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Everything posted by sagebrush

  1. Distribution of I.Q

    I always find it amusing when others berate, the cultures and peoples that brought forth much of the technologies that they use to berate them with to include laws and cultures,. all the while extolling the virtues of cultures or peoples that they do not live with or follow who have not. not sure I understand that statement. I read it several times maybe I would want to understand what your thought process is can you provide and example-simple. I do not think I am berating. I think that IQ has a place somewhere. it is part of testing for things like act/sat..entrance exams whatnot.. I think that there could be no race superior to any other by matter of intelligence. I get too bored with statistics. nice that you can zero in on info and like to examine things like that. I am satisfied that in my heart of hearts and in my own limited intelligence that we are all equal. not concerned with color/gender or creeds... it might be good to examine a variety to cultures to pick and choose some better routes to it might be best to eat a Mediterranean diet vs say an average American diet.... who is the smarter race? no such thing but now when it comes to cat and dogs... cats are smarter than dogs by far. meow
  2. Distribution of I.Q

    I would first like to go back and ask Shinto what is your agenda/hope in presenting the material about distribution of IQ? I can speculate that you may have above average intelligence. maybe not. then a few other pot stirring folks want to play the racial card...including Linda's oppositional viewers-she who is just out trying to collect/organize data, perhaps there are as many different IQ's as grains of sand on the beach.....I can concur with that someone will be faster someone slower someone fat someone skinny someone in the middle and someone in the margins.. there would have to be an awful lot of testing and I am not sure what it would then prove. many smart people that I have read about tend to leave society..... Thoreau, jung, merton, Pocahontas...tossing in a native American woman to balance out the dominate white male role another wonderful documentary I watched was about a school called shanti bhavan.... incredibly profound and inspiring. a man sold his fortune 500 business and built a school to educate a select few the lowest of the caste system in India...the untouchables.....from kindergarten to high school age. while the box office accumulates big dollars for nonsense movie making........some info like Shanti Bhavan go unnoticed. most beautiful not so good with history with middle ages and renaissance although the baroque music sure is beyond compare. shall we take an IQ test Shinto so we know? break through thinkers? I thought there was nothing new under the sun. what information do you want to present Shinto--do you have any breaks? man is suppose to be the most intelligent on the planet...but I find that difficult to believe considering what is happening in developed locations....
  3. Distribution of I.Q

    or find acceptance with archaic spelling and/or misspellings how does anyone truly define intelligence? an IQ test score? what if someone had a stroke and lost some brain capacity functioning and fail testing but know happiness walking the dog in the bitter cold and small joys in a garden? I watched a documentary recently it. the gist of it was a special woman who (dr.Nise) opted for mentally ill patients to create art and care for stray animals many whom would be considered totally stupid- according to THE IQ standard of measure and be in line for lobotomy or medications many incredible works of art and healing..... what can a smart man not see that a dumb one can? sorry my thinking is thinking
  4. simplify

    & Q's
  5. simplify

    uncommonly good cookies made by elves....big business
  6. Saving the World & Solar Energy

    where are you getting your facts and how could they be accurate. slowly coming to the united states solar power..... you have got to be joking almost 20 years ago I painted steel structures over parking lot spaces on several naval bases in southern California- these structures house solar panels. 1/2 years work on scissor lifts.... several other customers of mine used solar. southern California in palm springs full of wind mills.... no I cannot agree with your facts....... and it is not important that I discredit your ideas nor dig into documentation. I just do not agree with that sentence mostly
  7. https: not secure

    some of the best hiking I have experienced was with an older man named Mac in the high sierras. mammouth lakes ca. always off topic and nothing to say
  8. simplify
  9. Haiku Chain

    you will never know "stupid is as stupid does" quote dear Forest Gump.
  10. Drawn to the Occult

    you using my own words to build your narrative. it frustrates me. it actually infuriates me. in truth you are free to your own interpretation like I am mine neither one right or wrong all or none. you look out to a crowd of people and you think ah everyone knows about avatar because your world has consisted of avatar. but I don't know avatar and I do not think I want to understand or know avatar. but you stand there like everyone know avatar. and if we are going to be clear on energy body......there is long standing debate. this is just meant to you as in you understood as in anyone.... not a you directly. I think you think I should be living my life as you see fit. they strengthen their own unhealthy patterns.....I quote you...... what about you....what do YOU DO?
  11. Favorite Daoist Quote

    quick to listen and slow to speak go placidly among the noise and haste/ desiderata
  12. Favorite Daoist Quote

    "plop"..... ( jumping in the pond) behind the delighted teahouse. :-) I do not know any by memory.
  13. Haiku Chain

    All blissfull silence ah! prostrate with flatulence Now! a toad, bubbles.
  14. What are you watching on Youtube?

    I had it written for me today 3 kinds of change: the kind you want the kind you don't want the kind I don't care about. I will have to consider that. then as it was being written I can think of the serenity prayer. it was what I was thinking. god grant me the courage to accept the things I cannot change the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. yes, things did not go my way.... I have nothing else to say today. and if I have taken space inside this post then just overlook it please
  15. What are you watching on Youtube?

    I specifically remarked about the initial piercings/conservative. and its tumbling into speculation.
  16. What are you watching on Youtube?

    it may be clip on jewelry ...costume jewelry without having to consider tens of thousands of years or written language... or women. if you are are conservative.
  17. What are you listening to?

    fascinated today with random pbs radio villalobos harmonica concerto I had not listened to harmonica played as such
  18. hmmm. I used to drive by often the building in Oceanside. My uncle called the steep road the Rosicrucian Grade like explaining direction some place. We travelled that way many times mostly to get Anitas Mexican food. best salsa in the world! never went in or visited or considered anything like that at that particular time in my life. San Jose?
  19. Bed and Body Vibrations during sleep.

    that sounds terrible to me. my bed does not vibrate and I do not describe anything in my individual landscape as that. like I want to is not me because it is not. are you referencing PNW? book?
  20. L & S

    am I allowed to welcome someone to forum. I certainly hope. adding to title to wonderful song I heard this morning> I think it was bellamy brothers let your love flow.... I won't post the click the link to hear it. just search for it if you really want to listen. beautiful sunny fall morning headed to work a few hours ago.... joyful song from '76 welcome to the dao bums
  21. I am not too crabby tired to argue over here though. you want to dance here? I hope you are wearing the correct shoes.
  22. End of Seeking?

    I am learning to not participate when I am tired. part of my acceptance training through the rejection I will ketchup with you later. maybe
  23. End of Seeking?

    the insulation may contain asbestos. these matters are reasons for education and immanent awareness. picking the correct Niosh respirator might be a tad bit more significant than all the spiritual whatever it is. something that agitates for sure grace and gene wilder............................. makes me ponder
  24. End of Seeking?

    just enjoying the kaleidoscope- and my point of reference unfortunately is my filter(s) lingo/linga potato/potatoe :-) its all carbohydrates.....those words