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  1. 49 minutes ago, freeform said:


    Ooof! A puff of smoke?!


    Sounds like a terrible alchemy accident :)



    Not the Daoist understanding. The Daoist view of Ming is different from how you're viewing karma in this instance - there certainly are accidents, mistakes etc... Lines of Ming can certainly collide and throw you off course.


    A whole picture view (whatever that is) versus one's current perspective will create debate.

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  2. When the politicians complain that TV turns the proceedings into a circus, it should be made clear that the circus was already there, and that TV has merely demonstrated that not all the performers are well trained.

    ----Edward R. Murrow


    A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.

    --Edward R. Murrow


    American traditions and the American ethic require us to be truthful, but the most important reason is that truth is the best propaganda and lies are the worst. To be persuasive we must be believable; to be believable we must be credible; to be credible we must be truthful. It is as simple as that.

    Edward R. Murrow


    We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason, if we dig deep in our history and our doctrine, and remember that we are not descended from fearful men ... We proclaim ourselves, as indeed we are, the defenders of freedom, wherever it continues to exist in the world, but we cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home.

    Edward R. Murrow


    The speed of communications is wondrous to behold. It is also true that speed can multiply the distribution of information that we know to be untrue.

    Edward R. Murrow


    No one can terrorize a whole nation, unless we are all his accomplices.

    Edward R. Murrow


    So spoke the greatest American Newsperson of all time.  We need him so much today!----  Me


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  3. On 4/26/2020 at 8:08 PM, Earl Grey said:


    The problem with being polite is that it doesn't eliminate passive-aggression-- which is harder to deal with than bluntness. 


    Sometimes, it does take a fair bit of rudeness when individuals like deranged, perverted, and dangerous people come.


    I see that there has been a name elimination here. OK, there is validity to that. From now on he will be "he who shall not be named". The Voldemort of the sexual manipulation cult.

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  4. I don't have much imbalance anymore but, when I was younger, and imbalances were fairly common, several sets of Tai Ji barefoot in short grass  and a cold shower afterwards  helped every time.  Now-a-days I prefer to do Tai Chi in a variety of shoes or barefoot(opportunity, impulse, laziness, whatever:P), living my current relationship to the surface.  I also like to use inappropriate footwear on uneven surfaces, especially in the woods.  Most of the time now, I feel like oiled ballbearings, through-out my body and spirit, no matter what my shoes are or what the surface is.   As long as I feel that, I know my Tai Chi is good.

    Admittedly though, I have never tried four inch women's heels on an uneven surface, Chen would make that very interesting but, I think I will pass:).

    • Like 2
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  5. On 4/26/2020 at 3:05 AM, SirPalomides said:

    From KY Kraft’s Beauty and the Beast





    Thank you for making me aware of Kinuko Y Craft.  I had actually read several science fiction books with her illustrations and did not realise it.  I think I may buy this calendar.



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  6. 5 hours ago, silent thunder said:

    you are so appreciated my friend!


    doubt is perhaps the most valuable of mind's toolbox (for me).


    I understand, I have a toolbox too!  I try to remind myself, every now and then to look more closely inside, to see if there is anything I need to throw out.:D

    • Haha 1

  7. 18 hours ago, silent thunder said:

    That's a surprising quote by Descartes.  To have insight into the Great Doubt.


    I have a real respect/despise relationship with the Cartesian paradigm.  Reality reduced to a grand clock that can be disassembled into separate constituent parts and reassembled and understood all by the mind of a man... such preposterousness and assumptive presumptuousness! and yet... still seemingly with his finger on the pulse with his insight into Great Doubt. 


    Perhaps its true, even a broken clock Descartes can be right twice a day. 

    Could it be i wonder, that his doubting led to his certainty... or away from it?


    I wonder when in his life he wrote that...


    While establishing the groundwork for science, Descartes was also overthrowing a system of natural philosophy that was centuries old (Aristotelian physics).

    In his "meditations" Rene Descartes uses skepticism as a vehicle to motivate his reader to “discover”.


