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  1. Living proof that qigong works!

    @Gerard , Thanks for replying. I searched for Bagua on google and maps in the country I live but couldn't find anything. I live in middle east and here things like Bagua and TCM are considered a thing for people with extra money and many don't believe in Chinese arts here. I am learning mud walking from a Tom Bisio course. I will also lookup the video you posted.
  2. Living proof that qigong works!

    I just practiced Circle Walking from a video by Hai Yang . https://youtu.be/tS85TvMzNYU?si=fLtx8NPeeGvY4rRL I felt more open from the chest area. And I can relate to the letting go of the mental rigidity thing. After doing the circle walking I understood what it meant by "What you resist , persists" Can anyone relate to this? Can anyone recommend a complete bagua circle walking course or tutorial. I am not interested in the bagua combat stuff. Just the circle walking thing. Bagua Zhang seems so much dense compared to Xing Yi
  3. Living proof that qigong works!

    I just practiced Circle Walking from a video by Hai Yang . https://youtu.be/tS85TvMzNYU?si=fLtx8NPeeGvY4rRL I felt more open from the chest area. And I can relate to the letting go of the mental rigidity thing. After doing the circle walking I understood what it meant by "What you resist , persists" Can anyone relate to this? Also what are the chances of injury if I practice at home by just learning from a video?
  4. San Ti Shi

    I have a question. I was reading recently that Yi energy is stored in the spleen and it is related to intention and willpower. So nourishing the spleen means nourishing the Yi energy. Now San Ti Shi also cultivates Yi energy. So if we are practicing San Ti Shi, are we directly nourishing the spleen?
  5. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hi, A question to experienced folks. Do you start to feel the energy less and less overtime? After your channels are opened?
  6. https://youtu.be/rrIHto7V8Sc?si=lCQnsY-n7_LiyvK7 Can this video be followed to practice SKY yoga?
  7. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    How do you communicate with rhe energy? Do you mentally talk, guide it or just imagine it going to part of the body you want to heal.
  8. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hi, Sifu Terry. A few days ago I asked you about FP and ADHD. And as per your recommendations I practiced the MSW1 and MHP . After reading Vajra Fist's post about MSW2 being the cleanser , I also tried it once. It's been a few days I have been doing the MSW1 (90,50,40,30,10), MHP and the second meditation from Volume 7. My first impressions of MSW1 were very strong. It's like a strong medicine. I'm like what's stress and what's adhd. Also I feel like I am immune to stress. I can't get stressful even if I try. I started remembering things, where I had put the towel, where I had put my medicine, small things like that. Also I can focus a bit longer than before and I don't get stressed out when learning something. I also felt my personality changed like I my mental levels were upgraded. It felt like CEO mentality. I only tried MSW2(50,40,30,10) once and It instantly removed many negative emotions and energies from my mind. Like neediness,despair,hopelessness. That made me think that practicing MSW1 alone is not enough . I need to add MSW2 to remove the negative stuff. Like if someone is in a toxic relationship or having negative thoughts MSW2 would be good for them. I also practiced 2nd meditation from Vol 7 . For all MSW meditations the energy starts to become strong and deep in the 6th repetition. When doing this meditation I felt present and in my body , like "YOU ARE HERE, THERE'S NO STRESS , NOTHING. I AM HERE" . I felt more present and in my body. One thing I have noticed is that I think that I will do 1 set of MSW1 (90,50,40,30,10) .I do it extremely slowly as possible . I then look up the time and 25 minutes have been passed. Sifu Terry, I wanted to ask what is better. Doing one set as slow as possible or doing multiple sets with medium speed. One more thing, You mentioned that the Vol 4 has all the benefits of the previous 3 volumes. So does this mean Vol 4 will affect the frontal lobes also. I myself haven't oracticed Volume 4 yet, but I intend to. Sifu Terry, I searched this thread for thyroid but couldn't find any post. If you may, Would you recommend a meditation for thyroid balancing. Thanks.
  9. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    @Vajra Fist May I ask what kind of cleansing do you mean by msw2. For me msw1 feels like the grand of all of them. And Vol7 feels like advanced stuff. Especially the third meditation feels like it activates the artistic side of the mind.
  10. Primordial qigong aka Tai Chi for Enlightenment

    I have the Tai chi for Liberation dvd. I have learnt the Earth Form. It kinda stills the mind but I still don't understand it's health benefits like with other meditations we know what we can expect from it. What should one expect from this Primordial Qigong.
  11. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Thanks for your answer Sifu Terry. I am at a period in my life where I am humbled down and I am very grateful to this forum through which I can reach you. Sifu Terry, You mentioned the man having positive experiences with FP Qigong. Is there any specific Vol of the series which he practices to calm down his mind?
  12. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hi Sifu Terry, I wanted to ask if you have ever heard of adhd being cured/healed by practicing Flying Phoenix Qigong.
  13. Balancing Too Much Yin? How?

    San Ti Shi is something recommended by BKF to build up yang energy in the body.
  14. Which Dan Tian Gong do you practice specifically?