bax44 said:

    other people stupid and telling them they are autistic or have Alzheimer’s. 


    I only speak truth, if someone is fat, I say they are fat, if someone is stupid, I say they are stupid, and someone autistic they are autistic.


    If you consider that insult, bear in mind, the day you wont be a stupid autistic retard who does not remember what he wrote in a previous sentence, I will change my assessment and it is not based on any bias, but is objective judgement.

    • Haha 1

  9. 4 minutes ago, SirPalomides said:

    Oh dang, so now the vaccines will be making everyone autistic and then the 5G will be putting out signals to activate all the newly minted autists as super-soldiers for the annunaki invasion.


    Well you will be immune to autism, as you are already an autist.

    • Like 1

  10. 10 minutes ago, bax44 said:

    Show me where I insulted you first. You cant


    LOL. Ok. Random chart guy. You win




    Like I said before you dont understand due to lack of active brain matter.


    10 minutes ago, bax44 said:

     Like I said, you dont have to be a math major to figure out theres no way in f*** that COVID is killing 3000 people "per day" like the chart says. Thats all it says and it seems to be insinuatiing it kills way more people "per day" than all those other diseases. Since COVID been around for 5 months and had a grand total of 36000 deaths as of TODAY, clearly its either making a projection or something else,


    The chart says SARS and MERS during Peak time, highly infectious new diseases are not counted the way you presume.


    We are not at peak yet, it wont be 3200 for long it can easily go higher and higher, but it is already the most deadly thing on the planet.

  11. Just now, bax44 said:

    Huge difference. Im done talking to you about it , but continue throwing insults around.


    you are incapable of reading the picture, it has quite bold text on it, does not require additional "commentary"


    you are incapable of making any logic arguments / thoughts in your brain, false assumptions based on what?


    you have linked your false assumption to my post, i.e put words into my mouth that I did not say


    Ofcourse it is for today as it is shared today, and yesterday it would be for yesterday. Imagine someone sharing amount of cases but not for today, but 2 weeks ago. Just as irrelevant as your brain matter in 2020.


    Your the one who has thrown insult first,  I dont have to be polite with dipshits, kiddo.

  12. Just now, bax44 said:

    Ok? the virus has been around for four months, at least. how is it killing 3500 people per day when the death total is at 36,000 right now? According to your chart, that total shouldve been achieved in the last ten days. Like I said, doesnt make sense.


    the speed of deaths is accelerating as is the spread of the virus, it adds 70000 people every day now


    it was less than 70000 people few weeks ago

  13. On 29.03.2020 at 12:24 AM, Starjumper said:

    How staying at home is enforced in Ecuador, the real action, for men, starts at 0:22



    They raised fines in europe up to 30.000 euros for going out for a walk.


    And in China they just kill people.

  14. 20 hours ago, waterdrop said:

    " WTF IS QI, only heard in books "   is a user here ?  


    No thats a level of a person that was worked with. Like I worked with someone who never ever meditated in lifetime, and got a person to feel energy and enter deep state meditation in one session.


    20 hours ago, waterdrop said:

    seems great even too good to be true  - to do something in one session instead of many


    @NATURE BEEING reported similar results, so I think it quite normal. If there is a huge difference in energy, you can drive through smoothly on teachers Qi.

    • Like 5

  15. 7 hours ago, thelerner said:

    You are too good for us,  We don't deserve you. 

    You should leave and find a forum that does. 

    One that gives you the accolades & respect you deserve.


    This is your perspective.

    Once I have left I have realized quite something.


    The people who don't like me here, is a bunch of trolls and delusional beings, representing a small group / social club of friends.

    What you believe is "arrogant rude bla bla bla" is just me talking truth how it is. You dont like truth, because you are incapable of learning things. If you were able to learn something, your attitude would be so very opposite.


    Once I quit the forum, I have gotten more than one dozen of PM's, whenever people were sad to see me go, or wanted a comeback, or just said that they benefitted from my posts.


    You are actually a minority, a minority of fools that have strong attachment to the board, and project their own insecurities on other people, you do spam and post alot. So you ended up believing you are = this forum. My ignore list might be "huge" but its only about 30 people, and there are 10000 members on this forum.


    This place would be much better if you all just quit but even if you dont we dont mind at all. You are fit for entertaining purposes.


    I will be waiting 10-20-30 years till you learn something, and you can expect atleast a 3 meter statue once you achieve that.

  16. 6 minutes ago, thelerner said:

    You should leave and find a forum that does. 


    You might want to leave yourself, as I am not doing that.


    Find a cozy place. Invite all your friends. Nobody who cultivates will come there, so you wont have to suffer from inferiority complexes or envy.