    “Doubt is the origin of wisdom”

    ― Rene Descartes


    The doubt inherent in the questioning of existence is resolved, in that one can actually "think" and formulate the ability to doubt their own being in the world.  Descartes' statement is profound because it takes nothing for granted, and seeks a structure of certainty within existence.  Descartes uses doubt as a way to find certainty.  He is saying "doubt all things and that which sustains such scrutiny can be considered real."  Descartes uses doubt to establish a dualism between that which is living and nonliving, subjects and objects, Yin and Yang, so to speak.  Doubting is part of what makes his thinking so infallible----in his own mind.  Modern thinkers often critique him because he fails to doubt his own dualism.  But, I think he uses doubt to merely substantiate a structure that he sees as impermeable to doubt.  Through this, one can use Descartes' own penchant for doubt in a larger context, one that questions anything and everything.  Cartesian logic through doubt can be applied to any condition.  

    The ability to doubt the certainty of a dualistic mode of being would be a part of this.  

    I might also add, that I am just trying to stir up shit on TDB, philosophically speaking that is. :rolleyes:



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  8. I talk about the gods, I am an atheist. But I am an artist too, and therefore a liar. Distrust everything I say. I am telling the truth.

    --------- Ursula K. Le Guin


    If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things.  

    -----------   Descartes

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    Historic aerial footage of Philadelphia on April 5, 2020, like it's never been seen before - during a quarantine shelter in place order during the COVID-19 outbreak. The absence of people and traffic give the city a surreal, eerie feeling. A big shout-out to the medical community on the front lines battling this pandemic. Thank you for your work! Stay safe everyone! Scenes include: Ben Franklin Bridge, Market Street, Logan Circle, Independence Hall, Free Library, Philadelphia City Hall, Ben Franklin Parkway and Philadelphia Museum of Art, Penn's Landing, Vine Street, North Broad Street, Christ Church, and more. Special thank you to @Jacob Christensen of JKCCine for his masterful editing of this video! Look him up for your videography needs.

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  10. 1 minute ago, dawei said:


    That had a context as does the fact that I went to him several times over several issues.   Despite what he gave in his absence for authority, I still went to him on issues.   The board seems far less balanced now.  


    Rather than argue about unverifiable intangibles, I will just go with, you were dumped as admin, because you did a lousy job. Of course the board seems less balanced--- to you!

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  11. 26 minutes ago, dawei said:


    Using 'most' would only make it more believable but not necessarily true.   


    Most of the members who have departed were not alt-right.  It has already been mentioned elsewhere, those banned in the first wave were not due to politics but infractions.  The second wave seemed less political bans but disruptions.   And most of those who left (some had no affiliation to the right but simply disgusted with the fallout) have been members here 10-15 years.  Like everyone on the board, left-center-right, they have grown of their own accord over the years, had many fights, been suspended, etc.   I don't think you have enough history here to know of the 'endless wars this board seems to attract' (paraphrase of our owner).   When you see war after war, you see a pattern to them as well. 


    They didn't have my blessing.  When I raised the issue early on, I allowed the instructions I was given from above, to "let it go".   Is that better?   


    The forum still has the same forces that caused the problems.  You can't replace right conspiracy and hate with left conspiracy and hate and expect it to get better here.   If you really want to connect all the dots, and they have been shared, I can talk in PM.   


    With you the buck stops everywhere but with you.  A true Trump philosophy. You said, "I don't think you have enough history here to know of the 'endless wars this board seems to attract";  --That is the other tactic you like do use, trying to undercut peoples' credibility with how you have been here longer or by inference that I am a newbie compared to you, etc, etc.

    Another one I love, is you saying I had my instructions from above.  Yet, I am pretty sure that most here will remember when you said " Sean lets me do whatever I want".

    You see-- that is the problem with you, you never take responsibility for your actions, you always have excuses, you love throwing up straw men.  You had the power to balance this site during your admin, you just did not have the centeredness/wisdom to do so and from this conversation here you obviously still don't.

    BTW, I do a lot of PMing but, they are all my friends.  So my PMing with you is not going to happen.

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  12. 3 hours ago, dawei said:

    you made a completely false statement.  If you don’t know every last person in depth enough to make such a false comment then it’s delusional, right?

    why not say something people can believe, like , most were...  


    OK, most were alt-right Trump sycophants, that were allowed to grow under your watch, obviously with your blessing.  Is that better?  I will risk being briefly off-topic to pin down certain things that wriggle.

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  13. 48 minutes ago, Taomeow said:

    Nice thread. 


    Paintings I like are many.  Where do I start?  Landscape, portrait, still life, allegory, alchemy?  Europe, Asia, the Americas, Africa?  Recent, ancient, well-known, mostly unknown?  OK, let's start somewhere...  last in first out?  A contemporary Ukrainian artist, Yevgeny Leshchenko.  A classical naïvist.  Here's from his cats series:


















    That was fun!

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  14. 22 minutes ago, ilumairen said:


    He connected with the OP of this thread, in a way most of us did not, and possibly could not. 


    I'm aware of posts regarding women, which (as a woman) I found personally troubling, but this isn't about me. 


    I suspect @Aetherous would still not feel welcome here, and would most likely communicate privately, or extend an invitation to his own forum. (Tagging him again, to ensure he understands your trepidation, and the options I've presented.)


    I thank you for that invitation and I value you highly.  But, that connection of which you speak, is precisely what I am worried about.

  15. 5 minutes ago, ilumairen said:



    Thanks for the query btw. I have everyday life matters to attend to, but perhaps later I'll address some of my thoughts and reasonings in more depth in my ppd, and we can explore them if you wish.



    I understand!  This is a controversial subject that could kick up some dissension!  But, more centered, basic grounding from people, that do not have a political ax to grind, are far better for inexperienced, unstable personalities (IMO).

  16. 41 minutes ago, ilumairen said:



    There are other threads here from the OP; I believe there are actually two which show suicidal ideation, and the one I linked to above. 


    IMO, he doesn't need self proclaimed gurus and psychics further messing with his head. And the less he reads into things such as the recurrence of a very common name, the better off he will be. 


    Sorry for the talking about you instead of to you @Tryingtodobetter. You could try messaging @Aetherous, as I still see his name on the active user list from time to time, and perhaps he could further assist you with grounding practices.




    Aetherous is an intelligent person and it was very unfortunate that he felt forced out of here and went to Original Dao.  I believe his different perspective on many things was a great asset to TDB.  Having said that, I am surprised that you would refer Tryingtodobetter to him for grounding.  I never saw grounding as one of Aetherous's great strengths.

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  17. 4 minutes ago, thelerner said:

    I've got nothing against the mystical/esoteric paths.  Its just, when a person is only getting the bad side and not the positives, then perhaps its time to switch to the 'plainer' world.  Without being grounded and at peace, exploring the fringe isn't a good idea.  Because real or imagined you open yourself up to negative forces. 


    BOOM!!  There you are: " Without being grounded and at peace, exploring the fringe isn't a good idea.  Because real or imagined you open yourself up to negative forces. "  Geezus H!  Why, is it so damn difficult, to get that basic truth into some peoples heads!

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  18. 1 hour ago, SirPalomides said:

    Dali invented the paranoiac critical technique which as I recall was a deliberate induction of paranoia- for instance, you go for a walk and see a crow, and then deliberately read crow-like patterns into all the surrounding architecture or landscape.  It is an interesting artistic exercise for sure. As for his motivations... well I think Andre Breton was write to dub him with the anagram “Avida Dollars.”

     There is no doubt that Dali later abandoned, much of the surrealistic philosophy in favor of capitalism.  But, that does not negate the worth of his ealier works.

    The only thing I have ever held against him on a personal level, is that he was an avowed fascist, that supported that monster Franco. 


    As to your initial post on Leonora Carrington, she was a master storyteller.  Have you ever read her short story "The Debutante"?

    It gives real insight into how her head worked.


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  19. 2 hours ago, SirPalomides said:

    “Warning Mother” by Leonora Carrington. IMO one of the greatest of the surrealist painters, better than the overrated douche Dali and the mediocre Magritte, but they unjustly are the famous ones.



    I don't entirely agree.  Leonora was inspired by the occult.  Dali mostly was inspired by fits of paronoia.  They were both very good in their own ways.  The foundation that they sprang off of was this person:




    The Song of Love (1914) - Giorgio de Chirico


    The Song of Love (1914) – Giorgio de Chirico


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